Someonewho learnedsomethingnew aboutSpringfieldSomeonefrom theMathdepartmentSomeonewho is onLTSomeone whois MOREanxious thanthey were atthe beginningof the weekSomeonewho hascompleted atleast twolesson plansSomeone whothought theTimeManagementPD was reallyhelpfulSomeonewho's favoriteenergizer wasLT is a Bunchof BabiesSomeonein theSci/SSdepartmentSomeonewhoattendedthe BBQSomeonefrom theSSTdepartmentSomeone whohas been tothe home ofanother LACSmemberSomeone whohas alreadyfinished theirHomeroomBoardSomeonewho hashelped youthis weekSomeonefrom theELAdepartmentSomeone whostayed afterone day thisweek for extrapractice/workSomeone whois planning ongoing toHappy HourtodaySomeonewho includedAuthenticityas one oftheir valuesSomeone whojust finishedtheir first everweek at LACSSomeoneyou will beworkingclosely withthis yearSomeoneon theliteracyteamSomeone youmet this weekthis week whoknows your firstand last nameSomeonewho is areturner toLACSSomeonewho remindsyou ofsomeoneelseSomeone whois LESSanxious thanthey were atthe beginningof the weekSomeonewho STILLhasn'tfinishedGhostSomeonewho youthink youcan learn alot fromSomeonewho tookoverlydetailednotesSomeonewho couldbe mistakenfor a studentSomeonewho neverexpected toend up ineducationSomeonewho learnedsomethingnew aboutSpringfieldSomeonefrom theMathdepartmentSomeonewho is onLTSomeone whois MOREanxious thanthey were atthe beginningof the weekSomeonewho hascompleted atleast twolesson plansSomeone whothought theTimeManagementPD was reallyhelpfulSomeonewho's favoriteenergizer wasLT is a Bunchof BabiesSomeonein theSci/SSdepartmentSomeonewhoattendedthe BBQSomeonefrom theSSTdepartmentSomeone whohas been tothe home ofanother LACSmemberSomeone whohas alreadyfinished theirHomeroomBoardSomeonewho hashelped youthis weekSomeonefrom theELAdepartmentSomeone whostayed afterone day thisweek for extrapractice/workSomeone whois planning ongoing toHappy HourtodaySomeonewho includedAuthenticityas one oftheir valuesSomeone whojust finishedtheir first everweek at LACSSomeoneyou will beworkingclosely withthis yearSomeoneon theliteracyteamSomeone youmet this weekthis week whoknows your firstand last nameSomeonewho is areturner toLACSSomeonewho remindsyou ofsomeoneelseSomeone whois LESSanxious thanthey were atthe beginningof the weekSomeonewho STILLhasn'tfinishedGhostSomeonewho youthink youcan learn alot fromSomeonewho tookoverlydetailednotesSomeonewho couldbe mistakenfor a studentSomeonewho neverexpected toend up ineducation

Summit Week One Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Someone who learned something new about Springfield
  2. Someone from the Math department
  3. Someone who is on LT
  4. Someone who is MORE anxious than they were at the beginning of the week
  5. Someone who has completed at least two lesson plans
  6. Someone who thought the Time Management PD was really helpful
  7. Someone who's favorite energizer was LT is a Bunch of Babies
  8. Someone in the Sci/SS department
  9. Someone who attended the BBQ
  10. Someone from the SST department
  11. Someone who has been to the home of another LACS member
  12. Someone who has already finished their Homeroom Board
  13. Someone who has helped you this week
  14. Someone from the ELA department
  15. Someone who stayed after one day this week for extra practice/work
  16. Someone who is planning on going to Happy Hour today
  17. Someone who included Authenticity as one of their values
  18. Someone who just finished their first ever week at LACS
  19. Someone you will be working closely with this year
  20. Someone on the literacy team
  21. Someone you met this week this week who knows your first and last name
  22. Someone who is a returner to LACS
  23. Someone who reminds you of someone else
  24. Someone who is LESS anxious than they were at the beginning of the week
  25. Someone who STILL hasn't finished Ghost
  26. Someone who you think you can learn a lot from
  27. Someone who took overly detailed notes
  28. Someone who could be mistaken for a student
  29. Someone who never expected to end up in education