Share abouta CTA tripyou took witha WR friend.How have youadvocated onbehalf of aWR recipient?Share a wordor phrase youlearned in arefugee'slanguage.What wasyourmotivation forvolunteering?What has aWRrecipienttaught you?Have youvisited aninternationalmarket inChicago?Share a funnyexperiencewith languagebarriers.What is yourfavoritevolunteermemory?What is yourfavorite restaurantwith food from aWR immigrantcountry(i.e. Syrianfood)?How didyou hearaboutWR?Share yourexperiencetransportinga family with5+ members.Share aboutexploring animmigrantneighborhood(i.e. Devon).What was achallengingvolunteerexperienceyou had?What Chicago-related advicewould you givenewneighbors?Have youshared ameal with aWRrecipient?Whatrefugee-writtenbooks haveyou read?Share about amilestone youcelebratedwith a WRrecipient.What culturalpracticehave youlearned?Share howyour churchis involvedwith WR.Share aboutan excursionyou had witha WR family.What Chicagoattraction haveyou visitedwith your WRfriend?Have youattended theWorld RefugeeDay Picnic inRogers Park?How longhave youvolunteeredat WR?Have youpicked up arefugeefamily at theairport?Share abouta CTA tripyou took witha WR friend.How have youadvocated onbehalf of aWR recipient?Share a wordor phrase youlearned in arefugee'slanguage.What wasyourmotivation forvolunteering?What has aWRrecipienttaught you?Have youvisited aninternationalmarket inChicago?Share a funnyexperiencewith languagebarriers.What is yourfavoritevolunteermemory?What is yourfavorite restaurantwith food from aWR immigrantcountry(i.e. Syrianfood)?How didyou hearaboutWR?Share yourexperiencetransportinga family with5+ members.Share aboutexploring animmigrantneighborhood(i.e. Devon).What was achallengingvolunteerexperienceyou had?What Chicago-related advicewould you givenewneighbors?Have youshared ameal with aWRrecipient?Whatrefugee-writtenbooks haveyou read?Share about amilestone youcelebratedwith a WRrecipient.What culturalpracticehave youlearned?Share howyour churchis involvedwith WR.Share aboutan excursionyou had witha WR family.What Chicagoattraction haveyou visitedwith your WRfriend?Have youattended theWorld RefugeeDay Picnic inRogers Park?How longhave youvolunteeredat WR?Have youpicked up arefugeefamily at theairport?

World Relief Volunteer Appreciation - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Share about a CTA trip you took with a WR friend.
  2. How have you advocated on behalf of a WR recipient?
  3. Share a word or phrase you learned in a refugee's language.
  4. What was your motivation for volunteering?
  5. What has a WR recipient taught you?
  6. Have you visited an international market in Chicago?
  7. Share a funny experience with language barriers.
  8. What is your favorite volunteer memory?
  9. What is your favorite restaurant with food from a WR immigrant country(i.e. Syrian food)?
  10. How did you hear about WR?
  11. Share your experience transporting a family with 5+ members.
  12. Share about exploring an immigrant neighborhood (i.e. Devon).
  13. What was a challenging volunteer experience you had?
  14. What Chicago-related advice would you give new neighbors?
  15. Have you shared a meal with a WR recipient?
  16. What refugee-written books have you read?
  17. Share about a milestone you celebrated with a WR recipient.
  18. What cultural practice have you learned?
  19. Share how your church is involved with WR.
  20. Share about an excursion you had with a WR family.
  21. What Chicago attraction have you visited with your WR friend?
  22. Have you attended the World Refugee Day Picnic in Rogers Park?
  23. How long have you volunteered at WR?
  24. Have you picked up a refugee family at the airport?