On HolidaysI go out toexplore thelocal trails.I havevisitedover 10countriesI’ve racedon a dragstrip.Mybirthday isonHalloweenI once woke upwith shavedeyebrows aftera college partyI love heightsbut have underwater phobia –hence I can'tswim.I lovekayakingwith my 5year old boy.I went tocollege forAdvertisingDesignI have atoy poodlefrom SouthKoreaWas one of thedancers for theopening of the“SkyDome” akaRogers CentreI have4childrenI juststartedlearningpianoI participatedin a 72 ozsteakchallengeMy dream trip isgoing to Tibet,exploring the PotalaPalace and set eyeson the world's tallestmountain, Everest’speak.My favoriteanimal is a dogbecause they'reso loyal andfriendly.I fracturedmy knee anddidn’t findout until 2years later.I enjoy watchingprofessionalwrestling and owna replicachampionship beltI havekayaked inthe AtlanticOceanMy favouritecuisine isAsian fusionI wouldfosterchickenswhen I wasyoung.I am obsessedwith Peloton. Havethe bike and thetread and crosstrain with all oftheir content.I dressedas Barneyfor a day.I have amassivesweet-toothI love ridingmotorcycles.I can have awhole cake inone go forbreakfast, lunchand dinner.I am an avidvideo gamerand myfavorite videogame is ZeldaI can fit anentire BigMac in mymouth.I was strandedin a remote partof Portugal andhad to hitchhikeMybirthday isNewYear’s EveI own over150 boardgamesI kissed aStingray andhad 7 yearsof good luck.Podcast junky.True crime, socialscience, businessrelated andeverything inbetween.My dreamjob as childwas to be anairhostessMy father won amillion dollars inthe lottery (splitbetween himselfand 9 of his co-workers)My cousinplays in theNHL for theAnaheim Ducks(JamieDrysdale)I grew upon a golfcourseLove to cook andentertain. I amalways trying newrecipes and newingredients.I was a DJwith RussellPeters beforehe becamefamousOn HolidaysI go out toexplore thelocal trails.I havevisitedover 10countriesI’ve racedon a dragstrip.Mybirthday isonHalloweenI once woke upwith shavedeyebrows aftera college partyI love heightsbut have underwater phobia –hence I can'tswim.I lovekayakingwith my 5year old boy.I went tocollege forAdvertisingDesignI have atoy poodlefrom SouthKoreaWas one of thedancers for theopening of the“SkyDome” akaRogers CentreI have4childrenI juststartedlearningpianoI participatedin a 72 ozsteakchallengeMy dream trip isgoing to Tibet,exploring the PotalaPalace and set eyeson the world's tallestmountain, Everest’speak.My favoriteanimal is a dogbecause they'reso loyal andfriendly.I fracturedmy knee anddidn’t findout until 2years later.I enjoy watchingprofessionalwrestling and owna replicachampionship beltI havekayaked inthe AtlanticOceanMy favouritecuisine isAsian fusionI wouldfosterchickenswhen I wasyoung.I am obsessedwith Peloton. Havethe bike and thetread and crosstrain with all oftheir content.I dressedas Barneyfor a day.I have amassivesweet-toothI love ridingmotorcycles.I can have awhole cake inone go forbreakfast, lunchand dinner.I am an avidvideo gamerand myfavorite videogame is ZeldaI can fit anentire BigMac in mymouth.I was strandedin a remote partof Portugal andhad to hitchhikeMybirthday isNewYear’s EveI own over150 boardgamesI kissed aStingray andhad 7 yearsof good luck.Podcast junky.True crime, socialscience, businessrelated andeverything inbetween.My dreamjob as childwas to be anairhostessMy father won amillion dollars inthe lottery (splitbetween himselfand 9 of his co-workers)My cousinplays in theNHL for theAnaheim Ducks(JamieDrysdale)I grew upon a golfcourseLove to cook andentertain. I amalways trying newrecipes and newingredients.I was a DJwith RussellPeters beforehe becamefamous

FUN FACTS - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. On Holidays I go out to explore the local trails.
  2. I have visited over 10 countries
  3. I’ve raced on a drag strip.
  4. My birthday is on Halloween
  5. I once woke up with shaved eyebrows after a college party
  6. I love heights but have under water phobia – hence I can't swim.
  7. I love kayaking with my 5 year old boy.
  8. I went to college for Advertising Design
  9. I have a toy poodle from South Korea
  10. Was one of the dancers for the opening of the “SkyDome” aka Rogers Centre
  11. I have 4 children
  12. I just started learning piano
  13. I participated in a 72 oz steak challenge
  14. My dream trip is going to Tibet, exploring the Potala Palace and set eyes on the world's tallest mountain, Everest’s peak.
  15. My favorite animal is a dog because they're so loyal and friendly.
  16. I fractured my knee and didn’t find out until 2 years later.
  17. I enjoy watching professional wrestling and own a replica championship belt
  18. I have kayaked in the Atlantic Ocean
  19. My favourite cuisine is Asian fusion
  20. I would foster chickens when I was young.
  21. I am obsessed with Peloton. Have the bike and the tread and cross train with all of their content.
  22. I dressed as Barney for a day.
  23. I have a massive sweet-tooth
  24. I love riding motorcycles.
  25. I can have a whole cake in one go for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  26. I am an avid video gamer and my favorite video game is Zelda
  27. I can fit an entire Big Mac in my mouth.
  28. I was stranded in a remote part of Portugal and had to hitchhike
  29. My birthday is New Year’s Eve
  30. I own over 150 board games
  31. I kissed a Stingray and had 7 years of good luck.
  32. Podcast junky. True crime, social science, business related and everything in between.
  33. My dream job as child was to be an airhostess
  34. My father won a million dollars in the lottery (split between himself and 9 of his co-workers)
  35. My cousin plays in the NHL for the Anaheim Ducks (Jamie Drysdale)
  36. I grew up on a golf course
  37. Love to cook and entertain. I am always trying new recipes and new ingredients.
  38. I was a DJ with Russell Peters before he became famous