1886: Gold/Diamond isdiscovered inWitwatersrand under PaulKruger.The now rich countrybecomes a threat to Britishdominance in SA.1910: The Union of SouthAfrica is formed afterBritain allows theAfrikaner to runSouth Africa.1994: End of Apartheid,South Africa isnow a democraticcountry.1961: The National Partycompletely breaksties with Britain.1652: The arrival of Janvan Riebeek andthe Dutch inSouthern Africa.1855: One of the AfrikanerRepublics is found,Orange Free State.1836: Afrikaners leavethe Cape and seekindependenceinland.1948: The exclusivelyAfrikaans NationalParty comes topower and introducesapartheid.Early 1800's: The Dutchtakeover theCape.1886: Gold/Diamond isdiscovered inWitwatersrand under PaulKruger.The now rich countrybecomes a threat to Britishdominance in SA.1910: The Union of SouthAfrica is formed afterBritain allows theAfrikaner to runSouth Africa.1994: End of Apartheid,South Africa isnow a democraticcountry.1961: The National Partycompletely breaksties with Britain.1652: The arrival of Janvan Riebeek andthe Dutch inSouthern Africa.1855: One of the AfrikanerRepublics is found,Orange Free State.1836: Afrikaners leavethe Cape and seekindependenceinland.1948: The exclusivelyAfrikaans NationalParty comes topower and introducesapartheid.Early 1800's: The Dutchtakeover theCape.


(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 1886: Gold/Diamond is discovered in Witwatersrand under Paul Kruger. The now rich country becomes a threat to British dominance in SA.
  2. 1910: The Union of South Africa is formed after Britain allows the Afrikaner to run South Africa.
  3. 1994: End of Apartheid, South Africa is now a democratic country.
  4. 1961: The National Party completely breaks ties with Britain.
  5. 1652: The arrival of Jan van Riebeek and the Dutch in Southern Africa.
  6. 1855: One of the Afrikaner Republics is found, Orange Free State.
  7. 1836: Afrikaners leave the Cape and seek independence inland.
  8. 1948: The exclusively Afrikaans National Party comes to power and introduces apartheid.
  9. Early 1800's: The Dutch takeover the Cape.