"Alpha-beta" dynamicto the werewolvesthat is forgottenabout until the plotneeds Jacob to beforced to dosomething out ofcharacterWerewolves andvampires areconvenientlyevenly matched interms of physicalstrengthRobert Pattinsonis noticably mucholder by the lastmovie despiteEdward not agingGratuitouscelebritycameoAll vampires speakwith sameAmerican accentdespite somebeing thousandsof years oldProblematicsexual assaultscene that wassort of fine at thetime but weird nowin hindsightVampire/Werewolfhybrid big baddieguyBellas baby bornunexpectedly earlybecause of vampirereasons, regularhuman doctorsconfused but almostimmediately forgetabout itIt is never explainedwhy a vampire is in aregular school withstudents hundreds ofyears younger thanhimActual churchweddingadministered bya priest withvampires inattendanceRomanticscenes featurepop songs withincredibly on thenose lyricsVampireshave weirdlyChristianmoral valuesBella turns into avampire, thenback into ahuman, thenback into avampireOther vampiresare creeped outby Edwardsmuch youngergirlfriendVampires don'tunderstand basichouseholdappliances for nological reasonNew boy transfersinto same schoolfrom out of state, isalso a vampire butnot revealed untilmuch laterPermanentlate fall/earlyWinter forthe entireseriesBella owns aregular dogwho can detectwerewolves inhuman formLocal elderlyretired schoolteacher turnsout to bevampire expertJacob dies in theend becauseRobert Pattinsonis moremarketableShirtlesswerewolf vsvampirebasketballgameBellas parentsare completelyirrelevant to theplot, but notdeadNo lgbt+ orminoritycharacters withsignificant rolein the plotCharacters all stopregularly attendingschool within anhour of the first filmwith noconsequences forthis"Alpha-beta" dynamicto the werewolvesthat is forgottenabout until the plotneeds Jacob to beforced to dosomething out ofcharacterWerewolves andvampires areconvenientlyevenly matched interms of physicalstrengthRobert Pattinsonis noticably mucholder by the lastmovie despiteEdward not agingGratuitouscelebritycameoAll vampires speakwith sameAmerican accentdespite somebeing thousandsof years oldProblematicsexual assaultscene that wassort of fine at thetime but weird nowin hindsightVampire/Werewolfhybrid big baddieguyBellas baby bornunexpectedly earlybecause of vampirereasons, regularhuman doctorsconfused but almostimmediately forgetabout itIt is never explainedwhy a vampire is in aregular school withstudents hundreds ofyears younger thanhimActual churchweddingadministered bya priest withvampires inattendanceRomanticscenes featurepop songs withincredibly on thenose lyricsVampireshave weirdlyChristianmoral valuesBella turns into avampire, thenback into ahuman, thenback into avampireOther vampiresare creeped outby Edwardsmuch youngergirlfriendVampires don'tunderstand basichouseholdappliances for nological reasonNew boy transfersinto same schoolfrom out of state, isalso a vampire butnot revealed untilmuch laterPermanentlate fall/earlyWinter forthe entireseriesBella owns aregular dogwho can detectwerewolves inhuman formLocal elderlyretired schoolteacher turnsout to bevampire expertJacob dies in theend becauseRobert Pattinsonis moremarketableShirtlesswerewolf vsvampirebasketballgameBellas parentsare completelyirrelevant to theplot, but notdeadNo lgbt+ orminoritycharacters withsignificant rolein the plotCharacters all stopregularly attendingschool within anhour of the first filmwith noconsequences forthis

Twilight predictions Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. "Alpha-beta" dynamic to the werewolves that is forgotten about until the plot needs Jacob to be forced to do something out of character
  2. Werewolves and vampires are conveniently evenly matched in terms of physical strength
  3. Robert Pattinson is noticably much older by the last movie despite Edward not aging
  4. Gratuitous celebrity cameo
  5. All vampires speak with same American accent despite some being thousands of years old
  6. Problematic sexual assault scene that was sort of fine at the time but weird now in hindsight
  7. Vampire/Werewolf hybrid big baddie guy
  8. Bellas baby born unexpectedly early because of vampire reasons, regular human doctors confused but almost immediately forget about it
  9. It is never explained why a vampire is in a regular school with students hundreds of years younger than him
  10. Actual church wedding administered by a priest with vampires in attendance
  11. Romantic scenes feature pop songs with incredibly on the nose lyrics
  12. Vampires have weirdly Christian moral values
  13. Bella turns into a vampire, then back into a human, then back into a vampire
  14. Other vampires are creeped out by Edwards much younger girlfriend
  15. Vampires don't understand basic household appliances for no logical reason
  16. New boy transfers into same school from out of state, is also a vampire but not revealed until much later
  17. Permanent late fall/early Winter for the entire series
  18. Bella owns a regular dog who can detect werewolves in human form
  19. Local elderly retired school teacher turns out to be vampire expert
  20. Jacob dies in the end because Robert Pattinson is more marketable
  21. Shirtless werewolf vs vampire basketball game
  22. Bellas parents are completely irrelevant to the plot, but not dead
  23. No lgbt+ or minority characters with significant role in the plot
  24. Characters all stop regularly attending school within an hour of the first film with no consequences for this