AccountingStandardsCodificationElectronic databasethat integrates andtopically organizesU.S. GAAP into onecoherent body ofliteratureComprehensiveIncomeChange in equity of acompany during aperiod fromtransactions, events,and circumstancesrelating to nonownersourcesIndependentAuditorsIndependent experts inaccounting who carefullyevaluate a company’saccounting records andverify whether the financialstatements are fairlypresented in accordancewith professionalstandards.Statement ofShareholders'EquityProvides informationabout the commonshareholders’ equityclaims on thecompany and howthose claims changeduring the periodIASBInternationalAccountingStandardsBoardOperatingActivitiesUtilize resourcesin day-to-dayactivities toproduce goodsand/or servicesand sell them tocustomersNetIncomeRevenues –Expenses +Gains –LossesFinancingActivitiesRaise equity capitalby attractinginvestments frombusiness owners oracquire resourcesfrom lenders ContributedCapitalAmountsinitiallycontributedbyshareholdersAccountingEquationAssets =Liabilities +Shareholders’EquityDueCareA member should observethe profession’s technicaland ethical standards,strive continually toimprove competence andthe quality of services, anddischarge professionalresponsibility to the best ofthe member’s ability.Statementof CashFlowsCash inflowsand outflowsfrom operating,investing andfinancingactivitiesGAAPGenerallyAcceptedAccountingPrinciplesThePublicInterestMembers should actin a way that willserve the publicinterest, honor thepublic trust, anddemonstratecommitment toprofessionalism.AICPA CodeofProfessionalConductSix principles that expressthe basic tenets of ethicaland professional conductand call for an unswervingcommitment to honorablebehavior, even at thesacrifice of personaladvantageFASBEstablishesGAAPStakeholdersCreditors,Investors,Employees,Suppliers,Governments,CommunitiesNotes toFinancialStatementsExplains how theaccounts and amountshave been determined.Provides importantdetails about theaccounting principles,methods, andestimates the companyhas used.ResponsibilitiesMembers shouldexercise sensitiveprofessional andmoral judgmentsin their activities.IFRSInternationalFinancialReportingStandardsIntegrityMembers shouldperform allprofessionalresponsibilitieswith the highestsense of integrity.ManagementDiscussion &AnalysisExtensivenarrativediscussion andquantitativeanalysis from thecompany’smanagers.Objectivity &IndependenceA member shouldbe objective andfree from conflictsof interest indischargingprofessionalresponsibilitiesIncomeStatementMeasures andreports thefinancial resultsof a firm’sperformanceInvestingActivitiesAcquire productiveresources such asproperty, plant,equipment,technology, etc. tooperate the business FinancialReportingProcessCommunicatingfinancial accountinginformation toexisting and potentialinvestors, creditors,lenders, and otherexternal decisionmakersAssetsResourcesof the firmEmergingIssuesTaskForceIdentify significantemergingaccounting issuesthat it feels theFASB shouldaddress.SecuritiesandExchangeCommission(SEC)Has legal authority toprescribe accountingprinciples andreporting practices forall corporations issuingpublicly tradedsecurities within theU.S. capital markets.AccountingStandardsUsed to measureand reportfinancialstatements thatare relevant andrepresentationallyfaithfulAccountingStandardsUpdateA newlyreleasedstandardby FASBBalanceSheetA snapshot ofthe resourcesof a firm andthe claims onthe firmForm10-KAnnual reportincluding financialstatements filed bypublicly tradedcompaniesScope &Nature ofServicesA member in publicpractice shouldobserve thePrinciples of the CPCin determining thescope and nature ofservices to beprovidedAccountingStandardsCodificationElectronic databasethat integrates andtopically organizesU.S. GAAP into onecoherent body ofliteratureComprehensiveIncomeChange in equity of acompany during aperiod fromtransactions, events,and circumstancesrelating to nonownersourcesIndependentAuditorsIndependent experts inaccounting who carefullyevaluate a company’saccounting records andverify whether the financialstatements are fairlypresented in accordancewith professionalstandards.Statement ofShareholders'EquityProvides informationabout the commonshareholders’ equityclaims on thecompany and howthose claims changeduring the periodIASBInternationalAccountingStandardsBoardOperatingActivitiesUtilize resourcesin day-to-dayactivities toproduce goodsand/or servicesand sell them tocustomersNetIncomeRevenues –Expenses +Gains –LossesFinancingActivitiesRaise equity capitalby attractinginvestments frombusiness owners oracquire resourcesfrom lenders ContributedCapitalAmountsinitiallycontributedbyshareholdersAccountingEquationAssets =Liabilities +Shareholders’EquityDueCareA member should observethe profession’s technicaland ethical standards,strive continually toimprove competence andthe quality of services, anddischarge professionalresponsibility to the best ofthe member’s ability.Statementof CashFlowsCash inflowsand outflowsfrom operating,investing andfinancingactivitiesGAAPGenerallyAcceptedAccountingPrinciplesThePublicInterestMembers should actin a way that willserve the publicinterest, honor thepublic trust, anddemonstratecommitment toprofessionalism.AICPA CodeofProfessionalConductSix principles that expressthe basic tenets of ethicaland professional conductand call for an unswervingcommitment to honorablebehavior, even at thesacrifice of personaladvantageFASBEstablishesGAAPStakeholdersCreditors,Investors,Employees,Suppliers,Governments,CommunitiesNotes toFinancialStatementsExplains how theaccounts and amountshave been determined.Provides importantdetails about theaccounting principles,methods, andestimates the companyhas used.ResponsibilitiesMembers shouldexercise sensitiveprofessional andmoral judgmentsin their activities.IFRSInternationalFinancialReportingStandardsIntegrityMembers shouldperform allprofessionalresponsibilitieswith the highestsense of integrity.ManagementDiscussion &AnalysisExtensivenarrativediscussion andquantitativeanalysis from thecompany’smanagers.Objectivity &IndependenceA member shouldbe objective andfree from conflictsof interest indischargingprofessionalresponsibilitiesIncomeStatementMeasures andreports thefinancial resultsof a firm’sperformanceInvestingActivitiesAcquire productiveresources such asproperty, plant,equipment,technology, etc. tooperate the business FinancialReportingProcessCommunicatingfinancial accountinginformation toexisting and potentialinvestors, creditors,lenders, and otherexternal decisionmakersAssetsResourcesof the firmEmergingIssuesTaskForceIdentify significantemergingaccounting issuesthat it feels theFASB shouldaddress.SecuritiesandExchangeCommission(SEC)Has legal authority toprescribe accountingprinciples andreporting practices forall corporations issuingpublicly tradedsecurities within theU.S. capital markets.AccountingStandardsUsed to measureand reportfinancialstatements thatare relevant andrepresentationallyfaithfulAccountingStandardsUpdateA newlyreleasedstandardby FASBBalanceSheetA snapshot ofthe resourcesof a firm andthe claims onthe firmForm10-KAnnual reportincluding financialstatements filed bypublicly tradedcompaniesScope &Nature ofServicesA member in publicpractice shouldobserve thePrinciples of the CPCin determining thescope and nature ofservices to beprovided

Chapter 1 - The Demand for and Supply of Financial Accounting Information - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Electronic database that integrates and topically organizes U.S. GAAP into one coherent body of literature
    Accounting Standards Codification
  2. Change in equity of a company during a period from transactions, events, and circumstances relating to nonowner sources
    Comprehensive Income
  3. Independent experts in accounting who carefully evaluate a company’s accounting records and verify whether the financial statements are fairly presented in accordance with professional standards.
    Independent Auditors
  4. Provides information about the common shareholders’ equity claims on the company and how those claims change during the period
    Statement of Shareholders' Equity
  5. International Accounting Standards Board
  6. Utilize resources in day-to-day activities to produce goods and/or services and sell them to customers
    Operating Activities
  7. Revenues – Expenses + Gains – Losses
    Net Income
  8. Raise equity capital by attracting investments from business owners or acquire resources from lenders
    Financing Activities
  9. Amounts initially contributed by shareholders
    Contributed Capital
  10. Assets = Liabilities + Shareholders’ Equity
    Accounting Equation
  11. A member should observe the profession’s technical and ethical standards, strive continually to improve competence and the quality of services, and discharge professional responsibility to the best of the member’s ability.
    Due Care
  12. Cash inflows and outflows from operating, investing and financing activities
    Statement of Cash Flows
  13. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
  14. Members should act in a way that will serve the public interest, honor the public trust, and demonstrate commitment to professionalism.
    The Public Interest
  15. Six principles that express the basic tenets of ethical and professional conduct and call for an unswerving commitment to honorable behavior, even at the sacrifice of personal advantage
    AICPA Code of Professional Conduct
  16. Establishes GAAP
  17. Creditors, Investors, Employees, Suppliers, Governments, Communities
  18. Explains how the accounts and amounts have been determined. Provides important details about the accounting principles, methods, and estimates the company has used.
    Notes to Financial Statements
  19. Members should exercise sensitive professional and moral judgments in their activities.
  20. International Financial Reporting Standards
  21. Members should perform all professional responsibilities with the highest sense of integrity.
  22. Extensive narrative discussion and quantitative analysis from the company’s managers.
    Management Discussion & Analysis
  23. A member should be objective and free from conflicts of interest in discharging professional responsibilities
    Objectivity & Independence
  24. Measures and reports the financial results of a firm’s performance
    Income Statement
  25. Acquire productive resources such as property, plant, equipment, technology, etc. to operate the business
    Investing Activities
  26. Communicating financial accounting information to existing and potential investors, creditors, lenders, and other external decision makers
    Financial Reporting Process
  27. Resources of the firm
  28. Identify significant emerging accounting issues that it feels the FASB should address.
    Emerging Issues Task Force
  29. Has legal authority to prescribe accounting principles and reporting practices for all corporations issuing publicly traded securities within the U.S. capital markets.
    Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
  30. Used to measure and report financial statements that are relevant and representationally faithful
    Accounting Standards
  31. A newly released standard by FASB
    Accounting Standards Update
  32. A snapshot of the resources of a firm and the claims on the firm
    Balance Sheet
  33. Annual report including financial statements filed by publicly traded companies
    Form 10-K
  34. A member in public practice should observe the Principles of the CPC in determining the scope and nature of services to be provided
    Scope & Nature of Services