Win a battlein LA usingonly STABmovesCatch a fossilin everygame exceptP and E (Findit in BDSP)Get full ironarmor inMinecraft(new worldon easy)Score 200points inUnite (canbe multiplegames)Beat 2 levelsthat youhaven't yet inMiitopiaCatch theKantostarters inP and EGet ashinystatue inBDSPCatch ashiny inLARematchleague inBDSPCatch 6Pokemon in Sand S and wina battle in thebattle towerWin arankedbattle inUniteFind amysteriousshard inBDSPCatch anAlphaPokemonfrom eacharea of LAGet 3 killsin a gameFortniteCatch a pseudolegend in everygame except Pand EEarn andconsume 20pieces offood inMiitopiaGet top20 inFortniteCatch aGyaradosin P and EGet 3stacks ofsaplings inMinecraftKill anAegislashin UniteGet to a20 chainin P and EFind diamonds,no cheats,Minecraft (newworld on easy) Beat anygym leaderin BDSP withonly 1PokemonCatch aMetagross inSword (nomaster ball)Get aPokeradarchain of 15in BDSPWin a battlein LA usingonly STABmovesCatch a fossilin everygame exceptP and E (Findit in BDSP)Get full ironarmor inMinecraft(new worldon easy)Score 200points inUnite (canbe multiplegames)Beat 2 levelsthat youhaven't yet inMiitopiaCatch theKantostarters inP and EGet ashinystatue inBDSPCatch ashiny inLARematchleague inBDSPCatch 6Pokemon in Sand S and wina battle in thebattle towerWin arankedbattle inUniteFind amysteriousshard inBDSPCatch anAlphaPokemonfrom eacharea of LAGet 3 killsin a gameFortniteCatch a pseudolegend in everygame except Pand EEarn andconsume 20pieces offood inMiitopiaGet top20 inFortniteCatch aGyaradosin P and EGet 3stacks ofsaplings inMinecraftKill anAegislashin UniteGet to a20 chainin P and EFind diamonds,no cheats,Minecraft (newworld on easy) Beat anygym leaderin BDSP withonly 1PokemonCatch aMetagross inSword (nomaster ball)Get aPokeradarchain of 15in BDSP

Nintendo Switch Battle 2.0 (R) - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Win a battle in LA using only STAB moves
  2. Catch a fossil in every game except P and E (Find it in BDSP)
  3. Get full iron armor in Minecraft (new world on easy)
  4. Score 200 points in Unite (can be multiple games)
  5. Beat 2 levels that you haven't yet in Miitopia
  6. Catch the Kanto starters in P and E
  7. Get a shiny statue in BDSP
  8. Catch a shiny in LA
  9. Rematch league in BDSP
  10. Catch 6 Pokemon in S and S and win a battle in the battle tower
  11. Win a ranked battle in Unite
  12. Find a mysterious shard in BDSP
  13. Catch an Alpha Pokemon from each area of LA
  14. Get 3 kills in a game Fortnite
  15. Catch a pseudo legend in every game except P and E
  16. Earn and consume 20 pieces of food in Miitopia
  17. Get top 20 in Fortnite
  18. Catch a Gyarados in P and E
  19. Get 3 stacks of saplings in Minecraft
  20. Kill an Aegislash in Unite
  21. Get to a 20 chain in P and E
  22. Find diamonds, no cheats, Minecraft (new world on easy)
  23. Beat any gym leader in BDSP with only 1 Pokemon
  24. Catch a Metagross in Sword (no master ball)
  25. Get a Pokeradar chain of 15 in BDSP