Find the arch ofthe old nanyanguniversity, take agroup picture atthe location-find a SCSEprof, take apicture with himand asks himwhat mod heteachesfind someone in theschool that is wearingany other non SCSESHIRTS NTU shirts(NTU sports club,NBS, generic NTUshirt)Take apicture ofyour OGhaving lunchtogether ControlPointControlPointtake a grouppicture of urOG at theSCSEloungetake the NTUshuttle bus andhear listen toseniorscomplaint aboutTongTar-find the northspine plaza logo,take a picture andtry to replicate thelogo with a pose ControlPointDo a Tik Tokdance withyour OGmemberswe have anunmannedstore in NTU,find out whatstore it is andtake a picture!ControlPoint-find any 2waterfalls/waterfoundations inNTU, take apicture of it.-Spot a fellowmonkeyresident atPalau NTU(DOnot provoke it)-find out theprice of a MC atFullerton health(tip: u don'thave to visitFullerton)obtain pictures ofthese 3 bubble teashops scatteredacross North spineand SS/hive. - LiHoTea, each a cup andchi chatake pictures of4 different busstops where thecampus ridermakes a stop atControlPoint-take 3 differentpictures wherethe NTU schoollogo(with thelion) can befoundfind out what isthe mostexpensive andmost cheap foodat north spinekoufu-Locate twoTOP 5members andtake a grouppicture withthem. count the distinctnumber of fast-foodrestaurants innorthespine (KFC,mac, pizza hut,subway,long john,pasta express..)-find out themaximumseatingcapacity ofLT2A-find someone inthe school that'swearing a NTUSCSE logo shirtSPECIFICALLY,take a picture withhim/her Find the arch ofthe old nanyanguniversity, take agroup picture atthe location-find a SCSEprof, take apicture with himand asks himwhat mod heteachesfind someone in theschool that is wearingany other non SCSESHIRTS NTU shirts(NTU sports club,NBS, generic NTUshirt)Take apicture ofyour OGhaving lunchtogether ControlPointControlPointtake a grouppicture of urOG at theSCSEloungetake the NTUshuttle bus andhear listen toseniorscomplaint aboutTongTar-find the northspine plaza logo,take a picture andtry to replicate thelogo with a pose ControlPointDo a Tik Tokdance withyour OGmemberswe have anunmannedstore in NTU,find out whatstore it is andtake a picture!ControlPoint-find any 2waterfalls/waterfoundations inNTU, take apicture of it.-Spot a fellowmonkeyresident atPalau NTU(DOnot provoke it)-find out theprice of a MC atFullerton health(tip: u don'thave to visitFullerton)obtain pictures ofthese 3 bubble teashops scatteredacross North spineand SS/hive. - LiHoTea, each a cup andchi chatake pictures of4 different busstops where thecampus ridermakes a stop atControlPoint-take 3 differentpictures wherethe NTU schoollogo(with thelion) can befoundfind out what isthe mostexpensive andmost cheap foodat north spinekoufu-Locate twoTOP 5members andtake a grouppicture withthem. count the distinctnumber of fast-foodrestaurants innorthespine (KFC,mac, pizza hut,subway,long john,pasta express..)-find out themaximumseatingcapacity ofLT2A-find someone inthe school that'swearing a NTUSCSE logo shirtSPECIFICALLY,take a picture withhim/her 

Bingo School Tour - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Find the arch of the old nanyang university, take a group picture at the location
  2. -find a SCSE prof, take a picture with him and asks him what mod he teaches
  3. find someone in the school that is wearing any other non SCSE SHIRTS NTU shirts (NTU sports club, NBS, generic NTU shirt)
  4. Take a picture of your OG having lunch together
  5. Control Point
  6. Control Point
  7. take a group picture of ur OG at the SCSE lounge
  8. take the NTU shuttle bus and hear listen to seniors complaint about TongTar
  9. -find the north spine plaza logo, take a picture and try to replicate the logo with a pose
  10. Control Point
  11. Do a Tik Tok dance with your OG members
  12. we have an unmanned store in NTU, find out what store it is and take a picture!
  13. Control Point
  14. -find any 2 waterfalls/water foundations in NTU, take a picture of it.
  15. -Spot a fellow monkey resident at Palau NTU(DO not provoke it)
  16. -find out the price of a MC at Fullerton health (tip: u don't have to visit Fullerton)
  17. obtain pictures of these 3 bubble tea shops scattered across North spine and SS/hive. - LiHo Tea, each a cup and chi cha
  18. take pictures of 4 different bus stops where the campus rider makes a stop at
  19. Control Point
  20. -take 3 different pictures where the NTU school logo(with the lion) can be found
  21. find out what is the most expensive and most cheap food at north spine koufu
  22. -Locate two TOP 5 members and take a group picture with them.
  23. count the distinct number of fast-food restaurants in northespine (KFC, mac, pizza hut, subway,long john, pasta express..)
  24. -find out the maximum seating capacity of LT2A
  25. -find someone in the school that's wearing a NTU SCSE logo shirt SPECIFICALLY, take a picture with him/her