BabylonNebuchadnezzarwas the king ofwhich city?NebuchadnezzarWhichKing builta goldstatue?7timesHow muchtimes hotterwas thefurnace?Their hairand clotheswere notburnt oraffectedWhat dideveryone noticeabout the boyswhen they cameout of the fire?4How manymen wereseen walkingaround in thefire?ShadrachMeshachAbednegoWho refusedto bow downto theimage?The firekilledthemWhat happenedto the soldierswho threw thethree boys intothe furnace?MusicThe king instructedthe people that theyshould fall down andworship the image ofgold whenever theyheard _______.That anyone whospoke against theGod of Shadrach,Meshach andAbednego wouldbe punished.What did theking commandafter the boyswere rescuedby God?DanielIn whichBook of theBible istoday's storyfound?They wouldbe throwninto a fieryfurnace.What was thepunishment forthose who didnot bow downand worship theimage?BabylonNebuchadnezzarwas the king ofwhich city?NebuchadnezzarWhichKing builta goldstatue?7timesHow muchtimes hotterwas thefurnace?Their hairand clotheswere notburnt oraffectedWhat dideveryone noticeabout the boyswhen they cameout of the fire?4How manymen wereseen walkingaround in thefire?ShadrachMeshachAbednegoWho refusedto bow downto theimage?The firekilledthemWhat happenedto the soldierswho threw thethree boys intothe furnace?MusicThe king instructedthe people that theyshould fall down andworship the image ofgold whenever theyheard _______.That anyone whospoke against theGod of Shadrach,Meshach andAbednego wouldbe punished.What did theking commandafter the boyswere rescuedby God?DanielIn whichBook of theBible istoday's storyfound?They wouldbe throwninto a fieryfurnace.What was thepunishment forthose who didnot bow downand worship theimage?

The Fiery Furnace - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.