What shouldyou go ifthere is a fireevacuation?exit left,continue tosecond hallwayon the right,exit door #11Tape, stapler,glue sticks, etc.for student useare locatedhere.in a plasticorganizernearteacher'sdeskWhereshould yougo if there isa tornadoevacuation?exit left,receiving/maintenancearea across from room156What aretwo ofKurth'shobbies?Calendaron thefrontboardHow manysinks arein theroom?threeHow manygarbagecans are inthe room?twoWhere istheeyewashstation?sink in thefront ofthe roomWhat canyou findtoday'sdate?Board tothe right asyou enterthe roomWhat classperiod isMrs. Kurthavailable tohelp?8th periodresourceor 10thperiodWhere canyou findextra classworksheets?file sorterto the rightof therefrigeratorWhere canyou find theclassagenda eachday?on thefront whiteboard (leftside)What isCER ?claimevidencereasoningWherecan youfind extratissue?lowercabinets tothe left of therefrigeratorWhere is theclassroomsign outlocated?near thedoor by theyellow signand appleHow manypets doesMrs. Kurthhave?twoWheredo yousign out?Attitude isthe mind'spaintbrush~itcan coloranythingWhere isthe USflag in theroom?above therefrigeratorWhereshouldassignmentsbe turnedinto?turn inbaskets(pink sign)If you need tosharpen yourpencil wherecan you finda sharpener?by therefrigeratoror right sideof the door.During anexperiment you'llneed safetygoggles--wherecan you findthem?between therefrigeratorand the sinkIf you forget apen/pencilwhere canyou checkone out from?pen/pencilcheck outfront ofclassWhat timedoesschoolstart?7:35What is thegradingscale for thisclass?4,3,2,1Extrachromebookscan be foundwhere?smallstudent deskby theteacher'sdeskWhat shouldyou go ifthere is a fireevacuation?exit left,continue tosecond hallwayon the right,exit door #11Tape, stapler,glue sticks, etc.for student useare locatedhere.in a plasticorganizernearteacher'sdeskWhereshould yougo if there isa tornadoevacuation?exit left,receiving/maintenancearea across from room156What aretwo ofKurth'shobbies?Calendaron thefrontboardHow manysinks arein theroom?threeHow manygarbagecans are inthe room?twoWhere istheeyewashstation?sink in thefront ofthe roomWhat canyou findtoday'sdate?Board tothe right asyou enterthe roomWhat classperiod isMrs. Kurthavailable tohelp?8th periodresourceor 10thperiodWhere canyou findextra classworksheets?file sorterto the rightof therefrigeratorWhere canyou find theclassagenda eachday?on thefront whiteboard (leftside)What isCER ?claimevidencereasoningWherecan youfind extratissue?lowercabinets tothe left of therefrigeratorWhere is theclassroomsign outlocated?near thedoor by theyellow signand appleHow manypets doesMrs. Kurthhave?twoWheredo yousign out?Attitude isthe mind'spaintbrush~itcan coloranythingWhere isthe USflag in theroom?above therefrigeratorWhereshouldassignmentsbe turnedinto?turn inbaskets(pink sign)If you need tosharpen yourpencil wherecan you finda sharpener?by therefrigeratoror right sideof the door.During anexperiment you'llneed safetygoggles--wherecan you findthem?between therefrigeratorand the sinkIf you forget apen/pencilwhere canyou checkone out from?pen/pencilcheck outfront ofclassWhat timedoesschoolstart?7:35What is thegradingscale for thisclass?4,3,2,1Extrachromebookscan be foundwhere?smallstudent deskby theteacher'sdesk

Getting to know your Room B-I-N-G-O - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. exit left, continue to second hallway on the right, exit door #11
    What should you go if there is a fire evacuation?
  2. in a plastic organizer near teacher's desk
    Tape, stapler, glue sticks, etc. for student use are located here.
  3. exit left, receiving/maintenance area across from room 156
    Where should you go if there is a tornado evacuation?
  4. Calendar on the front board
    What are two of Kurth's hobbies?
  5. three
    How many sinks are in the room?
  6. two
    How many garbage cans are in the room?
  7. sink in the front of the room
    Where is the eyewash station?
  8. Board to the right as you enter the room
    What can you find today's date?
  9. 8th period resource or 10th period
    What class period is Mrs. Kurth available to help?
  10. file sorter to the right of the refrigerator
    Where can you find extra class worksheets?
  11. on the front white board (left side)
    Where can you find the class agenda each day?
  12. claim evidence reasoning
    What is CER ?
  13. lower cabinets to the left of the refrigerator
    Where can you find extra tissue?
  14. near the door by the yellow sign and apple
    Where is the classroom sign out located?
  15. two
    How many pets does Mrs. Kurth have?
  16. Attitude is the mind's paintbrush~it can color anything
    Where do you sign out?
  17. above the refrigerator
    Where is the US flag in the room?
  18. turn in baskets (pink sign)
    Where should assignments be turned into?
  19. by the refrigerator or right side of the door.
    If you need to sharpen your pencil where can you find a sharpener?
  20. between the refrigerator and the sink
    During an experiment you'll need safety goggles--where can you find them?
  21. pen/pencil check out front of class
    If you forget a pen/pencil where can you check one out from?
  22. 7:35
    What time does school start?
  23. 4,3,2,1
    What is the grading scale for this class?
  24. small student desk by the teacher's desk
    Extra chromebooks can be found where?