Someonegetting upsetbecause thefightingtakes forever Someone (who isnteven playing)randomly joins theVC and startstalking about smthunrelated Someone complainingabout their character,that they made, beingweak WHILE ALSOmaking fun ofsomeone else formaking a strongcharacter and "needinga shower" Someoneasking everyturn whatthey can doin combat *30 minutemonologueabout howcool theircharacter isSomeonegetting upsetaboutencounterbeing toodifficult*Someonewants to endsession/"takea break" toplay leaguSomeonetrying tobuy/sellpeople and/orrape them*Someonegetting upsetbecause notenoughfightingSomeonegetting upsetbecause thefightingtakes forever Someone (who isnteven playing)randomly joins theVC and startstalking about smthunrelated Someone complainingabout their character,that they made, beingweak WHILE ALSOmaking fun ofsomeone else formaking a strongcharacter and "needinga shower" Someoneasking everyturn whatthey can doin combat *30 minutemonologueabout howcool theircharacter isSomeonegetting upsetaboutencounterbeing toodifficult*Someonewants to endsession/"takea break" toplay leaguSomeonetrying tobuy/sellpeople and/orrape them*Someonegetting upsetbecause notenoughfighting

Roach DnD Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Someone getting upset because the fighting takes forever
  2. Someone (who isnt even playing) randomly joins the VC and starts talking about smth unrelated
  3. Someone complaining about their character, that they made, being weak WHILE ALSO making fun of someone else for making a strong character and "needing a shower"
  4. Someone asking every turn what they can do in combat
  5. *30 minute monologue about how cool their character is
  6. Someone getting upset about encounter being too difficult
  7. *Someone wants to end session/"take a break" to play leagu
  8. Someone trying to buy/sell people and/or rape them
  9. *Someone getting upset because not enough fighting