The intervalfrom receipt ofinfection to thetime of onset ofclinical illnessEtiology/cause of diseaseand its relevant risk factors,extent of the disease,natural history andprognosis of disease,existing and newlydeveloped preventive andtherapeutic measures andmodes of health caredelivery, developing publicpolicTotal number ofdeaths from allcauses in 1 year/ number ofpersons in thepopulationThe habitualpresence of adisease withina givengeographicareaThe study of thedistribution anddeterminants of health-related states orevents in specifiedpopulations and theapplication of thisstudy to control healthproblemsHave thediseasebut testnegativeThe occurrence in acommunity or region ofa group of illnesses ofsimilar nature, clearlyin excess of normalexpectancy andderived from acommon or apropagated sourceAn individual whoharbors the organismbut is not infected asmeasured byserologic studies orshows no evidence ofclinical illnessA disease beingtransmitted fromperson to personby means of directcontactThe resistance of agroup of people to anattack by a diseaseto which a largeproportion of themembers of thegroup are immuneThe number of newcases of a diseasethat occur during aspecific period oftime in a populationat risk for developingthe diseaseThe ability of thetest to correctlyidentify those whodo not have thediseaseSignificantmutations leadingto rearrangementof the genome thatleads to novelantigensThe ability todistinguishbetween whohas a diseaseand who doesnotA common vehiclesuch ascontaminated airor a water supplyor by a vectorsuch as amosquitoAworldwideepidemicHave thediseaseand testpositivePreventingcomplications inthose who havealready developedsigns and symptomsof an illness andhave been diagnosedInvolves identifyingpeople in whom adisease process hasalready begun butwho have not yetdeveloped clinicalsigns and symptomsof the illnessThe ability ofthe test tocorrectlyidentify thosewho have thediseaseAn action taken toprevent thedevelopment of adisease in a personwho is well and doesnot (yet) have thedisease in questionThe number of affectedpersons present in thepopulation at a specificperiod of time dividedby the number ofpersons in thepopulation at that timeThe number ofpeople at risk inwhom a certainillness develops/ Total number ofpeople at riskDiseases that werepreviously controlledbut that have onceagain become asignificant publichealth problem for avariety of reasonsTheinteraction ofthe host, theagent, and theenvironmentThe intervalfrom receipt ofinfection to thetime of onset ofclinical illnessEtiology/cause of diseaseand its relevant risk factors,extent of the disease,natural history andprognosis of disease,existing and newlydeveloped preventive andtherapeutic measures andmodes of health caredelivery, developing publicpolicTotal number ofdeaths from allcauses in 1 year/ number ofpersons in thepopulationThe habitualpresence of adisease withina givengeographicareaThe study of thedistribution anddeterminants of health-related states orevents in specifiedpopulations and theapplication of thisstudy to control healthproblemsHave thediseasebut testnegativeThe occurrence in acommunity or region ofa group of illnesses ofsimilar nature, clearlyin excess of normalexpectancy andderived from acommon or apropagated sourceAn individual whoharbors the organismbut is not infected asmeasured byserologic studies orshows no evidence ofclinical illnessA disease beingtransmitted fromperson to personby means of directcontactThe resistance of agroup of people to anattack by a diseaseto which a largeproportion of themembers of thegroup are immuneThe number of newcases of a diseasethat occur during aspecific period oftime in a populationat risk for developingthe diseaseThe ability of thetest to correctlyidentify those whodo not have thediseaseSignificantmutations leadingto rearrangementof the genome thatleads to novelantigensThe ability todistinguishbetween whohas a diseaseand who doesnotA common vehiclesuch ascontaminated airor a water supplyor by a vectorsuch as amosquitoAworldwideepidemicHave thediseaseand testpositivePreventingcomplications inthose who havealready developedsigns and symptomsof an illness andhave been diagnosedInvolves identifyingpeople in whom adisease process hasalready begun butwho have not yetdeveloped clinicalsigns and symptomsof the illnessThe ability ofthe test tocorrectlyidentify thosewho have thediseaseAn action taken toprevent thedevelopment of adisease in a personwho is well and doesnot (yet) have thedisease in questionThe number of affectedpersons present in thepopulation at a specificperiod of time dividedby the number ofpersons in thepopulation at that timeThe number ofpeople at risk inwhom a certainillness develops/ Total number ofpeople at riskDiseases that werepreviously controlledbut that have onceagain become asignificant publichealth problem for avariety of reasonsTheinteraction ofthe host, theagent, and theenvironment

Epidemiology - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. The interval from receipt of infection to the time of onset of clinical illness
  2. Etiology/cause of disease and its relevant risk factors, extent of the disease, natural history and prognosis of disease, existing and newly developed preventive and therapeutic measures and modes of health care delivery, developing public polic
  3. Total number of deaths from all causes in 1 year / number of persons in the population
  4. The habitual presence of a disease within a given geographic area
  5. The study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events in specified populations and the application of this study to control health problems
  6. Have the disease but test negative
  7. The occurrence in a community or region of a group of illnesses of similar nature, clearly in excess of normal expectancy and derived from a common or a propagated source
  8. An individual who harbors the organism but is not infected as measured by serologic studies or shows no evidence of clinical illness
  9. A disease being transmitted from person to person by means of direct contact
  10. The resistance of a group of people to an attack by a disease to which a large proportion of the members of the group are immune
  11. The number of new cases of a disease that occur during a specific period of time in a population at risk for developing the disease
  12. The ability of the test to correctly identify those who do not have the disease
  13. Significant mutations leading to rearrangement of the genome that leads to novel antigens
  14. The ability to distinguish between who has a disease and who does not
  15. A common vehicle such as contaminated air or a water supply or by a vector such as a mosquito
  16. A worldwide epidemic
  17. Have the disease and test positive
  18. Preventing complications in those who have already developed signs and symptoms of an illness and have been diagnosed
  19. Involves identifying people in whom a disease process has already begun but who have not yet developed clinical signs and symptoms of the illness
  20. The ability of the test to correctly identify those who have the disease
  21. An action taken to prevent the development of a disease in a person who is well and does not (yet) have the disease in question
  22. The number of affected persons present in the population at a specific period of time divided by the number of persons in the population at that time
  23. The number of people at risk in whom a certain illness develops / Total number of people at risk
  24. Diseases that were previously controlled but that have once again become a significant public health problem for a variety of reasons
  25. The interaction of the host, the agent, and the environment