349 4"Meals"Around theWorld World14 June 2007347 2"Birthdays"Around theWorld World12 June 2007343 43 "I've Gotan Idea" ShareEverything withYou Sharing 9August 2006311 11"Places"Have SomeFun Enjoying26 June 2006136 1"Garden"Going OutOutside 15July 2002528 3"Magic"Wow![a]Amazing 19October 2011261 6"Nature" Ch-Ch-ChangingChanging 30May 2005430 40 "SendingMessages"Techno WorldTechno World 29August 2008282 27 "Animals"Rainbow 'Roundthe WorldRainbows 28 June2005416 26 "Wildand Wacky"Jump andShout Jumpand Shout 11August 2008399 9 "GettingAlong" We'rea FamilyFamily 17 July2008127 37"Detectives"I SpyMysteries 31July 2001537 12 "Doing"L.O.V.E. FeelGood 1November 201165 20 "SpecialDays" SpecialDays Days 12May 2000389 44"Difference"Party StreetCelebrating 9August 2007168 33"Routines"Move It!Patterns 28August 2002272 17 "SpecialPlaces ofInterest" ComeAround to MyPlace Visiting 14June 200535 35"Wonderful"Living in aRainbowColours 28 May199978 33 "MyBody Inside"Mirror, MirrorIt's Me 31May 200046 1 "To OtherCountries"North, South,East and WestAdventure 17April 2000145 10"Animals"CelebrateAround Us26 July 2002523 43 "What'sInside?" Turnthe Music Up!Surprise 10November 2010421 31 "Future"When I GrowUp Tomorrow18 August 200868 23"ImaginaryPlaces" ThreeWishes Wishes17 May 2000539 14"Achieving"L.O.V.E. FeelGood 3November 2011185 5 "FunnyFestivals"Come On andParty Festivals29 August 2003467 32 "BeingSporty" HappyMonster DanceBe Active 13October 2009552 27 "Food"Five SensesAbout Me 22November2011422 32 "What'sOn Tomorrow?"When I Grow UpTomorrow 19August 2008195 15"Gardens" Buildit Up Building12 September2003309 9 "New andOld Modes ofTransport" AreWe There Yet?Travelling 22June 2006534 9 "IslandLife" UnderwaterDiscovery WaterWorld 27October 2011157 22 "Askingfor Help" OneStep ForwardCan Do 13August 2002340 40 "PlayingTogether"Pretending DayPretending 4August 2006456 21 "SnowyTime" FourSeasonsNatural World28 September2009109 19 "MakingNew Friends"Friends Friends5 July 2001515 35 "PreSchool / DaycareFun" BackyardAdventurersAdventure 29October 201025 25 "Silly"Grow Grow14 May 1999358 13"Technology"Stop and GoCommunicate27 June 2007203 23"FavouriteAnimals"L.O.V.E. Happy24 September2003501 21"Making" TheDancing BusLet's Do It 11October 2010435 45 "Being aTeam Player"Come AliveCome Alive 5September 2008342 42"Animals" ShareEverything withYou Sharing 8August 2006314 14"Times" HaveSome FunEnjoying 29June 20068 8"Seasons"You and MeYou, Me 21April 1999354 9 "WhatMakes MeHappy" HappyToday Happy21 June 2007315 15"Differences"Have SomeFun Enjoying30 June 2006543 18 "FantasticBuildings" RobotNumber OneMachines 9November 20117 7 "Language,Cultures andCountries" Youand Me You, Me20 April 1999398 8 "FamilyHoliday"We're aFamily Family16 July 2008468 33"Building" HappyMonster DanceBe Active 14October 2009115 25"Fantastical" ICan GoAnywherePretend 13 July2001449 14"Games" ZooParty Celebrate17 September2009313 13 ""BeingMe" Skills"Have SomeFun Enjoying28 June 2006324 24 "CanDo" Hey,What'sCooking! Doing13 July 2006532 7 "On theWater"UnderwaterDiscovery WaterWorld 25October 2011180 45"Creativity"Reach OutFinding Out 13September2002553 28 "I'mSpecial" FiveSenses AboutMe 23November 2011407 17 "Daring"The BestThings in LifeAre Free BeFree 29 July2008387 42 "Us(You and Me)"Party StreetCelebrating 7August 2007268 13 "Machinesand Other ThingsThat Move" ActionHero Action 8June 200529 29"Movement"Move YourBody Bodies20 May 1999161 26 "Movesand Workout"E-N-E-R-G-YEnergy 19August 2002479 44 "Toys"Favourite TeddyBear FavouriteThings 29October 2009473 38 "TheFuture" Livingin a FairytaleImagine 21October 2009458 23"Rainbows"Four SeasonsNatural World30 September200947 2 "AroundYour House"North, South,East and WestAdventure 18April 2000560 35 "MakingFriends" SomeKind ofWonderful[b]Friends 2December 2011476 41 "MakingThings /Collecting"Favourite TeddyBear FavouriteThings 26 October2009304 4"Mysteries"Wish Upon aStar Wondering15 June 2006375 30 "Circus"Strong andBrave Braveand Strong 20July 2007483 3 "JungleAdventure" Hi-5Farm AnimalFun 15September2010171 36 "Funwith Friends"Hand in HandTeamwork 2September2002373 28"Adventure"Strong andBrave Braveand Strong 18July 2007431 41 "FunAction" ComeAlive ComeAlive 1September2008134 44 "Foods"You're MyNumber OneFavourites 9August 2001291 36 "World"Some Kind ofWonderfulWonderful 11July 2005192 12"Dwellings"Build it UpBuilding 9September20033 3 "RainyDays" Readyor NotGames 14April 1999368 23 "NewCities andInventions"Time MachineOld and New 11July 2007437 2 "The GreatIndoors - Aroundthe House" Stop,Look, ListenExplore 1September 2009418 28 "DressUp" Jump andShout Jumpand Shout 13August 200815 15 "I WouldLike to Change"Dream OnImagine 30April 1999540 15"FavouriteThings" L.O.V.E.Feel Good 4November 201130 30"Wonderful"Move YourBody Bodies21 May 1999385 40 "IWonder" LoveAll AroundLook Around3 August 2007446 11"SomethingNew" Zoo PartyCelebrate 14September 2009440 5 "Underthe Sea" Stop,Look, ListenExplore 4September 200984 39 "Machinesin the City"Robot NumberOne Machines 8June 2000554 29 "SensoryPlay" FiveSenses AboutMe 24November 2011511 31 "TechnoWorld" BackyardAdventurersAdventure 25October 2010345 45 "TalkingandCommunication"Share Everythingwith You Sharing11 August 200676 31"Looking AfterMyself" Mirror,Mirror It's Me29 May 2000519 39"ScienceMagic" HeyPresto! Magic 4November2010271 16"Hello" ComeAround to MyPlace Visiting13 June 2005497 17 "Inthe Kitchen"Happy HouseHome 5October 201019 19"Family"L.O.V.E.Love 6 May199939 39"Touching"Five SensesSenses 3June 1999174 39 "Jobs"Hand in HandTeamwork 5September2002316 16"Body"Growing UpGrowing 3July 2006296 41"Animals"Planet DiscoJourneys 18July 2005333 33"Exploring andAdventures"Peek-a-BooFinding 26 July2006384 39 "Ways toGet Around"Love All AroundLook Around 2August 2007269 14 "ActionHeroes" ActionHero Action 9June 2005123 33 "CreatingTreasure" BuriedTreasureTreasures 25 July200155 10 "AnimalFeelings"FeelingsFeelings 28April 2000137 2"Beach"Going OutOutside 16July 2002317 17 "Bigand Small"Growing UpGrowing 4July 200653 8 "FeelingsWe Have"FeelingsFeelings 26April 200016 16"FavouriteThings"L.O.V.E. Love3 May 1999544 19 "TimeMachine" RobotNumber OneMachines 10November 2011525 45"Treasures" Turnthe Music Up!Surprise 12November 2010154 19"Head" InsideMy HeartInside 8August 2002176 41"Colours"Reach OutFinding Out 9September2002267 12"Jobs" ActionHero Action7 June 2005126 36"Mysteries ofNature" I SpyMysteries 30July 200171 26 "OurHabitat" It'sa PartyHomes 22May 200060 15"AustralianAnimals" SoMany AnimalsAnimals 5 May2000212 32"Animals"Ready or NotWork and Play7 October 200364 19 "Daysof the Week"Special DaysDays 11 May2000102 12 "Insideand Outside"OppositesAttract Opposite26 June 2001206 26 "MagicalAnimals" DreamOn Magic 29September 20036 6"Dimensions"You and MeYou, Me 19April 1999557 32 "AnimalFriends" SomeKind ofWonderful[b]Friends 29November 201124 24"Plants"Grow Grow13 May 1999378 33"Energy"SwitchingSwitching 25July 2007357 12 "Waysof Saying"Stop and GoCommunicate26 June 2007300 45 "JourneysThrough YourImagination"Planet DiscoJourneys 22 July2005193 13 "Tools"Build it UpBuilding 10September2003502 22"SummerHoliday" TheDancing BusLet's Do It 12October 2010105 15"Movement"OppositesAttractOpposite 29June 2001140 5"OutsideLiving" GoingOut Outside19 July 2002151 16"House"Inside MyHeart Inside 5August 2002320 20 "Age"Growing UpGrowing 7July 2006517 37 "Magicin Nature" HeyPresto! Magic 2November2010163 28"Machines"E-N-E-R-G-Y Energy 21August 2002465 30"Visiting" Let'sGet AwayHolidays 9October 2009395 5"Imagination"PlaytimePlaytime 11July 2008526 1"Wonders ofthe World"Wow![a]Amazing 17October 2011220 40"Travelling"HolidayHolidays 17October 2003323 23 "Artsand Crafts"Hey, What'sCooking! Doing12 July 200680 35 "Youand Me"Mirror, MirrorIt's Me 2June 2000337 37"PerformingEvents"Pretending DayPretending 1August 2006527 2 "AmazingSpace" Wow![a]Amazing 18October 20115 5 "SillyDay" Readyor NotGames 16April 1999274 19 "AnimalVisits andVisitors" ComeAround to MyPlace Visiting 16June 2005221 41"Curiosity"UnderwaterDiscoveryDiscovery 20October 2003353 8"Routines"Happy TodayHappy 20June 200761 16"Yesterday"Special DaysDays 8 May200069 24"Daydreams"Three WishesWishes 18May 200013 13 "IWould Like toMake" DreamOn Imagine28 April 1999485 5 "Underthe Sea" Hi-5Farm AnimalFun 17September201033 33 "Makingand Mixing"Living in aRainbowColours 26 May1999224 44"Fantasy"UnderwaterDiscoveryDiscovery 23October 2003330 30"Mixing"SpecialVariety 21July 200614 14 "IWould Like toSay" DreamOn Imagine29 April 1999545 20 "Planes,Trains &Automobiles"Robot NumberOne Machines 11November 2011352 7 "MoveYour Body"Happy TodayHappy 19June 200722 22"Animals"Grow Grow11 May 1999567 42"Dancing"Making MusicMusic 13December 2011329 29 "Weirdis Good"SpecialVariety 20July 200688 43"Instruments"Feel the BeatMusic 14June 2000289 34"CooperationandCommunities"T.E.A.M. Teams7 July 2005509 29"FavouriteThings" ToyBox Toys 21October 201096 6 "Mindand Body"Boom BoomBeat Get Fit18 June 2001196 16 "DifferentKinds of Water"Our World World15 September2003491 11"Experiments"Martian GrooveDiscovery 27September 2010288 33"Animals"T.E.A.M.Teams 6 July2005464 29 "Planes,Trains andAutomobiles"Let's Get AwayHolidays 8October 2009150 15"Adventure"Give it a GoIdeas 2August 2002359 14"Animals"Stop and GoCommunicate28 June 2007504 24 "WinterHoliday" TheDancing BusLet's Do It 14October 2010405 15 "Landand Sea"Planet EarthPlanet Earth25 July 2008222 42"Mysteries"UnderwaterDiscoveryDiscovery 21October 2003158 23 "In aDifferent Way"One StepForward CanDo 14 August2002338 38 "WhereWill I Be?"Pretending DayPretending 2August 2006563 38 "InsideSports" Readyor Not Games 7December 2011135 45"Celebrations"You're MyNumber OneFavourites 10August 2001167 32"Recycling"Move It!Patterns 27August 2002436 1 "OnSafari" Stop,Look, ListenExplore 31August 200927 27 "Armsand Legs"Move YourBody Bodies18 May 1999194 14 "LongAgo" Build itUp Building11 September2003198 18 "Food"Our WorldWorld 17September200328 28 "Insideand Outside"Move YourBody Bodies19 May 1999257 2 "AWork of Art"Making MusicMaking 24May 200518 18 "Tim'sBirthday"L.O.V.E.Love 5 May1999374 29 "ImagineYou Can Do It"Strong and BraveBrave and Strong19 July 2007481 1 "Pets"Hi-5 FarmAnimal Fun 13September2010508 28"Games" ToyBox Toys 20October2010116 26 "Traveland Space"Let's Get toWorkInventions 16July 2001166 31"Babies"Move It!Patterns 26August 200277 32 "MyPlace in theUniverse"Mirror, MirrorIt's Me 30 May2000411 21"Fairyland"AbracadabraAbracadabra4 August 2008372 27 "FirstSteps (Give it aGo)" Strong andBrave Brave andStrong 17 July2007455 20 "HumanBody" Knock,Knock, KnockCuriosity 25September 2009211 31 "Jobs"Ready or NotWork andPlay 6October 2003264 9 "In YourHome" Ch-Ch-ChangingChanging 2June 2005382 37 "Underthe Surface"Love All AroundLook Around 31July 200766 21"ImaginaryFriends" ThreeWishes Wishes15 May 200037 37 "Hearingand Talking"Five SensesSenses 1 June1999542 17"Inventions"Robot NumberOne Machines 8November 201193 3 "Earth"Rain RainNature 13June 2001139 4 "GreatOutdoors"Going OutOutside 18July 2002275 20 "ImaginaryPlaces, People andThings" ComeAround to My PlaceVisiting 17 June2005362 17"People"Wow!Amazing 3July 2007142 7 "FruitsandVegetables"CelebrateAround Us 23July 2002556 31"Friendship"Some Kind ofWonderful[b]Friends 28November 2011218 38"Family Fun"HolidayHolidays 15October 2003536 11"Love"L.O.V.E. FeelGood 31October 2011350 5"Environment /Animals"Around theWorld World 15June 2007486 6 "Things ThatGrow" Stand UpTall on Tippy ToesGrowing 20September 2010450 15 "WhyYou're Special"Zoo PartyCelebrate 18September 200959 14 "WaterAnimals" SoMany AnimalsAnimals 4May 2000356 11 "BodyLanguage"Stop and GoCommunicate25 June 2007432 42"Recharge"Come AliveCome Alive 2September2008294 39 "Days"Some Kind ofWonderfulWonderful 14July 200589 44 "Musicand Sports"Feel the BeatMusic 15June 2000259 4 "ASurprise"Making MusicMaking 26May 2005454 19 "FindingTreasure"Knock, Knock,Knock Curiosity24 September2009169 34"NatureCycles" MoveIt! Patterns 29August 2002520 40"Magical Me!"Hey Presto!Magic 5November2010325 25"Playing" Hey,What'sCooking! Doing14 July 20064 4"Fantasy"Ready orNot Games15 April 1999367 22 "Peopleand Animals"Time MachineOld and New10 July 2007559 34"Celebrations withFriends" SomeKind ofWonderful[b]Friends 1December 2011216 36"Sports"HolidayHolidays 13October 2003172 37"Games" Handin HandTeamwork 3September200270 25 "WhatIf?" ThreeWishesWishes 19May 2000392 2 "DressUps"PlaytimePlaytime 8July 2008121 31 "FindingTreasure" BuriedTreasureTreasures 23July 2001547 22"Dreaming"Wish Upon aStar Dreaming15 November2011302 2"WonderfulNature" WishUpon a StarWondering 13June 2006531 6 "DiscoveryUnder the Sea"UnderwaterDiscovery WaterWorld 24 October2011207 27 "Magic inNature" DreamOn Magic 30September 2003286 31"Sports"T.E.A.M.Teams 4 July2005138 3 "OutdoorGames" GoingOut Outside 17July 200257 12"Insects" SoMany AnimalsAnimals 2May 2000327 27 "FamilyGroups"Special Variety18 July 2006524 44 "Babies -Something New"Turn the Music Up!Surprise 11November 2010423 33 "LookingForward" When IGrow UpTomorrow 20August 200886 41 "MusicFrom Aroundthe World" Feelthe Beat Music12 June 2000225 45"Experiments"UnderwaterDiscoveryDiscovery 24October 200383 38 "Machinesin the Country"Robot NumberOne Machines 7June 2000541 16 "Robots"Robot NumberOne Machines 7November 2011173 38"Memories"Hand in HandTeamwork 4September2002124 34 "PreciousTreasure" BuriedTreasureTreasures 26 July200167 22 "When IGrow Up"Three WishesWishes 16May 200091 1"Flowers"Rain RainNature 11June 2001122 32 "CollectingTreasure" BuriedTreasureTreasures 24 July2001394 4"Puzzles"PlaytimePlaytime 10July 2008522 42 "SurpriseVisitors" Turn theMusic Up!Surprise 9November 2010131 41"People" You'reMy NumberOne Favourites6 August 2001429 39 "TimeTravel" TechnoWorld TechnoWorld 28August 2008546 21 "StarMagic" WishUpon a StarDreaming 14November 2011214 34 "OuterSpace" Readyor Not Workand Play 9October 200398 8"Exercise"Boom BoomBeat Get Fit20 June 2001148 13 "FindAny Way"Give it a GoIdeas 31July 2002379 34 "MovingPlaces /Houses"SwitchingSwitching 26July 2007205 25 "I Loveto Go" L.O.V.E.Happy 26September2003215 35 "GettingReady" Readyor Not Work andPlay 10 October2003292 37"People" SomeKind ofWonderfulWonderful 12July 200531 31 "TheWorld" Livingin a RainbowColours 24May 1999484 4 "Animalswith Jobs" Hi-5Farm AnimalFun 16September 2010506 26"Puppets"Toy Box Toys18 October2010391 1 "PlayingGames"PlaytimePlaytime 7July 2008478 43 "Colours"Favourite TeddyBear FavouriteThings 28 October2009335 35 "Artsand Crafts"Peek-a-BooFinding 28July 2006104 14"Feelings"OppositesAttractOpposite 28June 2001444 9 "MakingFriends" SpinMe RoundFriends 10September 2009438 3 "Country /City" Stop, Look,Listen Explore 2September 200962 17"Today"Special DaysDays 9 May200095 5 "Trees"Rain RainNature 15June 2001270 15 "Healthand Fitness"Action HeroAction 10 June2005156 21 "TryingSomething New"One StepForward Can Do12 August 2002143 8 "Aroundthe World andCelebrations"CelebrateAround Us 24July 200240 40"Wonderful"Five SensesSenses 4June 1999363 18 "IdeasandImagination"Wow! Amazing4 July 2007477 42 "Food"Favourite TeddyBear FavouriteThings 27October 200999 9 "Food"Boom BoomBeat Get Fit21 June200138 38 "Tastingand Smelling"Five SensesSenses 2June 1999132 42"FavouriteAnimals" You'reMy Number OneFavourites 7August 2001566 41 "MakingMusic" MakingMusic Music 12December 2011341 41 "Friendsand Family"ShareEverything withYou Sharing 7August 2006339 39"Puppets"Pretending DayPretending 3August 200612 12 "IWould Like toGo" DreamOn Imagine27 April 1999290 35"Teams"T.E.A.M.Teams 8 July2005153 18"Body" InsideMy HeartInside 7August 2002451 16"Mysteries"Knock, Knock,Knock Curiosity21 September2009184 4"ChristmasTraditions"Come On andParty Festivals28 August 2003403 13 "WildLife" PlanetEarth PlanetEarth 23 July2008280 25 "EveryDay" City andCountry City,Country 24June 2005128 38"PhysicalMysteries" ISpy Mysteries1 August 200150 5"Underground"North, South,East and WestAdventure 21April 2000413 23 "MagicalCreatures"AbracadabraAbracadabra 6August 2008364 19 "Placesand Buildings"Wow! Amazing5 July 2007305 5 "Dreamingand Wishing"Wish Upon aStar Wondering16 June 2006209 29"Magical DressUp Party"Dream OnMagic 2October 200344 44 "Place inTime" In aDifferent PlaceTime, Place 10June 199926 26"Faces"Move YourBody Bodies17 May 1999570 45 "MusicalInstruments"Making MusicMusic 16December 2011461 26"Christmas"Let's Get AwayHolidays 5October 2009472 37 "ImaginaryJourneys" Living ina FairytaleImagine 20October 2009159 24 "I CanDo Anything"One StepForward CanDo 15 August2002390 45 "Feastsand Festivals"Party StreetCelebrating 10August 2007331 31"Animals andthe NaturalWorld" Peek-a-Boo Finding 24July 2006457 22 "SummerTime" FourSeasons NaturalWorld 29September 2009530 5"MiniatureWorld" Wow![a]Amazing 21October 2011569 44 "Soundsin Nature"Making MusicMusic 15December 2011273 18"Welcome"Come Aroundto My PlaceVisiting 15 June2005283 28 "Mixing,Making andDiscoveringColour" Rainbow'Round the WorldRainbows 29 June2005521 41 "Party"Turn the MusicUp! Surprise 8November2010200 20 "Peopleand Animals"Our WorldWorld 19September2003322 22"Working" Hey,What'sCooking! Doing11 July 2006175 40 "Makinga Movie" Handin HandTeamwork 6September 2002361 16"Creatures andThings inNature" Wow!Amazing 2 July200736 36"Seeing"Five SensesSenses 31May 1999155 20 "NaturalWorld" InsideMy Heart Inside9 August 2002561 36"Games" Readyor Not Games 5December 2011434 44 "WorldOutside" ComeAlive ComeAlive 4September2008386 41 "SpecialDays" PartyStreetCelebrating 6August 2007533 8 "At theBeach"UnderwaterDiscovery WaterWorld 26October 2011370 25 "Waysof RecordingExperience"Time MachineOld and New13 July 2007125 35 "Memoriesand Moments"Buried TreasureTreasures 27 July2001108 18"UnusualFriends"Friends Friends4 July 2001284 29 "Colourful"Rainbow 'Roundthe WorldRainbows 30 June2005179 44"Cleverness"Reach OutFinding Out 12September2002494 14"Something New"Martian GrooveDiscovery 30September 2010439 4 "Space"Stop, Look,Listen Explore3 September2009178 43"Experiments"Reach OutFinding Out 11September200294 4 "Sky"Rain RainNature 14June 2001459 24"Changing"Four SeasonsNatural World 1October 2009186 6"Memories"Give FiveFamily 1September2003365 20"Bodies"Wow!Amazing 6July 2007152 17 "SpecialPlaces" InsideMy Heart Inside6 August 2002263 8 "TheWorld" Ch-Ch-ChangingChanging 1June 2005492 12 "InNature" MartianGrooveDiscovery 28September 2010287 32 "WhenAm I a TeamPlayer?"T.E.A.M. Teams5 July 2005393 3 "Silly"PlaytimePlaytime 9July 2008462 27"CelebrationsAround the World"Let's Get AwayHolidays 6October 2009487 7 "Building"Stand Up Tall onTippy ToesGrowing 21September 2010555 30 "Happy"Five SensesAbout Me 25November 2011406 16 "Trying OutNew Things" TheBest Things in LifeAre Free Be Free28 July 2008463 28"Travelling"Let's Get AwayHolidays 7October 200910 10"Wonderful"You and MeYou, Me 23April 1999482 2 "On theFarm" Hi-5Farm AnimalFun 14September2010297 42"People"Planet DiscoJourneys 19July 200551 6 "FeelingFree"FeelingsFeelings 24April 200058 13 "FarmAnimals" SoMany AnimalsAnimals 3May 2000210 30"Silly" DreamOn Magic 3October200352 7 "InsideMe" FeelingsFeelings 25April 200032 32 "YourWorld" Livingin a RainbowColours 25May 1999133 43"Games" You'reMy NumberOne Favourites8 August 2001433 43 "GettingFocused" ComeAlive Come Alive3September 2008507 27 "TeddyBearAdventures"Toy Box Toys19 October2010260 5 "ThingsAnimalsCreate" MakingMusic Making27 May 2005199 19 "EarthTreasures" OurWorld World 18September2003529 4"Heroes"Wow![a]Amazing 20October 2011512 32"Superheroes"BackyardAdventurersAdventure 26October 2010420 30 "MoveYour Body"Jump andShout Jumpand Shout 15August 2008303 3"WonderfulCreatures" WishUpon a StarWondering 14June 2006348 3 "FirstDay of School"Around theWorld World 13June 2007360 15 "TheArts" Stop andGoCommunicate29 June 2007298 43"Places"Planet DiscoJourneys 20July 2005306 6 "Travel"Are We ThereYet?Travelling 19June 200673 28 "MobileHabitat" It's aParty Homes24 May 2000510 30"SportyThings" ToyBox Toys 22October 201017 17 "Pets"L.O.V.E.Love 4 May1999177 42 "Aboutand Around Me"Reach OutFinding Out 10September 2002106 16"Differences andSimilarities"Friends Friends2 July 2001425 35 "Ways toGet Around inthe Future"When I Grow UpTomorrow 22August 200811 11 "IWould Like toBe" DreamOn Imagine26 April 199954 9 "ShowingOur Feelings"FeelingsFeelings 27April 200023 23"Building"Grow Grow12 May 1999107 17"Sharing andCaring" FriendsFriends 3 July2001301 1 "WhatIf?" WishUpon a StarWondering12 June 2006474 39 "DressUps" Living ina FairytaleImagine 22October 2009538 13 "HelpingOthers" L.O.V.E.Feel Good 2November 2011516 36 "FairyCreatures" HeyPresto! Magic 1November2010334 34 "OtherCountries"Peek-a-BooFinding 27July 200679 34 "MyBody Outside"Mirror, MirrorIt's Me 1 June200045 45 "WonderfulFancy DressParty" In aDifferent PlaceTime, Place 11June 1999496 16"Bedrooms andBathrooms"Happy HouseHome 4 October2010208 28"Magic in Me"Dream OnMagic 1October 2003336 36 "WhoWill I Be?"Pretending DayPretending 31July 2006466 31 "Let'sDance!" HappyMonster DanceBe Active 12October 2009480 45 "Music"Favourite TeddyBear FavouriteThings 30October 2009388 43"Nature"Party StreetCelebrating 8August 2007182 2 "Aroundthe World"Come On andParty Festivals26 August 2003266 11"Games andSports" ActionHero Action 6June 2005170 35"Pictures"Move It!Patterns 30August 2002190 10 "WorkingTogether" GiveFive Family 5September 2003564 39 "AnimalSports Day"Ready or NotGames 8December 2011377 32"Animals andNature"SwitchingSwitching 24July 2007312 12"Things"Have SomeFun Enjoying27 June 2006285 30 "Contrastand Affinity"Rainbow 'Roundthe WorldRainbows 1 July2005428 38"ComputerWorld" TechnoWorld TechnoWorld 27 August200875 30 "Cityand Country"It's a PartyHomes 26May 2000189 9 "WashingDay" Give FiveFamily 4September2003441 6 "Teams"Spin Me RoundFriends 7September2009550 25 "Wishes"Wish Upon aStar Dreaming18 November2011514 34 "TravellingCircus" BackyardAdventurersAdventure 28October 2010427 37"Contraptions"Techno WorldTechno World26 August 200882 37 "Machinesin the House"Robot NumberOne Machines 6June 2000149 14"Creativity"Give it a GoIdeas 1August 200242 42 "Habitatand Home" In aDifferent PlaceTime, Place 8June 1999100 10 "Gamesand Sports"Boom BoomBeat Get Fit 22June 2001279 24 "Foodand Crops" Cityand CountryCity, Country 23June 200520 20 "SillyDay"L.O.V.E.Love 7 May1999319 19"Building"Growing UpGrowing 6July 2006119 29"Communication"Let's Get to WorkInventions 19July 2001469 34 "MyBody" HappyMonster DanceBe Active 15October 2009381 36 "Indoors/ Outdoors" LoveAll Around LookAround 30 July2007146 11"Inventions"Give it a GoIdeas 29July 2002223 43 "OtherWorlds"UnderwaterDiscoveryDiscovery 22October 2003187 7 "Love"Give FiveFamily 2September2003397 7"Animals andPets" We're aFamily Family15 July 2008103 13 "Size"OppositesAttractOpposite 27June 2001500 20"Family"Happy HouseHome 8October 2010488 8 "GrowingUp" Stand UpTall on TippyToes Growing 22September2010551 26 "HumanBody" FiveSenses AboutMe 21November 2011293 38 "Places"Some Kind ofWonderfulWonderful 13July 2005471 36 "MysticalCreatures" Livingin a FairytaleImagine 19October 2009415 25 "MagicalStories"AbracadabraAbracadabra 8August 2008281 26 "Colours inNature" Rainbow'Round the WorldRainbows 27 June200597 7 "Rest andRelaxation"Boom BoomBeat Get Fit 19June 2001130 40 "FunMysteries / TheHi-5 Mystery" ISpy Mysteries 3August 2001453 18 "What WillI Be When I GrowUp?" Knock,Knock, KnockCuriosity 23September 2009371 26 "DifferentWays to Be Brave"Strong and BraveBrave and Strong16 July 2007217 37 "ATime for Me"HolidayHolidays 14October 2003332 32 "HowDoes itWork?" Peek-a-Boo Finding25 July 2006147 12"Imagination"Give it a GoIdeas 30July 2002219 39 "GetFit" HolidayHolidays 16October2003558 33"Families" SomeKind ofWonderful[b]Friends 30November 2011310 10"Holidays" AreWe There Yet?Travelling 23June 2006495 15 "WhyI'm Special"Martian GrooveDiscovery 1October 20109 9 "You andMe" You andMe You, Me22 April 199992 2 "Water"Rain RainNature 12June 2001188 8 "Pets"Give FiveFamily 3September2003402 12"Adventures"Planet EarthPlanet Earth22 July 2008204 24 "I Loveto Make"L.O.V.E. Happy25 September2003328 28"Food"SpecialVariety 19July 2006141 6 "Hi-5Fair"CelebrateAround Us22 July 200248 3 "AroundYour Town"North, South,East and WestAdventure 19April 2000376 31"ChangingLooks"SwitchingSwitching 23July 2007160 25 "I CanDo What I'veSaid" One StepForward CanDo 16 August2002346 1"Babies"Around theWorld World11 June 200772 27 "Onthe Ground"It's a PartyHomes 23May 2000518 38 "MagicalJourneys" HeyPresto! Magic 3November 2010277 22"Animals" Cityand CountryCity, Country21 June 2005144 9 "Dancingand Costumes"CelebrateAround Us 25July 200274 29 "OtherCountries"It's a PartyHomes 25May 2000326 26"Multicultural"SpecialVariety 17July 2006101 11"Perspective"OppositesAttractOpposite 25June 2001110 20 "Funwith Friends"FriendsFriends 6July 2001565 40"SideshowAlley" Ready orNot Games 9December 2011417 27"Move It"Jump andShout Jumpand Shout12 August2008475 40"Dreams" Livingin a FairytaleImagine 23October 2009448 13"Adventures"Zoo PartyCelebrate 16September2009408 18 "MakingYour Own Fun"The Best Things inLife Are Free BeFree 30 July 2008308 8"Imaginative"Are We ThereYet? Travelling21 June 2006426 36"Gadgets"Techno WorldTechno World25 August 200841 41 "OuterSpace" In aDifferent PlaceTime, Place 7June 1999490 10 "StrongBodies" Stand UpTall on Tippy ToesGrowing 24September 2010419 29 "Exploringand Finding Out"Jump and ShoutJump and Shout14 August 20082 2 "Outside"Ready orNot Games13 April 1999202 22"FavouriteThings" L.O.V.E.Happy 23September 2003318 18"Animals andPlants"Growing UpGrowing 5 July2006562 37 "Teams"Ready or NotGames 6December 2011276 21"Landscapes"City andCountry City,Country 20June 2005278 23 "Dayand Night" Cityand CountryCity, Country 22June 2005412 22 "MakingMagic"AbracadabraAbracadabra 5August 2008499 19 "Funwith Friends"Happy HouseHome 7October 2010460 25 "PlanetEarth" FourSeasonsNatural World 2October 200943 43"Underwater" Ina DifferentPlace Time,Place 9 June1999366 21 "OldPlaces" TimeMachine Oldand New 9July 2007409 19 "Thingsto Do" The BestThings in LifeAre Free BeFree 31 July2008442 7 "Brothersand Sisters"Spin Me RoundFriends 8September 2009118 28 "FunInventions"Let's Get toWorkInventions 18July 2001213 33 "StreetParade" Readyor Not Work andPlay 8 October200387 42 "Stylesof Music"Feel the BeatMusic 13June 2000568 43 "MusicAround theWorld" MakingMusic Music 14December 2011351 6 "Food"Happy TodayHappy 18June 2007355 10"CommunityCarers" HappyToday Happy22 June 2007191 11"Machines"Build it UpBuilding 8September200321 21"BodiesGrowing"Grow Grow10 May 1999445 10 "AnimalFriends" SpinMe RoundFriends 11September 200963 18"Tomorrow"Special DaysDays 10 May2000307 7 "Nearand Far" AreWe There Yet?Travelling 20June 2006447 12"Superheroes"Zoo PartyCelebrate 15September2009256 1 "InNature"Making MusicMaking 23May 2005295 40 "Giftsand Treasures"Some Kind ofWonderfulWonderful 15July 2005299 44 "Life"Planet DiscoJourneys 21July 2005113 23 "Pretendto Be Animals" ICan GoAnywherePretend 11 July2001183 3"CommunityEvents" ComeOn and PartyFestivals 27August 2003197 17 "DifferentKinds of Land"Our World World16 September2003258 3 "ASpace forMe" MakingMusic Making25 May 2005498 18"BackyardGames" HappyHouse Home 6October 2010383 38 "HowDoes it Work?"Love All AroundLook Around 1August 2007513 33"MarvellousMachines"BackyardAdventurersAdventure 27October 2010470 35 "Thingsto Do" HappyMonster DanceBe Active 16October 2009424 34 "OurWorld in theFuture" When IGrow UpTomorrow 21August 2008410 20 "Hi-5Fun Park" TheBest Things inLife Are Free BeFree 1 August200881 36 "MachinesThat CarryPeople" RobotNumber OneMachines 5June 2000414 24 "MagicalJourneys"AbracadabraAbracadabra 7August 2008400 10 "DoingThingsTogether" We'rea Family Family18 July 2008114 24"Adventures" ICan GoAnywherePretend 12 July2001162 27"RenewableEnergy" E-N-E-R-G-Y Energy20 August 2002165 30"Food" E-N-E-R-G-YEnergy 23August 2002201 21 "I Loveto Be" L.O.V.E.Happy 22September2003112 22"SomethingElse" I Can GoAnywherePretend 10 July200149 4 "To theUniverse" North,South, East andWest Adventure20 April 20001 1"Physical"Ready orNot Games12 April 1999549 24 "Journeysof Imagination"Wish Upon a StarDreaming 17November 201156 11 "JungleAnimals" SoMany AnimalsAnimals 1May 2000489 9 "Gardens"Stand Up Tall onTippy ToesGrowing 23September 2010380 35 "Try it aDifferent Way"SwitchingSwitching 27July 2007262 7"People" Ch-Ch-ChangingChanging 31May 2005344 44 "Games"ShareEverything withYou Sharing 10August 200634 34"Favourites andFeelings" Livingin a RainbowColours 27 May1999117 27 "Homesand in theCommunity" Let'sGet to WorkInventions 17 July2001535 10 "CoralReef"UnderwaterDiscovery WaterWorld 28October 2011129 39 "Mythand Fantasy"I SpyMysteries 2August 2001503 23"Dance" TheDancing BusLet's Do It 13October 2010265 10"ChangingShape" Ch-Ch-ChangingChanging 3June 2005548 23 "When IGrow Up" WishUpon a StarDreaming 16November 2011164 29"House" E-N-E-R-G-YEnergy 22August 2002396 6 "DifferentFamilies" We'rea Family Family14 July 2008111 21"SomeoneElse" I Can GoAnywherePretend 9 July2001443 8 "PlayTogether" SpinMe RoundFriends 9September 2009120 30"Fantasy" Let'sGet to WorkInventions 20July 200185 40 "FunMachines"Robot NumberOne Machines9 June 2000181 1 "FamilyCelebrations"Come On andParty Festivals25 August 2003369 24"Treasures"Time MachineOld and New12 July 2007452 17"Inventions"Knock, Knock,Knock Curiosity22 September200990 45 "SillyMusic" Feelthe BeatMusic 16June 2000321 21 "Health"Hey, What'sCooking! Doing10 July 2006404 14"Exploring"Planet EarthPlanet Earth24 July 2008401 11"Backyards andRecycling"Planet EarthPlanet Earth 21July 2008493 13 "OuterSpace" MartianGrooveDiscovery 29September 2010505 25"Celebrations"The DancingBus Let's Do It15 October2010349 4"Meals"Around theWorld World14 June 2007347 2"Birthdays"Around theWorld World12 June 2007343 43 "I've Gotan Idea" ShareEverything withYou Sharing 9August 2006311 11"Places"Have SomeFun Enjoying26 June 2006136 1"Garden"Going OutOutside 15July 2002528 3"Magic"Wow![a]Amazing 19October 2011261 6"Nature" Ch-Ch-ChangingChanging 30May 2005430 40 "SendingMessages"Techno WorldTechno World 29August 2008282 27 "Animals"Rainbow 'Roundthe WorldRainbows 28 June2005416 26 "Wildand Wacky"Jump andShout Jumpand Shout 11August 2008399 9 "GettingAlong" We'rea FamilyFamily 17 July2008127 37"Detectives"I SpyMysteries 31July 2001537 12 "Doing"L.O.V.E. FeelGood 1November 201165 20 "SpecialDays" SpecialDays Days 12May 2000389 44"Difference"Party StreetCelebrating 9August 2007168 33"Routines"Move It!Patterns 28August 2002272 17 "SpecialPlaces ofInterest" ComeAround to MyPlace Visiting 14June 200535 35"Wonderful"Living in aRainbowColours 28 May199978 33 "MyBody Inside"Mirror, MirrorIt's Me 31May 200046 1 "To OtherCountries"North, South,East and WestAdventure 17April 2000145 10"Animals"CelebrateAround Us26 July 2002523 43 "What'sInside?" Turnthe Music Up!Surprise 10November 2010421 31 "Future"When I GrowUp Tomorrow18 August 200868 23"ImaginaryPlaces" ThreeWishes Wishes17 May 2000539 14"Achieving"L.O.V.E. FeelGood 3November 2011185 5 "FunnyFestivals"Come On andParty Festivals29 August 2003467 32 "BeingSporty" HappyMonster DanceBe Active 13October 2009552 27 "Food"Five SensesAbout Me 22November2011422 32 "What'sOn Tomorrow?"When I Grow UpTomorrow 19August 2008195 15"Gardens" Buildit Up Building12 September2003309 9 "New andOld Modes ofTransport" AreWe There Yet?Travelling 22June 2006534 9 "IslandLife" UnderwaterDiscovery WaterWorld 27October 2011157 22 "Askingfor Help" OneStep ForwardCan Do 13August 2002340 40 "PlayingTogether"Pretending DayPretending 4August 2006456 21 "SnowyTime" FourSeasonsNatural World28 September2009109 19 "MakingNew Friends"Friends Friends5 July 2001515 35 "PreSchool / DaycareFun" BackyardAdventurersAdventure 29October 201025 25 "Silly"Grow Grow14 May 1999358 13"Technology"Stop and GoCommunicate27 June 2007203 23"FavouriteAnimals"L.O.V.E. Happy24 September2003501 21"Making" TheDancing BusLet's Do It 11October 2010435 45 "Being aTeam Player"Come AliveCome Alive 5September 2008342 42"Animals" ShareEverything withYou Sharing 8August 2006314 14"Times" HaveSome FunEnjoying 29June 20068 8"Seasons"You and MeYou, Me 21April 1999354 9 "WhatMakes MeHappy" HappyToday Happy21 June 2007315 15"Differences"Have SomeFun Enjoying30 June 2006543 18 "FantasticBuildings" RobotNumber OneMachines 9November 20117 7 "Language,Cultures andCountries" Youand Me You, Me20 April 1999398 8 "FamilyHoliday"We're aFamily Family16 July 2008468 33"Building" HappyMonster DanceBe Active 14October 2009115 25"Fantastical" ICan GoAnywherePretend 13 July2001449 14"Games" ZooParty Celebrate17 September2009313 13 ""BeingMe" Skills"Have SomeFun Enjoying28 June 2006324 24 "CanDo" Hey,What'sCooking! Doing13 July 2006532 7 "On theWater"UnderwaterDiscovery WaterWorld 25October 2011180 45"Creativity"Reach OutFinding Out 13September2002553 28 "I'mSpecial" FiveSenses AboutMe 23November 2011407 17 "Daring"The BestThings in LifeAre Free BeFree 29 July2008387 42 "Us(You and Me)"Party StreetCelebrating 7August 2007268 13 "Machinesand Other ThingsThat Move" ActionHero Action 8June 200529 29"Movement"Move YourBody Bodies20 May 1999161 26 "Movesand Workout"E-N-E-R-G-YEnergy 19August 2002479 44 "Toys"Favourite TeddyBear FavouriteThings 29October 2009473 38 "TheFuture" Livingin a FairytaleImagine 21October 2009458 23"Rainbows"Four SeasonsNatural World30 September200947 2 "AroundYour House"North, South,East and WestAdventure 18April 2000560 35 "MakingFriends" SomeKind ofWonderful[b]Friends 2December 2011476 41 "MakingThings /Collecting"Favourite TeddyBear FavouriteThings 26 October2009304 4"Mysteries"Wish Upon aStar Wondering15 June 2006375 30 "Circus"Strong andBrave Braveand Strong 20July 2007483 3 "JungleAdventure" Hi-5Farm AnimalFun 15September2010171 36 "Funwith Friends"Hand in HandTeamwork 2September2002373 28"Adventure"Strong andBrave Braveand Strong 18July 2007431 41 "FunAction" ComeAlive ComeAlive 1September2008134 44 "Foods"You're MyNumber OneFavourites 9August 2001291 36 "World"Some Kind ofWonderfulWonderful 11July 2005192 12"Dwellings"Build it UpBuilding 9September20033 3 "RainyDays" Readyor NotGames 14April 1999368 23 "NewCities andInventions"Time MachineOld and New 11July 2007437 2 "The GreatIndoors - Aroundthe House" Stop,Look, ListenExplore 1September 2009418 28 "DressUp" Jump andShout Jumpand Shout 13August 200815 15 "I WouldLike to Change"Dream OnImagine 30April 1999540 15"FavouriteThings" L.O.V.E.Feel Good 4November 201130 30"Wonderful"Move YourBody Bodies21 May 1999385 40 "IWonder" LoveAll AroundLook Around3 August 2007446 11"SomethingNew" Zoo PartyCelebrate 14September 2009440 5 "Underthe Sea" Stop,Look, ListenExplore 4September 200984 39 "Machinesin the City"Robot NumberOne Machines 8June 2000554 29 "SensoryPlay" FiveSenses AboutMe 24November 2011511 31 "TechnoWorld" BackyardAdventurersAdventure 25October 2010345 45 "TalkingandCommunication"Share Everythingwith You Sharing11 August 200676 31"Looking AfterMyself" Mirror,Mirror It's Me29 May 2000519 39"ScienceMagic" HeyPresto! Magic 4November2010271 16"Hello" ComeAround to MyPlace Visiting13 June 2005497 17 "Inthe Kitchen"Happy HouseHome 5October 201019 19"Family"L.O.V.E.Love 6 May199939 39"Touching"Five SensesSenses 3June 1999174 39 "Jobs"Hand in HandTeamwork 5September2002316 16"Body"Growing UpGrowing 3July 2006296 41"Animals"Planet DiscoJourneys 18July 2005333 33"Exploring andAdventures"Peek-a-BooFinding 26 July2006384 39 "Ways toGet Around"Love All AroundLook Around 2August 2007269 14 "ActionHeroes" ActionHero Action 9June 2005123 33 "CreatingTreasure" BuriedTreasureTreasures 25 July200155 10 "AnimalFeelings"FeelingsFeelings 28April 2000137 2"Beach"Going OutOutside 16July 2002317 17 "Bigand Small"Growing UpGrowing 4July 200653 8 "FeelingsWe Have"FeelingsFeelings 26April 200016 16"FavouriteThings"L.O.V.E. Love3 May 1999544 19 "TimeMachine" RobotNumber OneMachines 10November 2011525 45"Treasures" Turnthe Music Up!Surprise 12November 2010154 19"Head" InsideMy HeartInside 8August 2002176 41"Colours"Reach OutFinding Out 9September2002267 12"Jobs" ActionHero Action7 June 2005126 36"Mysteries ofNature" I SpyMysteries 30July 200171 26 "OurHabitat" It'sa PartyHomes 22May 200060 15"AustralianAnimals" SoMany AnimalsAnimals 5 May2000212 32"Animals"Ready or NotWork and Play7 October 200364 19 "Daysof the Week"Special DaysDays 11 May2000102 12 "Insideand Outside"OppositesAttract Opposite26 June 2001206 26 "MagicalAnimals" DreamOn Magic 29September 20036 6"Dimensions"You and MeYou, Me 19April 1999557 32 "AnimalFriends" SomeKind ofWonderful[b]Friends 29November 201124 24"Plants"Grow Grow13 May 1999378 33"Energy"SwitchingSwitching 25July 2007357 12 "Waysof Saying"Stop and GoCommunicate26 June 2007300 45 "JourneysThrough YourImagination"Planet DiscoJourneys 22 July2005193 13 "Tools"Build it UpBuilding 10September2003502 22"SummerHoliday" TheDancing BusLet's Do It 12October 2010105 15"Movement"OppositesAttractOpposite 29June 2001140 5"OutsideLiving" GoingOut Outside19 July 2002151 16"House"Inside MyHeart Inside 5August 2002320 20 "Age"Growing UpGrowing 7July 2006517 37 "Magicin Nature" HeyPresto! Magic 2November2010163 28"Machines"E-N-E-R-G-Y Energy 21August 2002465 30"Visiting" Let'sGet AwayHolidays 9October 2009395 5"Imagination"PlaytimePlaytime 11July 2008526 1"Wonders ofthe World"Wow![a]Amazing 17October 2011220 40"Travelling"HolidayHolidays 17October 2003323 23 "Artsand Crafts"Hey, What'sCooking! Doing12 July 200680 35 "Youand Me"Mirror, MirrorIt's Me 2June 2000337 37"PerformingEvents"Pretending DayPretending 1August 2006527 2 "AmazingSpace" Wow![a]Amazing 18October 20115 5 "SillyDay" Readyor NotGames 16April 1999274 19 "AnimalVisits andVisitors" ComeAround to MyPlace Visiting 16June 2005221 41"Curiosity"UnderwaterDiscoveryDiscovery 20October 2003353 8"Routines"Happy TodayHappy 20June 200761 16"Yesterday"Special DaysDays 8 May200069 24"Daydreams"Three WishesWishes 18May 200013 13 "IWould Like toMake" DreamOn Imagine28 April 1999485 5 "Underthe Sea" Hi-5Farm AnimalFun 17September201033 33 "Makingand Mixing"Living in aRainbowColours 26 May1999224 44"Fantasy"UnderwaterDiscoveryDiscovery 23October 2003330 30"Mixing"SpecialVariety 21July 200614 14 "IWould Like toSay" DreamOn Imagine29 April 1999545 20 "Planes,Trains &Automobiles"Robot NumberOne Machines 11November 2011352 7 "MoveYour Body"Happy TodayHappy 19June 200722 22"Animals"Grow Grow11 May 1999567 42"Dancing"Making MusicMusic 13December 2011329 29 "Weirdis Good"SpecialVariety 20July 200688 43"Instruments"Feel the BeatMusic 14June 2000289 34"CooperationandCommunities"T.E.A.M. Teams7 July 2005509 29"FavouriteThings" ToyBox Toys 21October 201096 6 "Mindand Body"Boom BoomBeat Get Fit18 June 2001196 16 "DifferentKinds of Water"Our World World15 September2003491 11"Experiments"Martian GrooveDiscovery 27September 2010288 33"Animals"T.E.A.M.Teams 6 July2005464 29 "Planes,Trains andAutomobiles"Let's Get AwayHolidays 8October 2009150 15"Adventure"Give it a GoIdeas 2August 2002359 14"Animals"Stop and GoCommunicate28 June 2007504 24 "WinterHoliday" TheDancing BusLet's Do It 14October 2010405 15 "Landand Sea"Planet EarthPlanet Earth25 July 2008222 42"Mysteries"UnderwaterDiscoveryDiscovery 21October 2003158 23 "In aDifferent Way"One StepForward CanDo 14 August2002338 38 "WhereWill I Be?"Pretending DayPretending 2August 2006563 38 "InsideSports" Readyor Not Games 7December 2011135 45"Celebrations"You're MyNumber OneFavourites 10August 2001167 32"Recycling"Move It!Patterns 27August 2002436 1 "OnSafari" Stop,Look, ListenExplore 31August 200927 27 "Armsand Legs"Move YourBody Bodies18 May 1999194 14 "LongAgo" Build itUp Building11 September2003198 18 "Food"Our WorldWorld 17September200328 28 "Insideand Outside"Move YourBody Bodies19 May 1999257 2 "AWork of Art"Making MusicMaking 24May 200518 18 "Tim'sBirthday"L.O.V.E.Love 5 May1999374 29 "ImagineYou Can Do It"Strong and BraveBrave and Strong19 July 2007481 1 "Pets"Hi-5 FarmAnimal Fun 13September2010508 28"Games" ToyBox Toys 20October2010116 26 "Traveland Space"Let's Get toWorkInventions 16July 2001166 31"Babies"Move It!Patterns 26August 200277 32 "MyPlace in theUniverse"Mirror, MirrorIt's Me 30 May2000411 21"Fairyland"AbracadabraAbracadabra4 August 2008372 27 "FirstSteps (Give it aGo)" Strong andBrave Brave andStrong 17 July2007455 20 "HumanBody" Knock,Knock, KnockCuriosity 25September 2009211 31 "Jobs"Ready or NotWork andPlay 6October 2003264 9 "In YourHome" Ch-Ch-ChangingChanging 2June 2005382 37 "Underthe Surface"Love All AroundLook Around 31July 200766 21"ImaginaryFriends" ThreeWishes Wishes15 May 200037 37 "Hearingand Talking"Five SensesSenses 1 June1999542 17"Inventions"Robot NumberOne Machines 8November 201193 3 "Earth"Rain RainNature 13June 2001139 4 "GreatOutdoors"Going OutOutside 18July 2002275 20 "ImaginaryPlaces, People andThings" ComeAround to My PlaceVisiting 17 June2005362 17"People"Wow!Amazing 3July 2007142 7 "FruitsandVegetables"CelebrateAround Us 23July 2002556 31"Friendship"Some Kind ofWonderful[b]Friends 28November 2011218 38"Family Fun"HolidayHolidays 15October 2003536 11"Love"L.O.V.E. FeelGood 31October 2011350 5"Environment /Animals"Around theWorld World 15June 2007486 6 "Things ThatGrow" Stand UpTall on Tippy ToesGrowing 20September 2010450 15 "WhyYou're Special"Zoo PartyCelebrate 18September 200959 14 "WaterAnimals" SoMany AnimalsAnimals 4May 2000356 11 "BodyLanguage"Stop and GoCommunicate25 June 2007432 42"Recharge"Come AliveCome Alive 2September2008294 39 "Days"Some Kind ofWonderfulWonderful 14July 200589 44 "Musicand Sports"Feel the BeatMusic 15June 2000259 4 "ASurprise"Making MusicMaking 26May 2005454 19 "FindingTreasure"Knock, Knock,Knock Curiosity24 September2009169 34"NatureCycles" MoveIt! Patterns 29August 2002520 40"Magical Me!"Hey Presto!Magic 5November2010325 25"Playing" Hey,What'sCooking! Doing14 July 20064 4"Fantasy"Ready orNot Games15 April 1999367 22 "Peopleand Animals"Time MachineOld and New10 July 2007559 34"Celebrations withFriends" SomeKind ofWonderful[b]Friends 1December 2011216 36"Sports"HolidayHolidays 13October 2003172 37"Games" Handin HandTeamwork 3September200270 25 "WhatIf?" ThreeWishesWishes 19May 2000392 2 "DressUps"PlaytimePlaytime 8July 2008121 31 "FindingTreasure" BuriedTreasureTreasures 23July 2001547 22"Dreaming"Wish Upon aStar Dreaming15 November2011302 2"WonderfulNature" WishUpon a StarWondering 13June 2006531 6 "DiscoveryUnder the Sea"UnderwaterDiscovery WaterWorld 24 October2011207 27 "Magic inNature" DreamOn Magic 30September 2003286 31"Sports"T.E.A.M.Teams 4 July2005138 3 "OutdoorGames" GoingOut Outside 17July 200257 12"Insects" SoMany AnimalsAnimals 2May 2000327 27 "FamilyGroups"Special Variety18 July 2006524 44 "Babies -Something New"Turn the Music Up!Surprise 11November 2010423 33 "LookingForward" When IGrow UpTomorrow 20August 200886 41 "MusicFrom Aroundthe World" Feelthe Beat Music12 June 2000225 45"Experiments"UnderwaterDiscoveryDiscovery 24October 200383 38 "Machinesin the Country"Robot NumberOne Machines 7June 2000541 16 "Robots"Robot NumberOne Machines 7November 2011173 38"Memories"Hand in HandTeamwork 4September2002124 34 "PreciousTreasure" BuriedTreasureTreasures 26 July200167 22 "When IGrow Up"Three WishesWishes 16May 200091 1"Flowers"Rain RainNature 11June 2001122 32 "CollectingTreasure" BuriedTreasureTreasures 24 July2001394 4"Puzzles"PlaytimePlaytime 10July 2008522 42 "SurpriseVisitors" Turn theMusic Up!Surprise 9November 2010131 41"People" You'reMy NumberOne Favourites6 August 2001429 39 "TimeTravel" TechnoWorld TechnoWorld 28August 2008546 21 "StarMagic" WishUpon a StarDreaming 14November 2011214 34 "OuterSpace" Readyor Not Workand Play 9October 200398 8"Exercise"Boom BoomBeat Get Fit20 June 2001148 13 "FindAny Way"Give it a GoIdeas 31July 2002379 34 "MovingPlaces /Houses"SwitchingSwitching 26July 2007205 25 "I Loveto Go" L.O.V.E.Happy 26September2003215 35 "GettingReady" Readyor Not Work andPlay 10 October2003292 37"People" SomeKind ofWonderfulWonderful 12July 200531 31 "TheWorld" Livingin a RainbowColours 24May 1999484 4 "Animalswith Jobs" Hi-5Farm AnimalFun 16September 2010506 26"Puppets"Toy Box Toys18 October2010391 1 "PlayingGames"PlaytimePlaytime 7July 2008478 43 "Colours"Favourite TeddyBear FavouriteThings 28 October2009335 35 "Artsand Crafts"Peek-a-BooFinding 28July 2006104 14"Feelings"OppositesAttractOpposite 28June 2001444 9 "MakingFriends" SpinMe RoundFriends 10September 2009438 3 "Country /City" Stop, Look,Listen Explore 2September 200962 17"Today"Special DaysDays 9 May200095 5 "Trees"Rain RainNature 15June 2001270 15 "Healthand Fitness"Action HeroAction 10 June2005156 21 "TryingSomething New"One StepForward Can Do12 August 2002143 8 "Aroundthe World andCelebrations"CelebrateAround Us 24July 200240 40"Wonderful"Five SensesSenses 4June 1999363 18 "IdeasandImagination"Wow! Amazing4 July 2007477 42 "Food"Favourite TeddyBear FavouriteThings 27October 200999 9 "Food"Boom BoomBeat Get Fit21 June200138 38 "Tastingand Smelling"Five SensesSenses 2June 1999132 42"FavouriteAnimals" You'reMy Number OneFavourites 7August 2001566 41 "MakingMusic" MakingMusic Music 12December 2011341 41 "Friendsand Family"ShareEverything withYou Sharing 7August 2006339 39"Puppets"Pretending DayPretending 3August 200612 12 "IWould Like toGo" DreamOn Imagine27 April 1999290 35"Teams"T.E.A.M.Teams 8 July2005153 18"Body" InsideMy HeartInside 7August 2002451 16"Mysteries"Knock, Knock,Knock Curiosity21 September2009184 4"ChristmasTraditions"Come On andParty Festivals28 August 2003403 13 "WildLife" PlanetEarth PlanetEarth 23 July2008280 25 "EveryDay" City andCountry City,Country 24June 2005128 38"PhysicalMysteries" ISpy Mysteries1 August 200150 5"Underground"North, South,East and WestAdventure 21April 2000413 23 "MagicalCreatures"AbracadabraAbracadabra 6August 2008364 19 "Placesand Buildings"Wow! Amazing5 July 2007305 5 "Dreamingand Wishing"Wish Upon aStar Wondering16 June 2006209 29"Magical DressUp Party"Dream OnMagic 2October 200344 44 "Place inTime" In aDifferent PlaceTime, Place 10June 199926 26"Faces"Move YourBody Bodies17 May 1999570 45 "MusicalInstruments"Making MusicMusic 16December 2011461 26"Christmas"Let's Get AwayHolidays 5October 2009472 37 "ImaginaryJourneys" Living ina FairytaleImagine 20October 2009159 24 "I CanDo Anything"One StepForward CanDo 15 August2002390 45 "Feastsand Festivals"Party StreetCelebrating 10August 2007331 31"Animals andthe NaturalWorld" Peek-a-Boo Finding 24July 2006457 22 "SummerTime" FourSeasons NaturalWorld 29September 2009530 5"MiniatureWorld" Wow![a]Amazing 21October 2011569 44 "Soundsin Nature"Making MusicMusic 15December 2011273 18"Welcome"Come Aroundto My PlaceVisiting 15 June2005283 28 "Mixing,Making andDiscoveringColour" Rainbow'Round the WorldRainbows 29 June2005521 41 "Party"Turn the MusicUp! Surprise 8November2010200 20 "Peopleand Animals"Our WorldWorld 19September2003322 22"Working" Hey,What'sCooking! Doing11 July 2006175 40 "Makinga Movie" Handin HandTeamwork 6September 2002361 16"Creatures andThings inNature" Wow!Amazing 2 July200736 36"Seeing"Five SensesSenses 31May 1999155 20 "NaturalWorld" InsideMy Heart Inside9 August 2002561 36"Games" Readyor Not Games 5December 2011434 44 "WorldOutside" ComeAlive ComeAlive 4September2008386 41 "SpecialDays" PartyStreetCelebrating 6August 2007533 8 "At theBeach"UnderwaterDiscovery WaterWorld 26October 2011370 25 "Waysof RecordingExperience"Time MachineOld and New13 July 2007125 35 "Memoriesand Moments"Buried TreasureTreasures 27 July2001108 18"UnusualFriends"Friends Friends4 July 2001284 29 "Colourful"Rainbow 'Roundthe WorldRainbows 30 June2005179 44"Cleverness"Reach OutFinding Out 12September2002494 14"Something New"Martian GrooveDiscovery 30September 2010439 4 "Space"Stop, Look,Listen Explore3 September2009178 43"Experiments"Reach OutFinding Out 11September200294 4 "Sky"Rain RainNature 14June 2001459 24"Changing"Four SeasonsNatural World 1October 2009186 6"Memories"Give FiveFamily 1September2003365 20"Bodies"Wow!Amazing 6July 2007152 17 "SpecialPlaces" InsideMy Heart Inside6 August 2002263 8 "TheWorld" Ch-Ch-ChangingChanging 1June 2005492 12 "InNature" MartianGrooveDiscovery 28September 2010287 32 "WhenAm I a TeamPlayer?"T.E.A.M. Teams5 July 2005393 3 "Silly"PlaytimePlaytime 9July 2008462 27"CelebrationsAround the World"Let's Get AwayHolidays 6October 2009487 7 "Building"Stand Up Tall onTippy ToesGrowing 21September 2010555 30 "Happy"Five SensesAbout Me 25November 2011406 16 "Trying OutNew Things" TheBest Things in LifeAre Free Be Free28 July 2008463 28"Travelling"Let's Get AwayHolidays 7October 200910 10"Wonderful"You and MeYou, Me 23April 1999482 2 "On theFarm" Hi-5Farm AnimalFun 14September2010297 42"People"Planet DiscoJourneys 19July 200551 6 "FeelingFree"FeelingsFeelings 24April 200058 13 "FarmAnimals" SoMany AnimalsAnimals 3May 2000210 30"Silly" DreamOn Magic 3October200352 7 "InsideMe" FeelingsFeelings 25April 200032 32 "YourWorld" Livingin a RainbowColours 25May 1999133 43"Games" You'reMy NumberOne Favourites8 August 2001433 43 "GettingFocused" ComeAlive Come Alive3September 2008507 27 "TeddyBearAdventures"Toy Box Toys19 October2010260 5 "ThingsAnimalsCreate" MakingMusic Making27 May 2005199 19 "EarthTreasures" OurWorld World 18September2003529 4"Heroes"Wow![a]Amazing 20October 2011512 32"Superheroes"BackyardAdventurersAdventure 26October 2010420 30 "MoveYour Body"Jump andShout Jumpand Shout 15August 2008303 3"WonderfulCreatures" WishUpon a StarWondering 14June 2006348 3 "FirstDay of School"Around theWorld World 13June 2007360 15 "TheArts" Stop andGoCommunicate29 June 2007298 43"Places"Planet DiscoJourneys 20July 2005306 6 "Travel"Are We ThereYet?Travelling 19June 200673 28 "MobileHabitat" It's aParty Homes24 May 2000510 30"SportyThings" ToyBox Toys 22October 201017 17 "Pets"L.O.V.E.Love 4 May1999177 42 "Aboutand Around Me"Reach OutFinding Out 10September 2002106 16"Differences andSimilarities"Friends Friends2 July 2001425 35 "Ways toGet Around inthe Future"When I Grow UpTomorrow 22August 200811 11 "IWould Like toBe" DreamOn Imagine26 April 199954 9 "ShowingOur Feelings"FeelingsFeelings 27April 200023 23"Building"Grow Grow12 May 1999107 17"Sharing andCaring" FriendsFriends 3 July2001301 1 "WhatIf?" WishUpon a StarWondering12 June 2006474 39 "DressUps" Living ina FairytaleImagine 22October 2009538 13 "HelpingOthers" L.O.V.E.Feel Good 2November 2011516 36 "FairyCreatures" HeyPresto! Magic 1November2010334 34 "OtherCountries"Peek-a-BooFinding 27July 200679 34 "MyBody Outside"Mirror, MirrorIt's Me 1 June200045 45 "WonderfulFancy DressParty" In aDifferent PlaceTime, Place 11June 1999496 16"Bedrooms andBathrooms"Happy HouseHome 4 October2010208 28"Magic in Me"Dream OnMagic 1October 2003336 36 "WhoWill I Be?"Pretending DayPretending 31July 2006466 31 "Let'sDance!" HappyMonster DanceBe Active 12October 2009480 45 "Music"Favourite TeddyBear FavouriteThings 30October 2009388 43"Nature"Party StreetCelebrating 8August 2007182 2 "Aroundthe World"Come On andParty Festivals26 August 2003266 11"Games andSports" ActionHero Action 6June 2005170 35"Pictures"Move It!Patterns 30August 2002190 10 "WorkingTogether" GiveFive Family 5September 2003564 39 "AnimalSports Day"Ready or NotGames 8December 2011377 32"Animals andNature"SwitchingSwitching 24July 2007312 12"Things"Have SomeFun Enjoying27 June 2006285 30 "Contrastand Affinity"Rainbow 'Roundthe WorldRainbows 1 July2005428 38"ComputerWorld" TechnoWorld TechnoWorld 27 August200875 30 "Cityand Country"It's a PartyHomes 26May 2000189 9 "WashingDay" Give FiveFamily 4September2003441 6 "Teams"Spin Me RoundFriends 7September2009550 25 "Wishes"Wish Upon aStar Dreaming18 November2011514 34 "TravellingCircus" BackyardAdventurersAdventure 28October 2010427 37"Contraptions"Techno WorldTechno World26 August 200882 37 "Machinesin the House"Robot NumberOne Machines 6June 2000149 14"Creativity"Give it a GoIdeas 1August 200242 42 "Habitatand Home" In aDifferent PlaceTime, Place 8June 1999100 10 "Gamesand Sports"Boom BoomBeat Get Fit 22June 2001279 24 "Foodand Crops" Cityand CountryCity, Country 23June 200520 20 "SillyDay"L.O.V.E.Love 7 May1999319 19"Building"Growing UpGrowing 6July 2006119 29"Communication"Let's Get to WorkInventions 19July 2001469 34 "MyBody" HappyMonster DanceBe Active 15October 2009381 36 "Indoors/ Outdoors" LoveAll Around LookAround 30 July2007146 11"Inventions"Give it a GoIdeas 29July 2002223 43 "OtherWorlds"UnderwaterDiscoveryDiscovery 22October 2003187 7 "Love"Give FiveFamily 2September2003397 7"Animals andPets" We're aFamily Family15 July 2008103 13 "Size"OppositesAttractOpposite 27June 2001500 20"Family"Happy HouseHome 8October 2010488 8 "GrowingUp" Stand UpTall on TippyToes Growing 22September2010551 26 "HumanBody" FiveSenses AboutMe 21November 2011293 38 "Places"Some Kind ofWonderfulWonderful 13July 2005471 36 "MysticalCreatures" Livingin a FairytaleImagine 19October 2009415 25 "MagicalStories"AbracadabraAbracadabra 8August 2008281 26 "Colours inNature" Rainbow'Round the WorldRainbows 27 June200597 7 "Rest andRelaxation"Boom BoomBeat Get Fit 19June 2001130 40 "FunMysteries / TheHi-5 Mystery" ISpy Mysteries 3August 2001453 18 "What WillI Be When I GrowUp?" Knock,Knock, KnockCuriosity 23September 2009371 26 "DifferentWays to Be Brave"Strong and BraveBrave and Strong16 July 2007217 37 "ATime for Me"HolidayHolidays 14October 2003332 32 "HowDoes itWork?" Peek-a-Boo Finding25 July 2006147 12"Imagination"Give it a GoIdeas 30July 2002219 39 "GetFit" HolidayHolidays 16October2003558 33"Families" SomeKind ofWonderful[b]Friends 30November 2011310 10"Holidays" AreWe There Yet?Travelling 23June 2006495 15 "WhyI'm Special"Martian GrooveDiscovery 1October 20109 9 "You andMe" You andMe You, Me22 April 199992 2 "Water"Rain RainNature 12June 2001188 8 "Pets"Give FiveFamily 3September2003402 12"Adventures"Planet EarthPlanet Earth22 July 2008204 24 "I Loveto Make"L.O.V.E. Happy25 September2003328 28"Food"SpecialVariety 19July 2006141 6 "Hi-5Fair"CelebrateAround Us22 July 200248 3 "AroundYour Town"North, South,East and WestAdventure 19April 2000376 31"ChangingLooks"SwitchingSwitching 23July 2007160 25 "I CanDo What I'veSaid" One StepForward CanDo 16 August2002346 1"Babies"Around theWorld World11 June 200772 27 "Onthe Ground"It's a PartyHomes 23May 2000518 38 "MagicalJourneys" HeyPresto! Magic 3November 2010277 22"Animals" Cityand CountryCity, Country21 June 2005144 9 "Dancingand Costumes"CelebrateAround Us 25July 200274 29 "OtherCountries"It's a PartyHomes 25May 2000326 26"Multicultural"SpecialVariety 17July 2006101 11"Perspective"OppositesAttractOpposite 25June 2001110 20 "Funwith Friends"FriendsFriends 6July 2001565 40"SideshowAlley" Ready orNot Games 9December 2011417 27"Move It"Jump andShout Jumpand Shout12 August2008475 40"Dreams" Livingin a FairytaleImagine 23October 2009448 13"Adventures"Zoo PartyCelebrate 16September2009408 18 "MakingYour Own Fun"The Best Things inLife Are Free BeFree 30 July 2008308 8"Imaginative"Are We ThereYet? Travelling21 June 2006426 36"Gadgets"Techno WorldTechno World25 August 200841 41 "OuterSpace" In aDifferent PlaceTime, Place 7June 1999490 10 "StrongBodies" Stand UpTall on Tippy ToesGrowing 24September 2010419 29 "Exploringand Finding Out"Jump and ShoutJump and Shout14 August 20082 2 "Outside"Ready orNot Games13 April 1999202 22"FavouriteThings" L.O.V.E.Happy 23September 2003318 18"Animals andPlants"Growing UpGrowing 5 July2006562 37 "Teams"Ready or NotGames 6December 2011276 21"Landscapes"City andCountry City,Country 20June 2005278 23 "Dayand Night" Cityand CountryCity, Country 22June 2005412 22 "MakingMagic"AbracadabraAbracadabra 5August 2008499 19 "Funwith Friends"Happy HouseHome 7October 2010460 25 "PlanetEarth" FourSeasonsNatural World 2October 200943 43"Underwater" Ina DifferentPlace Time,Place 9 June1999366 21 "OldPlaces" TimeMachine Oldand New 9July 2007409 19 "Thingsto Do" The BestThings in LifeAre Free BeFree 31 July2008442 7 "Brothersand Sisters"Spin Me RoundFriends 8September 2009118 28 "FunInventions"Let's Get toWorkInventions 18July 2001213 33 "StreetParade" Readyor Not Work andPlay 8 October200387 42 "Stylesof Music"Feel the BeatMusic 13June 2000568 43 "MusicAround theWorld" MakingMusic Music 14December 2011351 6 "Food"Happy TodayHappy 18June 2007355 10"CommunityCarers" HappyToday Happy22 June 2007191 11"Machines"Build it UpBuilding 8September200321 21"BodiesGrowing"Grow Grow10 May 1999445 10 "AnimalFriends" SpinMe RoundFriends 11September 200963 18"Tomorrow"Special DaysDays 10 May2000307 7 "Nearand Far" AreWe There Yet?Travelling 20June 2006447 12"Superheroes"Zoo PartyCelebrate 15September2009256 1 "InNature"Making MusicMaking 23May 2005295 40 "Giftsand Treasures"Some Kind ofWonderfulWonderful 15July 2005299 44 "Life"Planet DiscoJourneys 21July 2005113 23 "Pretendto Be Animals" ICan GoAnywherePretend 11 July2001183 3"CommunityEvents" ComeOn and PartyFestivals 27August 2003197 17 "DifferentKinds of Land"Our World World16 September2003258 3 "ASpace forMe" MakingMusic Making25 May 2005498 18"BackyardGames" HappyHouse Home 6October 2010383 38 "HowDoes it Work?"Love All AroundLook Around 1August 2007513 33"MarvellousMachines"BackyardAdventurersAdventure 27October 2010470 35 "Thingsto Do" HappyMonster DanceBe Active 16October 2009424 34 "OurWorld in theFuture" When IGrow UpTomorrow 21August 2008410 20 "Hi-5Fun Park" TheBest Things inLife Are Free BeFree 1 August200881 36 "MachinesThat CarryPeople" RobotNumber OneMachines 5June 2000414 24 "MagicalJourneys"AbracadabraAbracadabra 7August 2008400 10 "DoingThingsTogether" We'rea Family Family18 July 2008114 24"Adventures" ICan GoAnywherePretend 12 July2001162 27"RenewableEnergy" E-N-E-R-G-Y Energy20 August 2002165 30"Food" E-N-E-R-G-YEnergy 23August 2002201 21 "I Loveto Be" L.O.V.E.Happy 22September2003112 22"SomethingElse" I Can GoAnywherePretend 10 July200149 4 "To theUniverse" North,South, East andWest Adventure20 April 20001 1"Physical"Ready orNot Games12 April 1999549 24 "Journeysof Imagination"Wish Upon a StarDreaming 17November 201156 11 "JungleAnimals" SoMany AnimalsAnimals 1May 2000489 9 "Gardens"Stand Up Tall onTippy ToesGrowing 23September 2010380 35 "Try it aDifferent Way"SwitchingSwitching 27July 2007262 7"People" Ch-Ch-ChangingChanging 31May 2005344 44 "Games"ShareEverything withYou Sharing 10August 200634 34"Favourites andFeelings" Livingin a RainbowColours 27 May1999117 27 "Homesand in theCommunity" Let'sGet to WorkInventions 17 July2001535 10 "CoralReef"UnderwaterDiscovery WaterWorld 28October 2011129 39 "Mythand Fantasy"I SpyMysteries 2August 2001503 23"Dance" TheDancing BusLet's Do It 13October 2010265 10"ChangingShape" Ch-Ch-ChangingChanging 3June 2005548 23 "When IGrow Up" WishUpon a StarDreaming 16November 2011164 29"House" E-N-E-R-G-YEnergy 22August 2002396 6 "DifferentFamilies" We'rea Family Family14 July 2008111 21"SomeoneElse" I Can GoAnywherePretend 9 July2001443 8 "PlayTogether" SpinMe RoundFriends 9September 2009120 30"Fantasy" Let'sGet to WorkInventions 20July 200185 40 "FunMachines"Robot NumberOne Machines9 June 2000181 1 "FamilyCelebrations"Come On andParty Festivals25 August 2003369 24"Treasures"Time MachineOld and New12 July 2007452 17"Inventions"Knock, Knock,Knock Curiosity22 September200990 45 "SillyMusic" Feelthe BeatMusic 16June 2000321 21 "Health"Hey, What'sCooking! Doing10 July 2006404 14"Exploring"Planet EarthPlanet Earth24 July 2008401 11"Backyards andRecycling"Planet EarthPlanet Earth 21July 2008493 13 "OuterSpace" MartianGrooveDiscovery 29September 2010505 25"Celebrations"The DancingBus Let's Do It15 October2010

Lauren and Karim - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 349 4 "Meals" Around the World World 14 June 2007
  2. 347 2 "Birthdays" Around the World World 12 June 2007
  3. 343 43 "I've Got an Idea" Share Everything with You Sharing 9 August 2006
  4. 311 11 "Places" Have Some Fun Enjoying 26 June 2006
  5. 136 1 "Garden" Going Out Outside 15 July 2002
  6. 528 3 "Magic" Wow![a] Amazing 19 October 2011
  7. 261 6 "Nature" Ch-Ch-Changing Changing 30 May 2005
  8. 430 40 "Sending Messages" Techno World Techno World 29 August 2008
  9. 282 27 "Animals" Rainbow 'Round the World Rainbows 28 June 2005
  10. 416 26 "Wild and Wacky" Jump and Shout Jump and Shout 11 August 2008
  11. 399 9 "Getting Along" We're a Family Family 17 July 2008
  12. 127 37 "Detectives" I Spy Mysteries 31 July 2001
  13. 537 12 "Doing" L.O.V.E. Feel Good 1 November 2011
  14. 65 20 "Special Days" Special Days Days 12 May 2000
  15. 389 44 "Difference" Party Street Celebrating 9 August 2007
  16. 168 33 "Routines" Move It! Patterns 28 August 2002
  17. 272 17 "Special Places of Interest" Come Around to My Place Visiting 14 June 2005
  18. 35 35 "Wonderful" Living in a Rainbow Colours 28 May 1999
  19. 78 33 "My Body Inside" Mirror, Mirror It's Me 31 May 2000
  20. 46 1 "To Other Countries" North, South, East and West Adventure 17 April 2000
  21. 145 10 "Animals" Celebrate Around Us 26 July 2002
  22. 523 43 "What's Inside?" Turn the Music Up! Surprise 10 November 2010
  23. 421 31 "Future" When I Grow Up Tomorrow 18 August 2008
  24. 68 23 "Imaginary Places" Three Wishes Wishes 17 May 2000
  25. 539 14 "Achieving" L.O.V.E. Feel Good 3 November 2011
  26. 185 5 "Funny Festivals" Come On and Party Festivals 29 August 2003
  27. 467 32 "Being Sporty" Happy Monster Dance Be Active 13 October 2009
  28. 552 27 "Food" Five Senses About Me 22 November 2011
  29. 422 32 "What's On Tomorrow?" When I Grow Up Tomorrow 19 August 2008
  30. 195 15 "Gardens" Build it Up Building 12 September 2003
  31. 309 9 "New and Old Modes of Transport" Are We There Yet? Travelling 22 June 2006
  32. 534 9 "Island Life" Underwater Discovery Water World 27 October 2011
  33. 157 22 "Asking for Help" One Step Forward Can Do 13 August 2002
  34. 340 40 "Playing Together" Pretending Day Pretending 4 August 2006
  35. 456 21 "Snowy Time" Four Seasons Natural World 28 September 2009
  36. 109 19 "Making New Friends" Friends Friends 5 July 2001
  37. 515 35 "Pre School / Daycare Fun" Backyard Adventurers Adventure 29 October 2010
  38. 25 25 "Silly" Grow Grow 14 May 1999
  39. 358 13 "Technology" Stop and Go Communicate 27 June 2007
  40. 203 23 "Favourite Animals" L.O.V.E. Happy 24 September 2003
  41. 501 21 "Making" The Dancing Bus Let's Do It 11 October 2010
  42. 435 45 "Being a Team Player" Come Alive Come Alive 5 September 2008
  43. 342 42 "Animals" Share Everything with You Sharing 8 August 2006
  44. 314 14 "Times" Have Some Fun Enjoying 29 June 2006
  45. 8 8 "Seasons" You and Me You, Me 21 April 1999
  46. 354 9 "What Makes Me Happy" Happy Today Happy 21 June 2007
  47. 315 15 "Differences" Have Some Fun Enjoying 30 June 2006
  48. 543 18 "Fantastic Buildings" Robot Number One Machines 9 November 2011
  49. 7 7 "Language, Cultures and Countries" You and Me You, Me 20 April 1999
  50. 398 8 "Family Holiday" We're a Family Family 16 July 2008
  51. 468 33 "Building" Happy Monster Dance Be Active 14 October 2009
  52. 115 25 "Fantastical" I Can Go Anywhere Pretend 13 July 2001
  53. 449 14 "Games" Zoo Party Celebrate 17 September 2009
  54. 313 13 ""Being Me" Skills" Have Some Fun Enjoying 28 June 2006
  55. 324 24 "Can Do" Hey, What's Cooking! Doing 13 July 2006
  56. 532 7 "On the Water" Underwater Discovery Water World 25 October 2011
  57. 180 45 "Creativity" Reach Out Finding Out 13 September 2002
  58. 553 28 "I'm Special" Five Senses About Me 23 November 2011
  59. 407 17 "Daring" The Best Things in Life Are Free Be Free 29 July 2008
  60. 387 42 "Us (You and Me)" Party Street Celebrating 7 August 2007
  61. 268 13 "Machines and Other Things That Move" Action Hero Action 8 June 2005
  62. 29 29 "Movement" Move Your Body Bodies 20 May 1999
  63. 161 26 "Moves and Workout" E-N-E-R-G-Y Energy 19 August 2002
  64. 479 44 "Toys" Favourite Teddy Bear Favourite Things 29 October 2009
  65. 473 38 "The Future" Living in a Fairytale Imagine 21 October 2009
  66. 458 23 "Rainbows" Four Seasons Natural World 30 September 2009
  67. 47 2 "Around Your House" North, South, East and West Adventure 18 April 2000
  68. 560 35 "Making Friends" Some Kind of Wonderful[b] Friends 2 December 2011
  69. 476 41 "Making Things / Collecting" Favourite Teddy Bear Favourite Things 26 October 2009
  70. 304 4 "Mysteries" Wish Upon a Star Wondering 15 June 2006
  71. 375 30 "Circus" Strong and Brave Brave and Strong 20 July 2007
  72. 483 3 "Jungle Adventure" Hi-5 Farm Animal Fun 15 September 2010
  73. 171 36 "Fun with Friends" Hand in Hand Teamwork 2 September 2002
  74. 373 28 "Adventure" Strong and Brave Brave and Strong 18 July 2007
  75. 431 41 "Fun Action" Come Alive Come Alive 1 September 2008
  76. 134 44 "Foods" You're My Number One Favourites 9 August 2001
  77. 291 36 "World" Some Kind of Wonderful Wonderful 11 July 2005
  78. 192 12 "Dwellings" Build it Up Building 9 September 2003
  79. 3 3 "Rainy Days" Ready or Not Games 14 April 1999
  80. 368 23 "New Cities and Inventions" Time Machine Old and New 11 July 2007
  81. 437 2 "The Great Indoors - Around the House" Stop, Look, Listen Explore 1 September 2009
  82. 418 28 "Dress Up" Jump and Shout Jump and Shout 13 August 2008
  83. 15 15 "I Would Like to Change" Dream On Imagine 30 April 1999
  84. 540 15 "Favourite Things" L.O.V.E. Feel Good 4 November 2011
  85. 30 30 "Wonderful" Move Your Body Bodies 21 May 1999
  86. 385 40 "I Wonder" Love All Around Look Around 3 August 2007
  87. 446 11 "Something New" Zoo Party Celebrate 14 September 2009
  88. 440 5 "Under the Sea" Stop, Look, Listen Explore 4 September 2009
  89. 84 39 "Machines in the City" Robot Number One Machines 8 June 2000
  90. 554 29 "Sensory Play" Five Senses About Me 24 November 2011
  91. 511 31 "Techno World" Backyard Adventurers Adventure 25 October 2010
  92. 345 45 "Talking and Communication" Share Everything with You Sharing 11 August 2006
  93. 76 31 "Looking After Myself" Mirror, Mirror It's Me 29 May 2000
  94. 519 39 "Science Magic" Hey Presto! Magic 4 November 2010
  95. 271 16 "Hello" Come Around to My Place Visiting 13 June 2005
  96. 497 17 "In the Kitchen" Happy House Home 5 October 2010
  97. 19 19 "Family" L.O.V.E. Love 6 May 1999
  98. 39 39 "Touching" Five Senses Senses 3 June 1999
  99. 174 39 "Jobs" Hand in Hand Teamwork 5 September 2002
  100. 316 16 "Body" Growing Up Growing 3 July 2006
  101. 296 41 "Animals" Planet Disco Journeys 18 July 2005
  102. 333 33 "Exploring and Adventures" Peek-a-Boo Finding 26 July 2006
  103. 384 39 "Ways to Get Around" Love All Around Look Around 2 August 2007
  104. 269 14 "Action Heroes" Action Hero Action 9 June 2005
  105. 123 33 "Creating Treasure" Buried Treasure Treasures 25 July 2001
  106. 55 10 "Animal Feelings" Feelings Feelings 28 April 2000
  107. 137 2 "Beach" Going Out Outside 16 July 2002
  108. 317 17 "Big and Small" Growing Up Growing 4 July 2006
  109. 53 8 "Feelings We Have" Feelings Feelings 26 April 2000
  110. 16 16 "Favourite Things" L.O.V.E. Love 3 May 1999
  111. 544 19 "Time Machine" Robot Number One Machines 10 November 2011
  112. 525 45 "Treasures" Turn the Music Up! Surprise 12 November 2010
  113. 154 19 "Head" Inside My Heart Inside 8 August 2002
  114. 176 41 "Colours" Reach Out Finding Out 9 September 2002
  115. 267 12 "Jobs" Action Hero Action 7 June 2005
  116. 126 36 "Mysteries of Nature" I Spy Mysteries 30 July 2001
  117. 71 26 "Our Habitat" It's a Party Homes 22 May 2000
  118. 60 15 "Australian Animals" So Many Animals Animals 5 May 2000
  119. 212 32 "Animals" Ready or Not Work and Play 7 October 2003
  120. 64 19 "Days of the Week" Special Days Days 11 May 2000
  121. 102 12 "Inside and Outside" Opposites Attract Opposite 26 June 2001
  122. 206 26 "Magical Animals" Dream On Magic 29 September 2003
  123. 6 6 "Dimensions" You and Me You, Me 19 April 1999
  124. 557 32 "Animal Friends" Some Kind of Wonderful[b] Friends 29 November 2011
  125. 24 24 "Plants" Grow Grow 13 May 1999
  126. 378 33 "Energy" Switching Switching 25 July 2007
  127. 357 12 "Ways of Saying" Stop and Go Communicate 26 June 2007
  128. 300 45 "Journeys Through Your Imagination" Planet Disco Journeys 22 July 2005
  129. 193 13 "Tools" Build it Up Building 10 September 2003
  130. 502 22 "Summer Holiday" The Dancing Bus Let's Do It 12 October 2010
  131. 105 15 "Movement" Opposites Attract Opposite 29 June 2001
  132. 140 5 "Outside Living" Going Out Outside 19 July 2002
  133. 151 16 "House" Inside My Heart Inside 5 August 2002
  134. 320 20 "Age" Growing Up Growing 7 July 2006
  135. 517 37 "Magic in Nature" Hey Presto! Magic 2 November 2010
  136. 163 28 "Machines" E-N-E-R-G-Y Energy 21 August 2002
  137. 465 30 "Visiting" Let's Get Away Holidays 9 October 2009
  138. 395 5 "Imagination" Playtime Playtime 11 July 2008
  139. 526 1 "Wonders of the World" Wow![a] Amazing 17 October 2011
  140. 220 40 "Travelling" Holiday Holidays 17 October 2003
  141. 323 23 "Arts and Crafts" Hey, What's Cooking! Doing 12 July 2006
  142. 80 35 "You and Me" Mirror, Mirror It's Me 2 June 2000
  143. 337 37 "Performing Events" Pretending Day Pretending 1 August 2006
  144. 527 2 "Amazing Space" Wow![a] Amazing 18 October 2011
  145. 5 5 "Silly Day" Ready or Not Games 16 April 1999
  146. 274 19 "Animal Visits and Visitors" Come Around to My Place Visiting 16 June 2005
  147. 221 41 "Curiosity" Underwater Discovery Discovery 20 October 2003
  148. 353 8 "Routines" Happy Today Happy 20 June 2007
  149. 61 16 "Yesterday" Special Days Days 8 May 2000
  150. 69 24 "Daydreams" Three Wishes Wishes 18 May 2000
  151. 13 13 "I Would Like to Make" Dream On Imagine 28 April 1999
  152. 485 5 "Under the Sea" Hi-5 Farm Animal Fun 17 September 2010
  153. 33 33 "Making and Mixing" Living in a Rainbow Colours 26 May 1999
  154. 224 44 "Fantasy" Underwater Discovery Discovery 23 October 2003
  155. 330 30 "Mixing" Special Variety 21 July 2006
  156. 14 14 "I Would Like to Say" Dream On Imagine 29 April 1999
  157. 545 20 "Planes, Trains & Automobiles" Robot Number One Machines 11 November 2011
  158. 352 7 "Move Your Body" Happy Today Happy 19 June 2007
  159. 22 22 "Animals" Grow Grow 11 May 1999
  160. 567 42 "Dancing" Making Music Music 13 December 2011
  161. 329 29 "Weird is Good" Special Variety 20 July 2006
  162. 88 43 "Instruments" Feel the Beat Music 14 June 2000
  163. 289 34 "Cooperation and Communities" T.E.A.M. Teams 7 July 2005
  164. 509 29 "Favourite Things" Toy Box Toys 21 October 2010
  165. 96 6 "Mind and Body" Boom Boom Beat Get Fit 18 June 2001
  166. 196 16 "Different Kinds of Water" Our World World 15 September 2003
  167. 491 11 "Experiments" Martian Groove Discovery 27 September 2010
  168. 288 33 "Animals" T.E.A.M. Teams 6 July 2005
  169. 464 29 "Planes, Trains and Automobiles" Let's Get Away Holidays 8 October 2009
  170. 150 15 "Adventure" Give it a Go Ideas 2 August 2002
  171. 359 14 "Animals" Stop and Go Communicate 28 June 2007
  172. 504 24 "Winter Holiday" The Dancing Bus Let's Do It 14 October 2010
  173. 405 15 "Land and Sea" Planet Earth Planet Earth 25 July 2008
  174. 222 42 "Mysteries" Underwater Discovery Discovery 21 October 2003
  175. 158 23 "In a Different Way" One Step Forward Can Do 14 August 2002
  176. 338 38 "Where Will I Be?" Pretending Day Pretending 2 August 2006
  177. 563 38 "Inside Sports" Ready or Not Games 7 December 2011
  178. 135 45 "Celebrations" You're My Number One Favourites 10 August 2001
  179. 167 32 "Recycling" Move It! Patterns 27 August 2002
  180. 436 1 "On Safari" Stop, Look, Listen Explore 31 August 2009
  181. 27 27 "Arms and Legs" Move Your Body Bodies 18 May 1999
  182. 194 14 "Long Ago" Build it Up Building 11 September 2003
  183. 198 18 "Food" Our World World 17 September 2003
  184. 28 28 "Inside and Outside" Move Your Body Bodies 19 May 1999
  185. 257 2 "A Work of Art" Making Music Making 24 May 2005
  186. 18 18 "Tim's Birthday" L.O.V.E. Love 5 May 1999
  187. 374 29 "Imagine You Can Do It" Strong and Brave Brave and Strong 19 July 2007
  188. 481 1 "Pets" Hi-5 Farm Animal Fun 13 September 2010
  189. 508 28 "Games" Toy Box Toys 20 October 2010
  190. 116 26 "Travel and Space" Let's Get to Work Inventions 16 July 2001
  191. 166 31 "Babies" Move It! Patterns 26 August 2002
  192. 77 32 "My Place in the Universe" Mirror, Mirror It's Me 30 May 2000
  193. 411 21 "Fairyland" Abracadabra Abracadabra 4 August 2008
  194. 372 27 "First Steps (Give it a Go)" Strong and Brave Brave and Strong 17 July 2007
  195. 455 20 "Human Body" Knock, Knock, Knock Curiosity 25 September 2009
  196. 211 31 "Jobs" Ready or Not Work and Play 6 October 2003
  197. 264 9 "In Your Home" Ch-Ch-Changing Changing 2 June 2005
  198. 382 37 "Under the Surface" Love All Around Look Around 31 July 2007
  199. 66 21 "Imaginary Friends" Three Wishes Wishes 15 May 2000
  200. 37 37 "Hearing and Talking" Five Senses Senses 1 June 1999
  201. 542 17 "Inventions" Robot Number One Machines 8 November 2011
  202. 93 3 "Earth" Rain Rain Nature 13 June 2001
  203. 139 4 "Great Outdoors" Going Out Outside 18 July 2002
  204. 275 20 "Imaginary Places, People and Things" Come Around to My Place Visiting 17 June 2005
  205. 362 17 "People" Wow! Amazing 3 July 2007
  206. 142 7 "Fruits and Vegetables" Celebrate Around Us 23 July 2002
  207. 556 31 "Friendship" Some Kind of Wonderful[b] Friends 28 November 2011
  208. 218 38 "Family Fun" Holiday Holidays 15 October 2003
  209. 536 11 "Love" L.O.V.E. Feel Good 31 October 2011
  210. 350 5 "Environment / Animals" Around the World World 15 June 2007
  211. 486 6 "Things That Grow" Stand Up Tall on Tippy Toes Growing 20 September 2010
  212. 450 15 "Why You're Special" Zoo Party Celebrate 18 September 2009
  213. 59 14 "Water Animals" So Many Animals Animals 4 May 2000
  214. 356 11 "Body Language" Stop and Go Communicate 25 June 2007
  215. 432 42 "Recharge" Come Alive Come Alive 2 September 2008
  216. 294 39 "Days" Some Kind of Wonderful Wonderful 14 July 2005
  217. 89 44 "Music and Sports" Feel the Beat Music 15 June 2000
  218. 259 4 "A Surprise" Making Music Making 26 May 2005
  219. 454 19 "Finding Treasure" Knock, Knock, Knock Curiosity 24 September 2009
  220. 169 34 "Nature Cycles" Move It! Patterns 29 August 2002
  221. 520 40 "Magical Me!" Hey Presto! Magic 5 November 2010
  222. 325 25 "Playing" Hey, What's Cooking! Doing 14 July 2006
  223. 4 4 "Fantasy" Ready or Not Games 15 April 1999
  224. 367 22 "People and Animals" Time Machine Old and New 10 July 2007
  225. 559 34 "Celebrations with Friends" Some Kind of Wonderful[b] Friends 1 December 2011
  226. 216 36 "Sports" Holiday Holidays 13 October 2003
  227. 172 37 "Games" Hand in Hand Teamwork 3 September 2002
  228. 70 25 "What If?" Three Wishes Wishes 19 May 2000
  229. 392 2 "Dress Ups" Playtime Playtime 8 July 2008
  230. 121 31 "Finding Treasure" Buried Treasure Treasures 23 July 2001
  231. 547 22 "Dreaming" Wish Upon a Star Dreaming 15 November 2011
  232. 302 2 "Wonderful Nature" Wish Upon a Star Wondering 13 June 2006
  233. 531 6 "Discovery Under the Sea" Underwater Discovery Water World 24 October 2011
  234. 207 27 "Magic in Nature" Dream On Magic 30 September 2003
  235. 286 31 "Sports" T.E.A.M. Teams 4 July 2005
  236. 138 3 "Outdoor Games" Going Out Outside 17 July 2002
  237. 57 12 "Insects" So Many Animals Animals 2 May 2000
  238. 327 27 "Family Groups" Special Variety 18 July 2006
  239. 524 44 "Babies - Something New" Turn the Music Up! Surprise 11 November 2010
  240. 423 33 "Looking Forward" When I Grow Up Tomorrow 20 August 2008
  241. 86 41 "Music From Around the World" Feel the Beat Music 12 June 2000
  242. 225 45 "Experiments" Underwater Discovery Discovery 24 October 2003
  243. 83 38 "Machines in the Country" Robot Number One Machines 7 June 2000
  244. 541 16 "Robots" Robot Number One Machines 7 November 2011
  245. 173 38 "Memories" Hand in Hand Teamwork 4 September 2002
  246. 124 34 "Precious Treasure" Buried Treasure Treasures 26 July 2001
  247. 67 22 "When I Grow Up" Three Wishes Wishes 16 May 2000
  248. 91 1 "Flowers" Rain Rain Nature 11 June 2001
  249. 122 32 "Collecting Treasure" Buried Treasure Treasures 24 July 2001
  250. 394 4 "Puzzles" Playtime Playtime 10 July 2008
  251. 522 42 "Surprise Visitors" Turn the Music Up! Surprise 9 November 2010
  252. 131 41 "People" You're My Number One Favourites 6 August 2001
  253. 429 39 "Time Travel" Techno World Techno World 28 August 2008
  254. 546 21 "Star Magic" Wish Upon a Star Dreaming 14 November 2011
  255. 214 34 "Outer Space" Ready or Not Work and Play 9 October 2003
  256. 98 8 "Exercise" Boom Boom Beat Get Fit 20 June 2001
  257. 148 13 "Find Any Way" Give it a Go Ideas 31 July 2002
  258. 379 34 "Moving Places / Houses" Switching Switching 26 July 2007
  259. 205 25 "I Love to Go" L.O.V.E. Happy 26 September 2003
  260. 215 35 "Getting Ready" Ready or Not Work and Play 10 October 2003
  261. 292 37 "People" Some Kind of Wonderful Wonderful 12 July 2005
  262. 31 31 "The World" Living in a Rainbow Colours 24 May 1999
  263. 484 4 "Animals with Jobs" Hi-5 Farm Animal Fun 16 September 2010
  264. 506 26 "Puppets" Toy Box Toys 18 October 2010
  265. 391 1 "Playing Games" Playtime Playtime 7 July 2008
  266. 478 43 "Colours" Favourite Teddy Bear Favourite Things 28 October 2009
  267. 335 35 "Arts and Crafts" Peek-a-Boo Finding 28 July 2006
  268. 104 14 "Feelings" Opposites Attract Opposite 28 June 2001
  269. 444 9 "Making Friends" Spin Me Round Friends 10 September 2009
  270. 438 3 "Country / City" Stop, Look, Listen Explore 2 September 2009
  271. 62 17 "Today" Special Days Days 9 May 2000
  272. 95 5 "Trees" Rain Rain Nature 15 June 2001
  273. 270 15 "Health and Fitness" Action Hero Action 10 June 2005
  274. 156 21 "Trying Something New" One Step Forward Can Do 12 August 2002
  275. 143 8 "Around the World and Celebrations" Celebrate Around Us 24 July 2002
  276. 40 40 "Wonderful" Five Senses Senses 4 June 1999
  277. 363 18 "Ideas and Imagination" Wow! Amazing 4 July 2007
  278. 477 42 "Food" Favourite Teddy Bear Favourite Things 27 October 2009
  279. 99 9 "Food" Boom Boom Beat Get Fit 21 June 2001
  280. 38 38 "Tasting and Smelling" Five Senses Senses 2 June 1999
  281. 132 42 "Favourite Animals" You're My Number One Favourites 7 August 2001
  282. 566 41 "Making Music" Making Music Music 12 December 2011
  283. 341 41 "Friends and Family" Share Everything with You Sharing 7 August 2006
  284. 339 39 "Puppets" Pretending Day Pretending 3 August 2006
  285. 12 12 "I Would Like to Go" Dream On Imagine 27 April 1999
  286. 290 35 "Teams" T.E.A.M. Teams 8 July 2005
  287. 153 18 "Body" Inside My Heart Inside 7 August 2002
  288. 451 16 "Mysteries" Knock, Knock, Knock Curiosity 21 September 2009
  289. 184 4 "Christmas Traditions" Come On and Party Festivals 28 August 2003
  290. 403 13 "Wild Life" Planet Earth Planet Earth 23 July 2008
  291. 280 25 "Every Day" City and Country City, Country 24 June 2005
  292. 128 38 "Physical Mysteries" I Spy Mysteries 1 August 2001
  293. 50 5 "Underground" North, South, East and West Adventure 21 April 2000
  294. 413 23 "Magical Creatures" Abracadabra Abracadabra 6 August 2008
  295. 364 19 "Places and Buildings" Wow! Amazing 5 July 2007
  296. 305 5 "Dreaming and Wishing" Wish Upon a Star Wondering 16 June 2006
  297. 209 29 "Magical Dress Up Party" Dream On Magic 2 October 2003
  298. 44 44 "Place in Time" In a Different Place Time, Place 10 June 1999
  299. 26 26 "Faces" Move Your Body Bodies 17 May 1999
  300. 570 45 "Musical Instruments" Making Music Music 16 December 2011
  301. 461 26 "Christmas" Let's Get Away Holidays 5 October 2009
  302. 472 37 "Imaginary Journeys" Living in a Fairytale Imagine 20 October 2009
  303. 159 24 "I Can Do Anything" One Step Forward Can Do 15 August 2002
  304. 390 45 "Feasts and Festivals" Party Street Celebrating 10 August 2007
  305. 331 31 "Animals and the Natural World" Peek-a-Boo Finding 24 July 2006
  306. 457 22 "Summer Time" Four Seasons Natural World 29 September 2009
  307. 530 5 "Miniature World" Wow![a] Amazing 21 October 2011
  308. 569 44 "Sounds in Nature" Making Music Music 15 December 2011
  309. 273 18 "Welcome" Come Around to My Place Visiting 15 June 2005
  310. 283 28 "Mixing, Making and Discovering Colour" Rainbow 'Round the World Rainbows 29 June 2005
  311. 521 41 "Party" Turn the Music Up! Surprise 8 November 2010
  312. 200 20 "People and Animals" Our World World 19 September 2003
  313. 322 22 "Working" Hey, What's Cooking! Doing 11 July 2006
  314. 175 40 "Making a Movie" Hand in Hand Teamwork 6 September 2002
  315. 361 16 "Creatures and Things in Nature" Wow! Amazing 2 July 2007
  316. 36 36 "Seeing" Five Senses Senses 31 May 1999
  317. 155 20 "Natural World" Inside My Heart Inside 9 August 2002
  318. 561 36 "Games" Ready or Not Games 5 December 2011
  319. 434 44 "World Outside" Come Alive Come Alive 4 September 2008
  320. 386 41 "Special Days" Party Street Celebrating 6 August 2007
  321. 533 8 "At the Beach" Underwater Discovery Water World 26 October 2011
  322. 370 25 "Ways of Recording Experience" Time Machine Old and New 13 July 2007
  323. 125 35 "Memories and Moments" Buried Treasure Treasures 27 July 2001
  324. 108 18 "Unusual Friends" Friends Friends 4 July 2001
  325. 284 29 "Colourful" Rainbow 'Round the World Rainbows 30 June 2005
  326. 179 44 "Cleverness" Reach Out Finding Out 12 September 2002
  327. 494 14 "Something New" Martian Groove Discovery 30 September 2010
  328. 439 4 "Space" Stop, Look, Listen Explore 3 September 2009
  329. 178 43 "Experiments" Reach Out Finding Out 11 September 2002
  330. 94 4 "Sky" Rain Rain Nature 14 June 2001
  331. 459 24 "Changing" Four Seasons Natural World 1 October 2009
  332. 186 6 "Memories" Give Five Family 1 September 2003
  333. 365 20 "Bodies" Wow! Amazing 6 July 2007
  334. 152 17 "Special Places" Inside My Heart Inside 6 August 2002
  335. 263 8 "The World" Ch-Ch-Changing Changing 1 June 2005
  336. 492 12 "In Nature" Martian Groove Discovery 28 September 2010
  337. 287 32 "When Am I a Team Player?" T.E.A.M. Teams 5 July 2005
  338. 393 3 "Silly" Playtime Playtime 9 July 2008
  339. 462 27 "Celebrations Around the World" Let's Get Away Holidays 6 October 2009
  340. 487 7 "Building" Stand Up Tall on Tippy Toes Growing 21 September 2010
  341. 555 30 "Happy" Five Senses About Me 25 November 2011
  342. 406 16 "Trying Out New Things" The Best Things in Life Are Free Be Free 28 July 2008
  343. 463 28 "Travelling" Let's Get Away Holidays 7 October 2009
  344. 10 10 "Wonderful" You and Me You, Me 23 April 1999
  345. 482 2 "On the Farm" Hi-5 Farm Animal Fun 14 September 2010
  346. 297 42 "People" Planet Disco Journeys 19 July 2005
  347. 51 6 "Feeling Free" Feelings Feelings 24 April 2000
  348. 58 13 "Farm Animals" So Many Animals Animals 3 May 2000
  349. 210 30 "Silly" Dream On Magic 3 October 2003
  350. 52 7 "Inside Me" Feelings Feelings 25 April 2000
  351. 32 32 "Your World" Living in a Rainbow Colours 25 May 1999
  352. 133 43 "Games" You're My Number One Favourites 8 August 2001
  353. 433 43 "Getting Focused" Come Alive Come Alive 3 September 2008
  354. 507 27 "Teddy Bear Adventures" Toy Box Toys 19 October 2010
  355. 260 5 "Things Animals Create" Making Music Making 27 May 2005
  356. 199 19 "Earth Treasures" Our World World 18 September 2003
  357. 529 4 "Heroes" Wow![a] Amazing 20 October 2011
  358. 512 32 "Superheroes" Backyard Adventurers Adventure 26 October 2010
  359. 420 30 "Move Your Body" Jump and Shout Jump and Shout 15 August 2008
  360. 303 3 "Wonderful Creatures" Wish Upon a Star Wondering 14 June 2006
  361. 348 3 "First Day of School" Around the World World 13 June 2007
  362. 360 15 "The Arts" Stop and Go Communicate 29 June 2007
  363. 298 43 "Places" Planet Disco Journeys 20 July 2005
  364. 306 6 "Travel" Are We There Yet? Travelling 19 June 2006
  365. 73 28 "Mobile Habitat" It's a Party Homes 24 May 2000
  366. 510 30 "Sporty Things" Toy Box Toys 22 October 2010
  367. 17 17 "Pets" L.O.V.E. Love 4 May 1999
  368. 177 42 "About and Around Me" Reach Out Finding Out 10 September 2002
  369. 106 16 "Differences and Similarities" Friends Friends 2 July 2001
  370. 425 35 "Ways to Get Around in the Future" When I Grow Up Tomorrow 22 August 2008
  371. 11 11 "I Would Like to Be" Dream On Imagine 26 April 1999
  372. 54 9 "Showing Our Feelings" Feelings Feelings 27 April 2000
  373. 23 23 "Building" Grow Grow 12 May 1999
  374. 107 17 "Sharing and Caring" Friends Friends 3 July 2001
  375. 301 1 "What If?" Wish Upon a Star Wondering 12 June 2006
  376. 474 39 "Dress Ups" Living in a Fairytale Imagine 22 October 2009
  377. 538 13 "Helping Others" L.O.V.E. Feel Good 2 November 2011
  378. 516 36 "Fairy Creatures" Hey Presto! Magic 1 November 2010
  379. 334 34 "Other Countries" Peek-a-Boo Finding 27 July 2006
  380. 79 34 "My Body Outside" Mirror, Mirror It's Me 1 June 2000
  381. 45 45 "Wonderful Fancy Dress Party" In a Different Place Time, Place 11 June 1999
  382. 496 16 "Bedrooms and Bathrooms" Happy House Home 4 October 2010
  383. 208 28 "Magic in Me" Dream On Magic 1 October 2003
  384. 336 36 "Who Will I Be?" Pretending Day Pretending 31 July 2006
  385. 466 31 "Let's Dance!" Happy Monster Dance Be Active 12 October 2009
  386. 480 45 "Music" Favourite Teddy Bear Favourite Things 30 October 2009
  387. 388 43 "Nature" Party Street Celebrating 8 August 2007
  388. 182 2 "Around the World" Come On and Party Festivals 26 August 2003
  389. 266 11 "Games and Sports" Action Hero Action 6 June 2005
  390. 170 35 "Pictures" Move It! Patterns 30 August 2002
  391. 190 10 "Working Together" Give Five Family 5 September 2003
  392. 564 39 "Animal Sports Day" Ready or Not Games 8 December 2011
  393. 377 32 "Animals and Nature" Switching Switching 24 July 2007
  394. 312 12 "Things" Have Some Fun Enjoying 27 June 2006
  395. 285 30 "Contrast and Affinity" Rainbow 'Round the World Rainbows 1 July 2005
  396. 428 38 "Computer World" Techno World Techno World 27 August 2008
  397. 75 30 "City and Country" It's a Party Homes 26 May 2000
  398. 189 9 "Washing Day" Give Five Family 4 September 2003
  399. 441 6 "Teams" Spin Me Round Friends 7 September 2009
  400. 550 25 "Wishes" Wish Upon a Star Dreaming 18 November 2011
  401. 514 34 "Travelling Circus" Backyard Adventurers Adventure 28 October 2010
  402. 427 37 "Contraptions" Techno World Techno World 26 August 2008
  403. 82 37 "Machines in the House" Robot Number One Machines 6 June 2000
  404. 149 14 "Creativity" Give it a Go Ideas 1 August 2002
  405. 42 42 "Habitat and Home" In a Different Place Time, Place 8 June 1999
  406. 100 10 "Games and Sports" Boom Boom Beat Get Fit 22 June 2001
  407. 279 24 "Food and Crops" City and Country City, Country 23 June 2005
  408. 20 20 "Silly Day" L.O.V.E. Love 7 May 1999
  409. 319 19 "Building" Growing Up Growing 6 July 2006
  410. 119 29 "Communication" Let's Get to Work Inventions 19 July 2001
  411. 469 34 "My Body" Happy Monster Dance Be Active 15 October 2009
  412. 381 36 "Indoors / Outdoors" Love All Around Look Around 30 July 2007
  413. 146 11 "Inventions" Give it a Go Ideas 29 July 2002
  414. 223 43 "Other Worlds" Underwater Discovery Discovery 22 October 2003
  415. 187 7 "Love" Give Five Family 2 September 2003
  416. 397 7 "Animals and Pets" We're a Family Family 15 July 2008
  417. 103 13 "Size" Opposites Attract Opposite 27 June 2001
  418. 500 20 "Family" Happy House Home 8 October 2010
  419. 488 8 "Growing Up" Stand Up Tall on Tippy Toes Growing 22 September 2010
  420. 551 26 "Human Body" Five Senses About Me 21 November 2011
  421. 293 38 "Places" Some Kind of Wonderful Wonderful 13 July 2005
  422. 471 36 "Mystical Creatures" Living in a Fairytale Imagine 19 October 2009
  423. 415 25 "Magical Stories" Abracadabra Abracadabra 8 August 2008
  424. 281 26 "Colours in Nature" Rainbow 'Round the World Rainbows 27 June 2005
  425. 97 7 "Rest and Relaxation" Boom Boom Beat Get Fit 19 June 2001
  426. 130 40 "Fun Mysteries / The Hi-5 Mystery" I Spy Mysteries 3 August 2001
  427. 453 18 "What Will I Be When I Grow Up?" Knock, Knock, Knock Curiosity 23 September 2009
  428. 371 26 "Different Ways to Be Brave" Strong and Brave Brave and Strong 16 July 2007
  429. 217 37 "A Time for Me" Holiday Holidays 14 October 2003
  430. 332 32 "How Does it Work?" Peek-a-Boo Finding 25 July 2006
  431. 147 12 "Imagination" Give it a Go Ideas 30 July 2002
  432. 219 39 "Get Fit" Holiday Holidays 16 October 2003
  433. 558 33 "Families" Some Kind of Wonderful[b] Friends 30 November 2011
  434. 310 10 "Holidays" Are We There Yet? Travelling 23 June 2006
  435. 495 15 "Why I'm Special" Martian Groove Discovery 1 October 2010
  436. 9 9 "You and Me" You and Me You, Me 22 April 1999
  437. 92 2 "Water" Rain Rain Nature 12 June 2001
  438. 188 8 "Pets" Give Five Family 3 September 2003
  439. 402 12 "Adventures" Planet Earth Planet Earth 22 July 2008
  440. 204 24 "I Love to Make" L.O.V.E. Happy 25 September 2003
  441. 328 28 "Food" Special Variety 19 July 2006
  442. 141 6 "Hi-5 Fair" Celebrate Around Us 22 July 2002
  443. 48 3 "Around Your Town" North, South, East and West Adventure 19 April 2000
  444. 376 31 "Changing Looks" Switching Switching 23 July 2007
  445. 160 25 "I Can Do What I've Said" One Step Forward Can Do 16 August 2002
  446. 346 1 "Babies" Around the World World 11 June 2007
  447. 72 27 "On the Ground" It's a Party Homes 23 May 2000
  448. 518 38 "Magical Journeys" Hey Presto! Magic 3 November 2010
  449. 277 22 "Animals" City and Country City, Country 21 June 2005
  450. 144 9 "Dancing and Costumes" Celebrate Around Us 25 July 2002
  451. 74 29 "Other Countries" It's a Party Homes 25 May 2000
  452. 326 26 "Multicultural" Special Variety 17 July 2006
  453. 101 11 "Perspective" Opposites Attract Opposite 25 June 2001
  454. 110 20 "Fun with Friends" Friends Friends 6 July 2001
  455. 565 40 "Sideshow Alley" Ready or Not Games 9 December 2011
  456. 417 27 "Move It" Jump and Shout Jump and Shout 12 August 2008
  457. 475 40 "Dreams" Living in a Fairytale Imagine 23 October 2009
  458. 448 13 "Adventures" Zoo Party Celebrate 16 September 2009
  459. 408 18 "Making Your Own Fun" The Best Things in Life Are Free Be Free 30 July 2008
  460. 308 8 "Imaginative" Are We There Yet? Travelling 21 June 2006
  461. 426 36 "Gadgets" Techno World Techno World 25 August 2008
  462. 41 41 "Outer Space" In a Different Place Time, Place 7 June 1999
  463. 490 10 "Strong Bodies" Stand Up Tall on Tippy Toes Growing 24 September 2010
  464. 419 29 "Exploring and Finding Out" Jump and Shout Jump and Shout 14 August 2008
  465. 2 2 "Outside" Ready or Not Games 13 April 1999
  466. 202 22 "Favourite Things" L.O.V.E. Happy 23 September 2003
  467. 318 18 "Animals and Plants" Growing Up Growing 5 July 2006
  468. 562 37 "Teams" Ready or Not Games 6 December 2011
  469. 276 21 "Landscapes" City and Country City, Country 20 June 2005
  470. 278 23 "Day and Night" City and Country City, Country 22 June 2005
  471. 412 22 "Making Magic" Abracadabra Abracadabra 5 August 2008
  472. 499 19 "Fun with Friends" Happy House Home 7 October 2010
  473. 460 25 "Planet Earth" Four Seasons Natural World 2 October 2009
  474. 43 43 "Underwater" In a Different Place Time, Place 9 June 1999
  475. 366 21 "Old Places" Time Machine Old and New 9 July 2007
  476. 409 19 "Things to Do" The Best Things in Life Are Free Be Free 31 July 2008
  477. 442 7 "Brothers and Sisters" Spin Me Round Friends 8 September 2009
  478. 118 28 "Fun Inventions" Let's Get to Work Inventions 18 July 2001
  479. 213 33 "Street Parade" Ready or Not Work and Play 8 October 2003
  480. 87 42 "Styles of Music" Feel the Beat Music 13 June 2000
  481. 568 43 "Music Around the World" Making Music Music 14 December 2011
  482. 351 6 "Food" Happy Today Happy 18 June 2007
  483. 355 10 "Community Carers" Happy Today Happy 22 June 2007
  484. 191 11 "Machines" Build it Up Building 8 September 2003
  485. 21 21 "Bodies Growing" Grow Grow 10 May 1999
  486. 445 10 "Animal Friends" Spin Me Round Friends 11 September 2009
  487. 63 18 "Tomorrow" Special Days Days 10 May 2000
  488. 307 7 "Near and Far" Are We There Yet? Travelling 20 June 2006
  489. 447 12 "Superheroes" Zoo Party Celebrate 15 September 2009
  490. 256 1 "In Nature" Making Music Making 23 May 2005
  491. 295 40 "Gifts and Treasures" Some Kind of Wonderful Wonderful 15 July 2005
  492. 299 44 "Life" Planet Disco Journeys 21 July 2005
  493. 113 23 "Pretend to Be Animals" I Can Go Anywhere Pretend 11 July 2001
  494. 183 3 "Community Events" Come On and Party Festivals 27 August 2003
  495. 197 17 "Different Kinds of Land" Our World World 16 September 2003
  496. 258 3 "A Space for Me" Making Music Making 25 May 2005
  497. 498 18 "Backyard Games" Happy House Home 6 October 2010
  498. 383 38 "How Does it Work?" Love All Around Look Around 1 August 2007
  499. 513 33 "Marvellous Machines" Backyard Adventurers Adventure 27 October 2010
  500. 470 35 "Things to Do" Happy Monster Dance Be Active 16 October 2009
  501. 424 34 "Our World in the Future" When I Grow Up Tomorrow 21 August 2008
  502. 410 20 "Hi-5 Fun Park" The Best Things in Life Are Free Be Free 1 August 2008
  503. 81 36 "Machines That Carry People" Robot Number One Machines 5 June 2000
  504. 414 24 "Magical Journeys" Abracadabra Abracadabra 7 August 2008
  505. 400 10 "Doing Things Together" We're a Family Family 18 July 2008
  506. 114 24 "Adventures" I Can Go Anywhere Pretend 12 July 2001
  507. 162 27 "Renewable Energy" E-N-E-R-G-Y Energy 20 August 2002
  508. 165 30 "Food" E-N-E-R-G-Y Energy 23 August 2002
  509. 201 21 "I Love to Be" L.O.V.E. Happy 22 September 2003
  510. 112 22 "Something Else" I Can Go Anywhere Pretend 10 July 2001
  511. 49 4 "To the Universe" North, South, East and West Adventure 20 April 2000
  512. 1 1 "Physical" Ready or Not Games 12 April 1999
  513. 549 24 "Journeys of Imagination" Wish Upon a Star Dreaming 17 November 2011
  514. 56 11 "Jungle Animals" So Many Animals Animals 1 May 2000
  515. 489 9 "Gardens" Stand Up Tall on Tippy Toes Growing 23 September 2010
  516. 380 35 "Try it a Different Way" Switching Switching 27 July 2007
  517. 262 7 "People" Ch-Ch-Changing Changing 31 May 2005
  518. 344 44 "Games" Share Everything with You Sharing 10 August 2006
  519. 34 34 "Favourites and Feelings" Living in a Rainbow Colours 27 May 1999
  520. 117 27 "Homes and in the Community" Let's Get to Work Inventions 17 July 2001
  521. 535 10 "Coral Reef" Underwater Discovery Water World 28 October 2011
  522. 129 39 "Myth and Fantasy" I Spy Mysteries 2 August 2001
  523. 503 23 "Dance" The Dancing Bus Let's Do It 13 October 2010
  524. 265 10 "Changing Shape" Ch-Ch-Changing Changing 3 June 2005
  525. 548 23 "When I Grow Up" Wish Upon a Star Dreaming 16 November 2011
  526. 164 29 "House" E-N-E-R-G-Y Energy 22 August 2002
  527. 396 6 "Different Families" We're a Family Family 14 July 2008
  528. 111 21 "Someone Else" I Can Go Anywhere Pretend 9 July 2001
  529. 443 8 "Play Together" Spin Me Round Friends 9 September 2009
  530. 120 30 "Fantasy" Let's Get to Work Inventions 20 July 2001
  531. 85 40 "Fun Machines" Robot Number One Machines 9 June 2000
  532. 181 1 "Family Celebrations" Come On and Party Festivals 25 August 2003
  533. 369 24 "Treasures" Time Machine Old and New 12 July 2007
  534. 452 17 "Inventions" Knock, Knock, Knock Curiosity 22 September 2009
  535. 90 45 "Silly Music" Feel the Beat Music 16 June 2000
  536. 321 21 "Health" Hey, What's Cooking! Doing 10 July 2006
  537. 404 14 "Exploring" Planet Earth Planet Earth 24 July 2008
  538. 401 11 "Backyards and Recycling" Planet Earth Planet Earth 21 July 2008
  539. 493 13 "Outer Space" Martian Groove Discovery 29 September 2010
  540. 505 25 "Celebrations" The Dancing Bus Let's Do It 15 October 2010