Trying to figureout if youmeant to sayMirta, Marta, orMaraForgot yourmembersname at theICI machineThe wrongmembercomes intoyour officeYou rush to thevault room, andthen forgotwhat youneeded to doMemberusing theirphone onspeaker inthe lobby / TLExchange$500 ormore in onesfor Mr. BlakeMember hasone more"one morequestion"Catch Amberor Kim in afurry coatbecausethey are coldMember insertstheir debit cardin the chip sloteven after youask them toslideOverhearDonata, Kristina,or Alicia sayouch becausethey hurtthemselvesMembers debitcard expires 08/22and thinks itexpires in 2 daysand requests anew oneMember getstheir debitcard stuck inthe ATMMember askshow long youhave workedhere "Youlook new"Memberapplied for aPAL insteadof a privatesellerA memberuses theword"checkingS"Call the samemember asanotherteammate atthe same timeMember says theynever receivedtheir credit cardreplacement, buttheir address ishome of recordPrinting a debitcard for amember whoalready has 5+negged cardsYou catch amembersingingalong to ourmusicMember triesto use apaper ID fora VCCreplacementMember waitsover 30minutes inlobby, but doesnot have IDSomeonecomplainsabout thetemperatureAcceptcandyfromMr.TooleySpilled yourcoffee,energy drink,or lunch onyourselfTrying to figureout if youmeant to sayMirta, Marta, orMaraForgot yourmembersname at theICI machineThe wrongmembercomes intoyour officeYou rush to thevault room, andthen forgotwhat youneeded to doMemberusing theirphone onspeaker inthe lobby / TLExchange$500 ormore in onesfor Mr. BlakeMember hasone more"one morequestion"Catch Amberor Kim in afurry coatbecausethey are coldMember insertstheir debit cardin the chip sloteven after youask them toslideOverhearDonata, Kristina,or Alicia sayouch becausethey hurtthemselvesMembers debitcard expires 08/22and thinks itexpires in 2 daysand requests anew oneMember getstheir debitcard stuck inthe ATMMember askshow long youhave workedhere "Youlook new"Memberapplied for aPAL insteadof a privatesellerA memberuses theword"checkingS"Call the samemember asanotherteammate atthe same timeMember says theynever receivedtheir credit cardreplacement, buttheir address ishome of recordPrinting a debitcard for amember whoalready has 5+negged cardsYou catch amembersingingalong to ourmusicMember triesto use apaper ID fora VCCreplacementMember waitsover 30minutes inlobby, but doesnot have IDSomeonecomplainsabout thetemperatureAcceptcandyfromMr.TooleySpilled yourcoffee,energy drink,or lunch onyourself


(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Trying to figure out if you meant to say Mirta, Marta, or Mara
  2. Forgot your members name at the ICI machine
  3. The wrong member comes into your office
  4. You rush to the vault room, and then forgot what you needed to do
  5. Member using their phone on speaker in the lobby / TL
  6. Exchange $500 or more in ones for Mr. Blake
  7. Member has one more "one more question"
  8. Catch Amber or Kim in a furry coat because they are cold
  9. Member inserts their debit card in the chip slot even after you ask them to slide
  10. Overhear Donata, Kristina, or Alicia say ouch because they hurt themselves
  11. Members debit card expires 08/22 and thinks it expires in 2 days and requests a new one
  12. Member gets their debit card stuck in the ATM
  13. Member asks how long you have worked here "You look new"
  14. Member applied for a PAL instead of a private seller
  15. A member uses the word "checkingS"
  16. Call the same member as another teammate at the same time
  17. Member says they never received their credit card replacement, but their address is home of record
  18. Printing a debit card for a member who already has 5+ negged cards
  19. You catch a member singing along to our music
  20. Member tries to use a paper ID for a VCC replacement
  21. Member waits over 30 minutes in lobby, but does not have ID
  22. Someone complains about the temperature
  23. Accept candy from Mr.Tooley
  24. Spilled your coffee, energy drink, or lunch on yourself