Can name anactor from ashow or movie(4 points) name:Has a birthdayin the samemonth as you(5 points) name:Has gone to themovie theatersduring the summer(3 points) name:Can speakanotherlanguage(4 points) name:Can play aninstrument(4 points) name:Can makebreakfeast forthemselves(4 points) name:Find someone thathas a middlename or nickname(5 points) name:Has neverbroken a bone(3 points) name:Going to dressup forHalloween(2 points) name:Can whistle(2 points) name:Plays a sport(1 point) name:Can ride abike(1 point) name:Had a birthdayduring thesummer(2 points) name:Has gone outof the country(2 points) name:Has a dog orcat(1 point) name:Went to thebeach duringthe summer(3 points) name:Find someonethat is lefthanded(5 points) name:Played a boardgame with friendsor families(3 points) name:Has a brotheror sister(1 point) name:Learned a newhobby during thesummer(2 points) name:Has been to abaseball game(4 points) name:Has used Zoomfor class lastyear(5 points) name:Read a bookduring thesummer(1 point) name:Name 4colleges inCalifornia( 5 points) name:Can name anactor from ashow or movie(4 points) name:Has a birthdayin the samemonth as you(5 points) name:Has gone to themovie theatersduring the summer(3 points) name:Can speakanotherlanguage(4 points) name:Can play aninstrument(4 points) name:Can makebreakfeast forthemselves(4 points) name:Find someone thathas a middlename or nickname(5 points) name:Has neverbroken a bone(3 points) name:Going to dressup forHalloween(2 points) name:Can whistle(2 points) name:Plays a sport(1 point) name:Can ride abike(1 point) name:Had a birthdayduring thesummer(2 points) name:Has gone outof the country(2 points) name:Has a dog orcat(1 point) name:Went to thebeach duringthe summer(3 points) name:Find someonethat is lefthanded(5 points) name:Played a boardgame with friendsor families(3 points) name:Has a brotheror sister(1 point) name:Learned a newhobby during thesummer(2 points) name:Has been to abaseball game(4 points) name:Has used Zoomfor class lastyear(5 points) name:Read a bookduring thesummer(1 point) name:Name 4colleges inCalifornia( 5 points) name:

Back to School Bingo /75 Points - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Can name an actor from a show or movie (4 points) name:
  2. Has a birthday in the same month as you (5 points) name:
  3. Has gone to the movie theaters during the summer (3 points) name:
  4. Can speak another language (4 points) name:
  5. Can play an instrument (4 points) name:
  6. Can make breakfeast for themselves (4 points) name:
  7. Find someone that has a middle name or nickname (5 points) name:
  8. Has never broken a bone (3 points) name:
  9. Going to dress up for Halloween (2 points) name:
  10. Can whistle (2 points) name:
  11. Plays a sport (1 point) name:
  12. Can ride a bike (1 point) name:
  13. Had a birthday during the summer (2 points) name:
  14. Has gone out of the country (2 points) name:
  15. Has a dog or cat (1 point) name:
  16. Went to the beach during the summer (3 points) name:
  17. Find someone that is left handed (5 points) name:
  18. Played a board game with friends or families (3 points) name:
  19. Has a brother or sister (1 point) name:
  20. Learned a new hobby during the summer (2 points) name:
  21. Has been to a baseball game (4 points) name:
  22. Has used Zoom for class last year (5 points) name:
  23. Read a book during the summer (1 point) name:
  24. Name 4 colleges in California ( 5 points) name: