I ran as fast as Icould to the burgercafe, hoping I hadnot missed theboat in mendingthe friendship."I would like tohave the newburger fromShake Shack!" Iexclaimedexcitedly."Drats! I've oversleptagain. I am definitelygoing to be serveddetention this time,"James cried inexasperation.MC's youngerbrotherwanted awatch for hisbirthday."Dad!" I watched myfather helplessly as hegrabbed his chest inanger at my actions.Without warning, hehad collapsed andcrashed onto the floorwith a resounding thud.Hewent toa party.As a result, Ipromised towear mywatch toschool daily.I was latefor thegroupmeeting.I was incorrigiblyhooked on mydevice and couldnot control theurge to touch that'on' button.I promised mybrother that Iwould achievethe gold medalin his stead.I owe myfriend a treatas he or shehad renderedme great help.My parentsnever cameback from thatdinner run.They... weregone.My mother wasdisappointedand angry at mefor breaking mypromise.I met my bestfriend againafter five yearsat our favouriteburger cafe.With widened eyes, Iran towards Mika andgave him the biggesthug of my life.Choking back mytears, I cried, "Ithought you hadgone to New York."Mygradesdropped.MC is a short-tempered spoiltbrat. Whatever heasks for, hereceives. One day,he requested for atutor.I gawked at myphone in disbelief,"Forty-two missedcalls and twentymessages?"That immense guiltcrept"You promised to be alwaysbe there for me as afriend," Leila cried. That lump in my throatwould not go away as Ilistened to his words. I hadleft my old friend in thelurch because of my newand 'cooler' friends.I had to keep thefamily secretburger recipewhich had beenpassed down forgenerations.MC had becomeso obsessed withlosing weight thatshe fainted due tothe lack ofnutrients.I misplaceda preciouswatch thatmy brotherhad lent me.I realised I hadforgotten to buya birthdaypresent for myfather.MC'sfamilyis poor.I ran as fast as Icould to the burgercafe, hoping I hadnot missed theboat in mendingthe friendship."I would like tohave the newburger fromShake Shack!" Iexclaimedexcitedly."Drats! I've oversleptagain. I am definitelygoing to be serveddetention this time,"James cried inexasperation.MC's youngerbrotherwanted awatch for hisbirthday."Dad!" I watched myfather helplessly as hegrabbed his chest inanger at my actions.Without warning, hehad collapsed andcrashed onto the floorwith a resounding thud.Hewent toa party.As a result, Ipromised towear mywatch toschool daily.I was latefor thegroupmeeting.I was incorrigiblyhooked on mydevice and couldnot control theurge to touch that'on' button.I promised mybrother that Iwould achievethe gold medalin his stead.I owe myfriend a treatas he or shehad renderedme great help.My parentsnever cameback from thatdinner run.They... weregone.My mother wasdisappointedand angry at mefor breaking mypromise.I met my bestfriend againafter five yearsat our favouriteburger cafe.With widened eyes, Iran towards Mika andgave him the biggesthug of my life.Choking back mytears, I cried, "Ithought you hadgone to New York."Mygradesdropped.MC is a short-tempered spoiltbrat. Whatever heasks for, hereceives. One day,he requested for atutor.I gawked at myphone in disbelief,"Forty-two missedcalls and twentymessages?"That immense guiltcrept"You promised to be alwaysbe there for me as afriend," Leila cried. That lump in my throatwould not go away as Ilistened to his words. I hadleft my old friend in thelurch because of my newand 'cooler' friends.I had to keep thefamily secretburger recipewhich had beenpassed down forgenerations.MC had becomeso obsessed withlosing weight thatshe fainted due tothe lack ofnutrients.I misplaceda preciouswatch thatmy brotherhad lent me.I realised I hadforgotten to buya birthdaypresent for myfather.MC'sfamilyis poor.

6IN Pay-Off: A Promise - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.