An assistantcoach ispointing outsomething tosomeone whodoesn't care% of a time ateam winsafter doingsomethingSteph Currychews hismouthguardtoo muchOff-brandpromotion (golfnext week,cartoons afterthe game, etc.)AndreIguodala'sage ismentionedMarkJacksonsays "Mamathere goesthat man"Excessivesponsorship(Verizon freethrows, IBMdunk of the day,etc.)MarkJacksonsays "Handsdown, mandown"Somethingless than 10-0 beingcalled a"run"Draymondargues with therefs, theyignore him likehe's not eventhereUninformativemidgameinterview withthe headcoachMarkJacksonsays "Whatcan browndo for you?"Van Gundyexplainswhat the refsare doingrightAn old songplays whilecutting tocommercialsthat makes yougo WTFSmart's offenseis ignored toremind you he'sdefensive MVPInjurycomebackstory thatevery NBA fanis aware ofVan Gundyexplainswhat the refsare doingwrongBeing #1 insome contrivedcategory(defensiveefficiency, etc.)NoticeablyforcedMichaelJordancomparisonLack of recognitionearly in career isbrought up as ifyou knew whatKobe was doing at8 y.o."Going small" or"big" is saidwhen subs aremade forprobablyanother reasonHow did Ainge,Brad Stevens,and Udoka getwhere theyare?Van Gundyexplains whatrules are andwhat theyshould beJaysonTatumairballAn assistantcoach ispointing outsomething tosomeone whodoesn't care% of a time ateam winsafter doingsomethingSteph Currychews hismouthguardtoo muchOff-brandpromotion (golfnext week,cartoons afterthe game, etc.)AndreIguodala'sage ismentionedMarkJacksonsays "Mamathere goesthat man"Excessivesponsorship(Verizon freethrows, IBMdunk of the day,etc.)MarkJacksonsays "Handsdown, mandown"Somethingless than 10-0 beingcalled a"run"Draymondargues with therefs, theyignore him likehe's not eventhereUninformativemidgameinterview withthe headcoachMarkJacksonsays "Whatcan browndo for you?"Van Gundyexplainswhat the refsare doingrightAn old songplays whilecutting tocommercialsthat makes yougo WTFSmart's offenseis ignored toremind you he'sdefensive MVPInjurycomebackstory thatevery NBA fanis aware ofVan Gundyexplainswhat the refsare doingwrongBeing #1 insome contrivedcategory(defensiveefficiency, etc.)NoticeablyforcedMichaelJordancomparisonLack of recognitionearly in career isbrought up as ifyou knew whatKobe was doing at8 y.o."Going small" or"big" is saidwhen subs aremade forprobablyanother reasonHow did Ainge,Brad Stevens,and Udoka getwhere theyare?Van Gundyexplains whatrules are andwhat theyshould beJaysonTatumairball

2022 NBA Finals BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. An assistant coach is pointing out something to someone who doesn't care
  2. % of a time a team wins after doing something
  3. Steph Curry chews his mouthguard too much
  4. Off-brand promotion (golf next week, cartoons after the game, etc.)
  5. Andre Iguodala's age is mentioned
  6. Mark Jackson says "Mama there goes that man"
  7. Excessive sponsorship (Verizon free throws, IBM dunk of the day, etc.)
  8. Mark Jackson says "Hands down, man down"
  9. Something less than 10-0 being called a "run"
  10. Draymond argues with the refs, they ignore him like he's not even there
  11. Uninformative midgame interview with the head coach
  12. Mark Jackson says "What can brown do for you?"
  13. Van Gundy explains what the refs are doing right
  14. An old song plays while cutting to commercials that makes you go WTF
  15. Smart's offense is ignored to remind you he's defensive MVP
  16. Injury comeback story that every NBA fan is aware of
  17. Van Gundy explains what the refs are doing wrong
  18. Being #1 in some contrived category (defensive efficiency, etc.)
  19. Noticeably forced Michael Jordan comparison
  20. Lack of recognition early in career is brought up as if you knew what Kobe was doing at 8 y.o.
  21. "Going small" or "big" is said when subs are made for probably another reason
  22. How did Ainge, Brad Stevens, and Udoka get where they are?
  23. Van Gundy explains what rules are and what they should be
  24. Jayson Tatum airball