is interested in environmental issues plays an instrument does not like chocolate has been to an SI- pass before wants to work in is a second year student is intersted in migration likes pineapple on pizza prefers cats over dogs speaks three languages or more has traveled outside of Europe wants to work in the middle east lives in Växjö wants to work in Europe has a pet that is not a cat or dog is the oldest child does not live in Växjö is a first year student wears contact lenses prefers Coke over Pepsi has two siblings likes coffee is interested in crisis management is interested in gender is interested in environmental issues plays an instrument does not like chocolate has been to an SI- pass before wants to work in is a second year student is intersted in migration likes pineapple on pizza prefers cats over dogs speaks three languages or more has traveled outside of Europe wants to work in the middle east lives in Växjö wants to work in Europe has a pet that is not a cat or dog is the oldest child does not live in Växjö is a first year student wears contact lenses prefers Coke over Pepsi has two siblings likes coffee is interested in crisis management is interested in gender
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
is interested in environmental issues
plays an instrument
does not like chocolate
has been to an SI-pass before
wants to work in
is a second year student
is intersted in migration
likes pineapple on pizza
prefers cats over dogs
speaks three languages or more
has traveled outside of Europe
wants to work in the middle east
lives in Växjö
wants to work in Europe
has a pet that is not a cat or dog
is the oldest child
does not live in Växjö
is a first year student
wears contact lenses
prefers Coke over Pepsi
has two siblings
likes coffee
is interested in crisis management
is interested in gender