100 WINbefore12:00CSTfind a way toreferencesomethingrelated to thewizard of oz ona callset someoneusingProCare orHimamaDraw a pictureof yourself andshare in theteam slackchannelshare a picture in ourteam channel ofsomething you wouldbuy with an extra$5,000. (somethingfun, not bills, debt,etc.)celebrate in theteam channelwhenever youget hung up onduring or after arebuttaluse a pre-pitch rebuttalto get into apitchgo for the OTFas the onlysuggestedoption initiallywhen going for asetsetafter1:00cstUse just andthank youwith a GK toreach a DMsend a slack tosomeone on theteam andcomplementthem or givethem kudosget adeal!OTFsetbefore12:00 cstreschedulea flakeddemoSlack Tim Alvarezand tell him howmany sets you aregoing to get today(please don't say1)say"howdypartna" toa GKListen to one ofthe recordingsthat BK postedin the OB_SDRslack channelhold ademowe did this beforebut it was funny:fake sneeze on acall and share therecording in teamslack channelUse 3rebuttalson onecallpost a mentalitytrick or tip thathas helped youto our teamchannel2sets200WIN100 WINbefore12:00CSTfind a way toreferencesomethingrelated to thewizard of oz ona callset someoneusingProCare orHimamaDraw a pictureof yourself andshare in theteam slackchannelshare a picture in ourteam channel ofsomething you wouldbuy with an extra$5,000. (somethingfun, not bills, debt,etc.)celebrate in theteam channelwhenever youget hung up onduring or after arebuttaluse a pre-pitch rebuttalto get into apitchgo for the OTFas the onlysuggestedoption initiallywhen going for asetsetafter1:00cstUse just andthank youwith a GK toreach a DMsend a slack tosomeone on theteam andcomplementthem or givethem kudosget adeal!OTFsetbefore12:00 cstreschedulea flakeddemoSlack Tim Alvarezand tell him howmany sets you aregoing to get today(please don't say1)say"howdypartna" toa GKListen to one ofthe recordingsthat BK postedin the OB_SDRslack channelhold ademowe did this beforebut it was funny:fake sneeze on acall and share therecording in teamslack channelUse 3rebuttalson onecallpost a mentalitytrick or tip thathas helped youto our teamchannel2sets200WIN

Wheel Talk Friday BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 100 WIN before 12:00CST
  2. find a way to reference something related to the wizard of oz on a call
  3. set someone using ProCare or Himama
  4. Draw a picture of yourself and share in the team slack channel
  5. share a picture in our team channel of something you would buy with an extra $5,000. (something fun, not bills, debt, etc.)
  6. celebrate in the team channel whenever you get hung up on during or after a rebuttal
  7. use a pre-pitch rebuttal to get into a pitch
  8. go for the OTF as the only suggested option initially when going for a set
  9. set after 1:00cst
  10. Use just and thank you with a GK to reach a DM
  11. send a slack to someone on the team and complement them or give them kudos
  12. get a deal!
  13. OTF
  14. set before 12:00 cst
  15. reschedule a flaked demo
  16. Slack Tim Alvarez and tell him how many sets you are going to get today (please don't say 1)
  17. say "howdy partna" to a GK
  18. Listen to one of the recordings that BK posted in the OB_SDR slack channel
  19. hold a demo
  20. we did this before but it was funny: fake sneeze on a call and share the recording in team slack channel
  21. Use 3 rebuttals on one call
  22. post a mentality trick or tip that has helped you to our team channel
  23. 2 sets
  24. 200 WIN