Kill 8players ina singledrop.Drop withnoWeapons.Dropwith nomedsExtractsuccessfully whilestanding in thedropship for theentire duration thatis possible.Drop withnobackpack.Extract with10 HardenedBone Plates.Locate anenemy withBlue gear andsuccessfullyland a knife killon them.Dropwith noweaponsGet a killduring thestorm.Extractwith 95kin value.Land a killhip firingwith theK-28.Drop withno morethan 2grenades.Pick up anenemy gun,then get a killwith that gun.Repeat this twotimes.Drop with atleast 1Exoticweapon butno armor.Get 2 killswith a Blueor rarerweaponGet a killwith aWhiteGun.Extractsuccessfully butWITH an enemy.(Use yournegotiation skills)Kill 8players ina singledrop.Drop withnoWeapons.Dropwith nomedsExtractsuccessfully whilestanding in thedropship for theentire duration thatis possible.Drop withnobackpack.Extract with10 HardenedBone Plates.Locate anenemy withBlue gear andsuccessfullyland a knife killon them.Dropwith noweaponsGet a killduring thestorm.Extractwith 95kin value.Land a killhip firingwith theK-28.Drop withno morethan 2grenades.Pick up anenemy gun,then get a killwith that gun.Repeat this twotimes.Drop with atleast 1Exoticweapon butno armor.Get 2 killswith a Blueor rarerweaponGet a killwith aWhiteGun.Extractsuccessfully butWITH an enemy.(Use yournegotiation skills)

The Cycler for CHAPO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Kill 8 players in a single drop.
  2. Drop with no Weapons.
  3. Drop with no meds
  4. Extract successfully while standing in the dropship for the entire duration that is possible.
  5. Drop with no backpack.
  6. Extract with 10 Hardened Bone Plates.
  7. Locate an enemy with Blue gear and successfully land a knife kill on them.
  8. Drop with no weapons
  9. Get a kill during the storm.
  10. Extract with 95k in value.
  11. Land a kill hip firing with the K-28.
  12. Drop with no more than 2 grenades.
  13. Pick up an enemy gun, then get a kill with that gun. Repeat this two times.
  14. Drop with at least 1 Exotic weapon but no armor.
  15. Get 2 kills with a Blue or rarer weapon
  16. Get a kill with a White Gun.
  17. Extract successfully but WITH an enemy. (Use your negotiation skills)