CERTUnited StatesComputerEmergencyReadinessTeamConfidentialityrefers to anorganization’sefforts to keeptheir dataprivate orsecret.Impersonation/SpoofingAttackAn attack involvingreplacement oflegitimatecontent/serviceswith a malicioussubstitute.Integrityabout ensuring thatdata has not beentampered with and,therefore, can betrusted. It is correct,authentic, andreliable.Email/PhishingAttackAn attackexecuted viaan emailmessage orattachment.WebAttackAn attackexecuted froma website orweb-basedapplication.CIATriadConfidentiality,Availability,IntegrityCyberSecuritythe practice ofprotectingcomputers,networks, ordevices frommalicious digitalattacks.CSRITIt is anincidentresponseteam similarto CERTFree!External/Removablemedia attackAn attackexecuted fromremovablemedia or aperipheraldevice.InformationSecurityis the practice ofkeeping data orinformation securefrom unauthorizedor unwarrantedaccess.Loss orTheft ofEquipmentThe loss or theftof a computingdevice or mediaused by theorganization.ImproperUsageAttackAny incident resultingfrom a violation of anorganization’sacceptable usagepolicies by anauthorized user,excluding the abovecategories.AttritionAttackAn attack thatemploys brute forcemethods tocompromise,degrade, or destroysystems, networks,or services.Availabilityauthorized usershave timely,reliable access toresources whenthey are needed.CERTUnited StatesComputerEmergencyReadinessTeamConfidentialityrefers to anorganization’sefforts to keeptheir dataprivate orsecret.Impersonation/SpoofingAttackAn attack involvingreplacement oflegitimatecontent/serviceswith a malicioussubstitute.Integrityabout ensuring thatdata has not beentampered with and,therefore, can betrusted. It is correct,authentic, andreliable.Email/PhishingAttackAn attackexecuted viaan emailmessage orattachment.WebAttackAn attackexecuted froma website orweb-basedapplication.CIATriadConfidentiality,Availability,IntegrityCyberSecuritythe practice ofprotectingcomputers,networks, ordevices frommalicious digitalattacks.CSRITIt is anincidentresponseteam similarto CERTFree!External/Removablemedia attackAn attackexecuted fromremovablemedia or aperipheraldevice.InformationSecurityis the practice ofkeeping data orinformation securefrom unauthorizedor unwarrantedaccess.Loss orTheft ofEquipmentThe loss or theftof a computingdevice or mediaused by theorganization.ImproperUsageAttackAny incident resultingfrom a violation of anorganization’sacceptable usagepolicies by anauthorized user,excluding the abovecategories.AttritionAttackAn attack thatemploys brute forcemethods tocompromise,degrade, or destroysystems, networks,or services.Availabilityauthorized usershave timely,reliable access toresources whenthey are needed.

Introduction to Cybersecurity - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team
  2. refers to an organization’s efforts to keep their data private or secret.
  3. An attack involving replacement of legitimate content/services with a malicious substitute.
    Impersonation/Spoofing Attack
  4. about ensuring that data has not been tampered with and, therefore, can be trusted. It is correct, authentic, and reliable.
  5. An attack executed via an email message or attachment.
    Email/Phishing Attack
  6. An attack executed from a website or web-based application.
    Web Attack
  7. Confidentiality, Availability, Integrity
    CIA Triad
  8. the practice of protecting computers, networks, or devices from malicious digital attacks.
    Cyber Security
  9. It is an incident response team similar to CERT
  10. Free!
  11. An attack executed from removable media or a peripheral device.
    External/Removable media attack
  12. is the practice of keeping data or information secure from unauthorized or unwarranted access.
    Information Security
  13. The loss or theft of a computing device or media used by the organization.
    Loss or Theft of Equipment
  14. Any incident resulting from a violation of an organization’s acceptable usage policies by an authorized user, excluding the above categories.
    Improper Usage Attack
  15. An attack that employs brute force methods to compromise, degrade, or destroy systems, networks, or services.
    Attrition Attack
  16. authorized users have timely, reliable access to resources when they are needed.