"WhiteAmericansare anethnicity.""x-Americanhistory/culture isjust Americanhistory/culture.It's nothing to dowith x."(Trying to claimhypocrisy bysuggestingAmericans areanti-immigration)"x-Americansjust want tobe special.""We're allAfricans,really."(Pretendingx-Americansare just xweebs)"Are yousuggestingimmigrantscan't be part ofthe countrythey live in?""You're justAmerican."Ethnicity=Eugenics"Nobody here inmy countryidentifies asanything otherthan theircitizenship.""If you weren'tborn here andyou don't livehere, you haveno connection!""I know a guy who'sparents were born inanother country andhe doesn't identify asanything other thanby where he lives."(Ignorance of thehistory of ethnicsegregation/culturewithin the UnitedStates)"Geneticsdon'tdetermineculture""America isthe onlycountry thatdoes this!""Americansjust hate thatthey'reAmerican lol""Americanshave noculture of theirown so theysteal ours!""I'm (insertcompletely randomthing tangentiallyconnected to acountry) so that mustme make of thatcountry!""Claiming theculture yourancestorshelped build,that's cringe.""Any holdoversfrom the oldcountry aregone within twoor threegenerations""Can youeven speakthelanguage?"(Denying theshared historybetweenmembers ofethnic groups)"You'reprobably onlylike 2%, alsoDNA testsare bogus.""Have youever actuallybeen to theold country?""WhiteAmericansare anethnicity.""x-Americanhistory/culture isjust Americanhistory/culture.It's nothing to dowith x."(Trying to claimhypocrisy bysuggestingAmericans areanti-immigration)"x-Americansjust want tobe special.""We're allAfricans,really."(Pretendingx-Americansare just xweebs)"Are yousuggestingimmigrantscan't be part ofthe countrythey live in?""You're justAmerican."Ethnicity=Eugenics"Nobody here inmy countryidentifies asanything otherthan theircitizenship.""If you weren'tborn here andyou don't livehere, you haveno connection!""I know a guy who'sparents were born inanother country andhe doesn't identify asanything other thanby where he lives."(Ignorance of thehistory of ethnicsegregation/culturewithin the UnitedStates)"Geneticsdon'tdetermineculture""America isthe onlycountry thatdoes this!""Americansjust hate thatthey'reAmerican lol""Americanshave noculture of theirown so theysteal ours!""I'm (insertcompletely randomthing tangentiallyconnected to acountry) so that mustme make of thatcountry!""Claiming theculture yourancestorshelped build,that's cringe.""Any holdoversfrom the oldcountry aregone within twoor threegenerations""Can youeven speakthelanguage?"(Denying theshared historybetweenmembers ofethnic groups)"You'reprobably onlylike 2%, alsoDNA testsare bogus.""Have youever actuallybeen to theold country?"

Europeans not understanding ethnicity - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. "White Americans are an ethnicity."
  2. "x-American history/culture is just American history/culture. It's nothing to do with x."
  3. (Trying to claim hypocrisy by suggesting Americans are anti-immigration)
  4. "x-Americans just want to be special."
  5. "We're all Africans, really."
  6. (Pretending x-Americans are just x weebs)
  7. "Are you suggesting immigrants can't be part of the country they live in?"
  8. "You're just American."
  9. Ethnicity = Eugenics
  10. "Nobody here in my country identifies as anything other than their citizenship."
  11. "If you weren't born here and you don't live here, you have no connection!"
  12. "I know a guy who's parents were born in another country and he doesn't identify as anything other than by where he lives."
  13. (Ignorance of the history of ethnic segregation/culture within the United States)
  14. "Genetics don't determine culture"
  15. "America is the only country that does this!"
  16. "Americans just hate that they're American lol"
  17. "Americans have no culture of their own so they steal ours!"
  18. "I'm (insert completely random thing tangentially connected to a country) so that must me make of that country!"
  19. "Claiming the culture your ancestors helped build, that's cringe."
  20. "Any holdovers from the old country are gone within two or three generations"
  21. "Can you even speak the language?"
  22. (Denying the shared history between members of ethnic groups)
  23. "You're probably only like 2%, also DNA tests are bogus."
  24. "Have you ever actually been to the old country?"