aluminumrecyclingIn 1904, largescale ______began inChicago andCleveland.AlliedWasteIndustriesIn 1987, BruceLessey started______ inHouston,Texas.AmericanRefuseSystemsIn 1967,______ wasfounded by TomFajito inHouston,Texas.municipalwasteIn 1934, theSupreme Courtbanned thedumping of______ into theocean.frontloaderIn 1955, the first______ wasintroduced byDempsterDumpmasterCompany?sanitationforceIn 200BC,Romansestablishedthe first______.streetcleaningIn 1757, BenFranklinstarted thefirst ______service.Free!StatenIsland,NYIn 1948, FreshKills Landfill(which can beseen fromspace) openedin ______.1998What yearwasRepublicServicesfounded?2008What year didRepublic Servicesannounce theirintent to purchaseAllied Waste for$6.1 billion?DonSlagerIn 2011,______became theCEO ofRepublicServices.2003What year didForbes Magazinename RepublicServices one of theBest ManagedCompanies?NewYorkCityIn 1897, thefirst recyclingcenter wasestablishedin ______.RepublicIndustriesWhat wasRepublicServices calledbefore it wasRepublicServices?garbageincineratorIn 1905, New YorkCity started usinga _______ togenerate electricityfor theWilliamsburgBridge.aluminumrecyclingIn 1904, largescale ______began inChicago andCleveland.AlliedWasteIndustriesIn 1987, BruceLessey started______ inHouston,Texas.AmericanRefuseSystemsIn 1967,______ wasfounded by TomFajito inHouston,Texas.municipalwasteIn 1934, theSupreme Courtbanned thedumping of______ into theocean.frontloaderIn 1955, the first______ wasintroduced byDempsterDumpmasterCompany?sanitationforceIn 200BC,Romansestablishedthe first______.streetcleaningIn 1757, BenFranklinstarted thefirst ______service.Free!StatenIsland,NYIn 1948, FreshKills Landfill(which can beseen fromspace) openedin ______.1998What yearwasRepublicServicesfounded?2008What year didRepublic Servicesannounce theirintent to purchaseAllied Waste for$6.1 billion?DonSlagerIn 2011,______became theCEO ofRepublicServices.2003What year didForbes Magazinename RepublicServices one of theBest ManagedCompanies?NewYorkCityIn 1897, thefirst recyclingcenter wasestablishedin ______.RepublicIndustriesWhat wasRepublicServices calledbefore it wasRepublicServices?garbageincineratorIn 1905, New YorkCity started usinga _______ togenerate electricityfor theWilliamsburgBridge.

Republic Services BING - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. In 1904, large scale ______ began in Chicago and Cleveland.
    aluminum recycling
  2. In 1987, Bruce Lessey started ______ in Houston, Texas.
    Allied Waste Industries
  3. In 1967, ______ was founded by Tom Fajito in Houston, Texas.
    American Refuse Systems
  4. In 1934, the Supreme Court banned the dumping of ______ into the ocean.
    municipal waste
  5. In 1955, the first ______ was introduced by Dempster Dumpmaster Company?
    front loader
  6. In 200BC, Romans established the first ______.
    sanitation force
  7. In 1757, Ben Franklin started the first ______ service.
    street cleaning
  8. Free!
  9. In 1948, Fresh Kills Landfill (which can be seen from space) opened in ______.
    Staten Island, NY
  10. What year was Republic Services founded?
  11. What year did Republic Services announce their intent to purchase Allied Waste for $6.1 billion?
  12. In 2011, ______ became the CEO of Republic Services.
    Don Slager
  13. What year did Forbes Magazine name Republic Services one of the Best Managed Companies?
  14. In 1897, the first recycling center was established in ______.
    New York City
  15. What was Republic Services called before it was Republic Services?
    Republic Industries
  16. In 1905, New York City started using a _______ to generate electricity for the Williamsburg Bridge.
    garbage incinerator