Off theRecord is agameshowinvestigationtrackMan in theGirls' High isjust anenvironmentaltrack.Sweet Homeis the themeof Shoma'sRoomAITSF trackswill return,and at least1 would be aspoiler.NonentityIncognito isthe MaskedWoman'sSomniumHomicide toGenocide does,in fact, describethe culprit(s)'goals.All 3 of thegirlboss gangwill sing theirsong ingame.NightmareIrreconcilableis Tearer'sSomniumHalf to Wholegoes from aKizuna love songto a generalrelationship song.NemesisIdentified isAmame's FirstSomnium, orIris's"you knoweverything"is a ButterflyDreamsEND song.The HoradoriHolding Cellwill *not* useLab ofInsanityTearer'sSqueeze, asa title, isn't tobe takenliterallyQuiz Nirvineis withinAmame'sSomniumLeitmotifswill beshared insongs withfalling titles.Need InfoisKomeji'sSomniumSee CredibleHomies is atrack used forthe KizunafriendgroupSnowyNonlogical is acorpse-discovery songfor Side Mizuki.Tears Overflowis our new sadtrack, and *also*a TearerreferenceMorph toSoul is anendingthemeNefariousInstitute 1+2imply Chikara'sSomnium splits.nirvanAInitiative is aSomniumtrackNeuroticInceptionis Gen'sSomniumBats490 -1sttake- is aSomniumtrack.Off theRecord is agameshowinvestigationtrackMan in theGirls' High isjust anenvironmentaltrack.Sweet Homeis the themeof Shoma'sRoomAITSF trackswill return,and at least1 would be aspoiler.NonentityIncognito isthe MaskedWoman'sSomniumHomicide toGenocide does,in fact, describethe culprit(s)'goals.All 3 of thegirlboss gangwill sing theirsong ingame.NightmareIrreconcilableis Tearer'sSomniumHalf to Wholegoes from aKizuna love songto a generalrelationship song.NemesisIdentified isAmame's FirstSomnium, orIris's"you knoweverything"is a ButterflyDreamsEND song.The HoradoriHolding Cellwill *not* useLab ofInsanityTearer'sSqueeze, asa title, isn't tobe takenliterallyQuiz Nirvineis withinAmame'sSomniumLeitmotifswill beshared insongs withfalling titles.Need InfoisKomeji'sSomniumSee CredibleHomies is atrack used forthe KizunafriendgroupSnowyNonlogical is acorpse-discovery songfor Side Mizuki.Tears Overflowis our new sadtrack, and *also*a TearerreferenceMorph toSoul is anendingthemeNefariousInstitute 1+2imply Chikara'sSomnium splits.nirvanAInitiative is aSomniumtrackNeuroticInceptionis Gen'sSomniumBats490 -1sttake- is aSomniumtrack.

AINI OST Predictions Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Off the Record is a gameshow investigation track
  2. Man in the Girls' High is just an environmental track.
  3. Sweet Home is the theme of Shoma's Room
  4. AITSF tracks will return, and at least 1 would be a spoiler.
  5. Nonentity Incognito is the Masked Woman's Somnium
  6. Homicide to Genocide does, in fact, describe the culprit(s)' goals.
  7. All 3 of the girlboss gang will sing their song in game.
  8. Nightmare Irreconcilable is Tearer's Somnium
  9. Half to Whole goes from a Kizuna love song to a general relationship song.
  10. Nemesis Identified is Amame's First Somnium, or Iris's
  11. "you know everything" is a Butterfly Dreams END song.
  12. The Horadori Holding Cell will *not* use Lab of Insanity
  13. Tearer's Squeeze, as a title, isn't to be taken literally
  14. Quiz Nirvine is within Amame's Somnium
  15. Leitmotifs will be shared in songs with falling titles.
  16. Need Info is Komeji's Somnium
  17. See Credible Homies is a track used for the Kizuna friendgroup
  18. Snowy Nonlogical is a corpse-discovery song for Side Mizuki.
  19. Tears Overflow is our new sad track, and *also* a Tearer reference
  20. Morph to Soul is an ending theme
  21. Nefarious Institute 1+2 imply Chikara's Somnium splits.
  22. nirvanA Initiative is a Somnium track
  23. Neurotic Inception is Gen's Somnium
  24. Bats490 -1st take- is a Somnium track.