Find a fullycheckerboardedQ wallInvitesomeoneto the HITWDiscord Win a gamewith 30 FOV(videoevidencerequired)Get any kind ofPB on thepractice server(CANNOT BE AFIRST GAME)Have a finalsround fail tostart due to toomany playersquittingBe the14th playerto queuein a lobbyWin arandommatchwith a +1Score 1 lessthan the clubyou belongtoFind the2x4rectanglewall in QQualifywith lessthan 50pointsScoreexactly 22less thanyour F pbScore a total of2000+ in onesitting on thepractice serverplaying onlyregular Q or FWin a game in whichthe sum of you andthe 2nd placeplayer's scores (canbe random or partied)is a multiple of 100Receive acomment from arandommentioning any ofthe following:grass, showers,womenGetrequeued inthemiddle of amatchQueue aHypixel Staff,YT Rank, orHITW StaffmemberScoreexactly 8less thanyour Q pbTake a ssof HITWwith 0playersTake a ss witha random withaDream skin inthe HITW lobbyFind Fuby'shidden itemon thepracticeserverTie w/arandom inBOTH Qand FFind twoplayers withmatchingskins in alobbyCreate aconsecutiveleaderboard ineither Q or F(eg 245, 244,243, 242)Find Win'shidden itemon thepracticeserverFind a fullycheckerboardedQ wallInvitesomeoneto the HITWDiscord Win a gamewith 30 FOV(videoevidencerequired)Get any kind ofPB on thepractice server(CANNOT BE AFIRST GAME)Have a finalsround fail tostart due to toomany playersquittingBe the14th playerto queuein a lobbyWin arandommatchwith a +1Score 1 lessthan the clubyou belongtoFind the2x4rectanglewall in QQualifywith lessthan 50pointsScoreexactly 22less thanyour F pbScore a total of2000+ in onesitting on thepractice serverplaying onlyregular Q or FWin a game in whichthe sum of you andthe 2nd placeplayer's scores (canbe random or partied)is a multiple of 100Receive acomment from arandommentioning any ofthe following:grass, showers,womenGetrequeued inthemiddle of amatchQueue aHypixel Staff,YT Rank, orHITW StaffmemberScoreexactly 8less thanyour Q pbTake a ssof HITWwith 0playersTake a ss witha random withaDream skin inthe HITW lobbyFind Fuby'shidden itemon thepracticeserverTie w/arandom inBOTH Qand FFind twoplayers withmatchingskins in alobbyCreate aconsecutiveleaderboard ineither Q or F(eg 245, 244,243, 242)Find Win'shidden itemon thepracticeserver

HITW Community Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Find a fully checkerboarded Q wall
  2. Invite someone to the HITW Discord
  3. Win a game with 30 FOV (video evidence required)
  4. Get any kind of PB on the practice server (CANNOT BE A FIRST GAME)
  5. Have a finals round fail to start due to too many players quitting
  6. Be the 14th player to queue in a lobby
  7. Win a random match with a +1
  8. Score 1 less than the club you belong to
  9. Find the 2x4 rectangle wall in Q
  10. Qualify with less than 50 points
  11. Score exactly 22 less than your F pb
  12. Score a total of 2000+ in one sitting on the practice server playing only regular Q or F
  13. Win a game in which the sum of you and the 2nd place player's scores (can be random or partied) is a multiple of 100
  14. Receive a comment from a random mentioning any of the following: grass, showers, women
  15. Get requeued in the middle of a match
  16. Queue a Hypixel Staff, YT Rank, or HITW Staff member
  17. Score exactly 8 less than your Q pb
  18. Take a ss of HITW with 0 players
  19. Take a ss with a random with a Dream skin in the HITW lobby
  20. Find Fuby's hidden item on the practice server
  21. Tie w/a random in BOTH Q and F
  22. Find two players with matching skins in a lobby
  23. Create a consecutive leaderboard in either Q or F (eg 245, 244, 243, 242)
  24. Find Win's hidden item on the practice server