is a grandparent is in the 3rd generation of the family is an only child knows Grandfather Geiger's first name served or serves in the armed forces attended Jackson Creek Baptist is a college student was born during the 1960's can name at least 5 people at the reunion has a birthday the same month as yours sings in a choir has a pet is on Facebook has been married 10 years or less is the baby in their family has lived in a state other than SC has been married for over 20 years is left handed is the oldest in their family plays a musical instrument has been to more than 4 reunions is a twin has traveled outside the US has more than 3 children is a grandparent is in the 3rd generation of the family is an only child knows Grandfather Geiger's first name served or serves in the armed forces attended Jackson Creek Baptist is a college student was born during the 1960's can name at least 5 people at the reunion has a birthday the same month as yours sings in a choir has a pet is on Facebook has been married 10 years or less is the baby in their family has lived in a state other than SC has been married for over 20 years is left handed is the oldest in their family plays a musical instrument has been to more than 4 reunions is a twin has traveled outside the US has more than 3 children
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
is a grandparent
is in the 3rd generation of the family
is an only child
first name
served or serves in the armed forces
attended Jackson Creek Baptist
is a college student
was born during the 1960's
can name at least 5 people at the reunion
has a birthday the same month as yours
sings in a choir
has a pet
is on Facebook
has been married 10 years or less
is the baby
in their family
has lived in a state other than
has been married for over 20 years
is left
is the oldest
in their family
plays a musical instrument
has been to more than 4 reunions
is a twin
has traveled outside the US
has more than 3 children