Collects M&Mmemorabilia(the chocolatecandy)Drank atleast 2 sodawaters/perday for thepast yearHas changedtheir lastname 4 timessince workingat BCIWas inGuinness bookof world record( y'all have tofind out forwhat!)hastattoo ofa turtleFind someonewith the samebirthdaymonth as youFavoritemovie isInception!has thelongest andthe shortedcommute toworkis aprofessionalBowlerPlayed Canada'sNational sport forhis whole life (hint... Canada'snational sport is nothockey)Love to Head out toJordan River whenthe waves arepumping to catchsome waves ontheir surfboardSky dived inNewZealandduring myhoneymoonHas a dinosaurtattoo ( real ortemp... you willneed to findout)PlayedTrumpet ina marchingbandHasmet BillClinton!Brings ahair dryerto work!Raced GoCarts inhighschoolFind someonewith the samebirthday dateas youFrom thecity ofTerra-cottaWarriorsOwnsa boatrecentproudowner of akegeratorOwns a fullystored 1953Chevy truckalways havesnacks intheir draweris aDragonboatPaddlerCollects M&Mmemorabilia(the chocolatecandy)Drank atleast 2 sodawaters/perday for thepast yearHas changedtheir lastname 4 timessince workingat BCIWas inGuinness bookof world record( y'all have tofind out forwhat!)hastattoo ofa turtleFind someonewith the samebirthdaymonth as youFavoritemovie isInception!has thelongest andthe shortedcommute toworkis aprofessionalBowlerPlayed Canada'sNational sport forhis whole life (hint... Canada'snational sport is nothockey)Love to Head out toJordan River whenthe waves arepumping to catchsome waves ontheir surfboardSky dived inNewZealandduring myhoneymoonHas a dinosaurtattoo ( real ortemp... you willneed to findout)PlayedTrumpet ina marchingbandHasmet BillClinton!Brings ahair dryerto work!Raced GoCarts inhighschoolFind someonewith the samebirthday dateas youFrom thecity ofTerra-cottaWarriorsOwnsa boatrecentproudowner of akegeratorOwns a fullystored 1953Chevy truckalways havesnacks intheir draweris aDragonboatPaddler

IAB & Fin Ops Ice Breaker Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Collects M&M memorabilia (the chocolate candy)
  2. Drank at least 2 soda waters/per day for the past year
  3. Has changed their last name 4 times since working at BCI
  4. Was in Guinness book of world record ( y'all have to find out for what!)
  5. has tattoo of a turtle
  6. Find someone with the same birthday month as you
  7. Favorite movie is Inception!
  8. has the longest and the shorted commute to work
  9. is a professional Bowler
  10. Played Canada's National sport for his whole life ( hint... Canada's national sport is not hockey)
  11. Love to Head out to Jordan River when the waves are pumping to catch some waves on their surfboard
  12. Sky dived in New Zealand during my honeymoon
  13. Has a dinosaur tattoo ( real or temp... you will need to find out)
  14. Played Trumpet in a marching band
  15. Has met Bill Clinton!
  16. Brings a hair dryer to work!
  17. Raced Go Carts in high school
  18. Find someone with the same birthday date as you
  19. From the city of Terra-cotta Warriors
  20. Owns a boat
  21. recent proud owner of a kegerator
  22. Owns a fully stored 1953 Chevy truck
  23. always have snacks in their drawer
  24. is a Dragon boat Paddler