Seeing anothertable get theirfood but youordered beforethem.3.5 weeks afterThanksgiving butyou have had theleftovers for everylunch and dinnersince.That auntie thatgets a little toodrunk at thecookout andstarts spillingfamily tea.Walking backinto school withMcDonald's afteryour doctorsappointment.Forgetting tocancel the 30day free trialon your latestsubscriptionNot needing ameasuring cupto know howmuch sugar toput in the kool-aid.Hair stylist iscoming in 40min late withfood talkingabout "Youready?"You showed uptwo hours lateto the cookoutand the foodstill isn't ready.Being the onlyblack person inthe class whenduring theslavery lesson.Your coworkeris asking forhelp but its 6min past5:30pm.Getting hometo realize thedrive-thrumessed upyour order.Grandma'shouse in thesummer withonly the ceilingfan blowing.Discoveringthe perfectproductcombo to getyour waves.When Karenasks to speakto the managerbut you are themanager.Gettingpopped by thehot greasewhile you'refrying chickenForgetting to takethe chicken out ofthe freezer butyour parentalready pulled intothe driveway.When your Momcalls your nameand you respondwith "what" andyou wake updead.Yourbarber/stylistsprices justwentup...again.That feelingwhen yourdirect deposithits early andon a Friday.Sitting in churchhungry knowingyou wassupposed to getout an hour agoRealizing youpicked thewrong spadespartnerbecause youare losing.Yeah, they justyelled Uno butyou've beenholding thisDraw 4 for themFinallyseeing yourfavoritecousin at thefamily party.Playing it coolin the deep endat the poolparty knowingyou can't swim.Seeing anothertable get theirfood but youordered beforethem.3.5 weeks afterThanksgiving butyou have had theleftovers for everylunch and dinnersince.That auntie thatgets a little toodrunk at thecookout andstarts spillingfamily tea.Walking backinto school withMcDonald's afteryour doctorsappointment.Forgetting tocancel the 30day free trialon your latestsubscriptionNot needing ameasuring cupto know howmuch sugar toput in the kool-aid.Hair stylist iscoming in 40min late withfood talkingabout "Youready?"You showed uptwo hours lateto the cookoutand the foodstill isn't ready.Being the onlyblack person inthe class whenduring theslavery lesson.Your coworkeris asking forhelp but its 6min past5:30pm.Getting hometo realize thedrive-thrumessed upyour order.Grandma'shouse in thesummer withonly the ceilingfan blowing.Discoveringthe perfectproductcombo to getyour waves.When Karenasks to speakto the managerbut you are themanager.Gettingpopped by thehot greasewhile you'refrying chickenForgetting to takethe chicken out ofthe freezer butyour parentalready pulled intothe driveway.When your Momcalls your nameand you respondwith "what" andyou wake updead.Yourbarber/stylistsprices justwentup...again.That feelingwhen yourdirect deposithits early andon a Friday.Sitting in churchhungry knowingyou wassupposed to getout an hour agoRealizing youpicked thewrong spadespartnerbecause youare losing.Yeah, they justyelled Uno butyou've beenholding thisDraw 4 for themFinallyseeing yourfavoritecousin at thefamily party.Playing it coolin the deep endat the poolparty knowingyou can't swim.


(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Seeing another table get their food but you ordered before them.
  2. 3.5 weeks after Thanksgiving but you have had the leftovers for every lunch and dinner since.
  3. That auntie that gets a little too drunk at the cookout and starts spilling family tea.
  4. Walking back into school with McDonald's after your doctors appointment.
  5. Forgetting to cancel the 30 day free trial on your latest subscription
  6. Not needing a measuring cup to know how much sugar to put in the kool-aid.
  7. Hair stylist is coming in 40 min late with food talking about "You ready?"
  8. You showed up two hours late to the cookout and the food still isn't ready.
  9. Being the only black person in the class when during the slavery lesson.
  10. Your coworker is asking for help but its 6 min past 5:30pm.
  11. Getting home to realize the drive-thru messed up your order.
  12. Grandma's house in the summer with only the ceiling fan blowing.
  13. Discovering the perfect product combo to get your waves.
  14. When Karen asks to speak to the manager but you are the manager.
  15. Getting popped by the hot grease while you're frying chicken
  16. Forgetting to take the chicken out of the freezer but your parent already pulled into the driveway.
  17. When your Mom calls your name and you respond with "what" and you wake up dead.
  18. Your barber/stylists prices just went up...again.
  19. That feeling when your direct deposit hits early and on a Friday.
  20. Sitting in church hungry knowing you was supposed to get out an hour ago
  21. Realizing you picked the wrong spades partner because you are losing.
  22. Yeah, they just yelled Uno but you've been holding this Draw 4 for them
  23. Finally seeing your favorite cousin at the family party.
  24. Playing it cool in the deep end at the pool party knowing you can't swim.