king (usedin Persiaand Iran)the holiest of Muslimcities. Muhammad,the founder of Islam,was born in Mecca,and it is toward thisreligious center thatMuslims turn fivetimes daily in prayerthe officeordominionof a caliphthe head of theEastern OrthodoxChurch, originallyappointed by theByzantine emperora personwho travelsto a shrine orother holyplacethe doctrinethat everynatural thing inthe universehas a soulis Stone Town, ahistoric tradecenter withSwahili andIslamicinfluences.ruler of the kingdomof Mali from 1312C.E. to 1337 C.E.During his reign, Maliwas one of therichest kingdoms ofAfricaa conventionalreligious imagetypically painted on asmall wooden paneland venerated itselfas sacred by EasternChristiansa Muslim group thataccepts only thedescendants ofMuhammad’s son-in-law Ali as the truerulers of Islamsuccessorof theprophetMuhammada Venetian merchanttraveler and trader. Hewrote about his travelsin a journal whichhelped Europeanslearn significantly moreabout Central Asia andChina.a web of commercialinteractions betweenthe Arab world (NorthAfrica and the PersianGulf) and sub-SaharanAfrica. The mainobjects of this tradewere gold and salt;doctrinaldifferences; adivision into twofactions orseparation intoopposing parties.Moroccan Muslimscholar, the mostwidely traveledindividual of his time.He wrote a detailedaccount of his visits toIslamic lands fromChina to Spain and thewestern Sudan.the art ofbeautifulhandwritingFree!form ofecclesiasticalcensure by whicha person isexcluded from thecommunion ofbelievers,empire based inIndian subcontinent,established byMuslim Persianatedynasty extendingover large parts ofIndia andAfghanistan.was the founder ofIslam and theproclaimer of theQurʾān, Islam'ssacred scripture.king (usedin Persiaand Iran)the holiest of Muslimcities. Muhammad,the founder of Islam,was born in Mecca,and it is toward thisreligious center thatMuslims turn fivetimes daily in prayerthe officeordominionof a caliphthe head of theEastern OrthodoxChurch, originallyappointed by theByzantine emperora personwho travelsto a shrine orother holyplacethe doctrinethat everynatural thing inthe universehas a soulis Stone Town, ahistoric tradecenter withSwahili andIslamicinfluences.ruler of the kingdomof Mali from 1312C.E. to 1337 C.E.During his reign, Maliwas one of therichest kingdoms ofAfricaa conventionalreligious imagetypically painted on asmall wooden paneland venerated itselfas sacred by EasternChristiansa Muslim group thataccepts only thedescendants ofMuhammad’s son-in-law Ali as the truerulers of Islamsuccessorof theprophetMuhammada Venetian merchanttraveler and trader. Hewrote about his travelsin a journal whichhelped Europeanslearn significantly moreabout Central Asia andChina.a web of commercialinteractions betweenthe Arab world (NorthAfrica and the PersianGulf) and sub-SaharanAfrica. The mainobjects of this tradewere gold and salt;doctrinaldifferences; adivision into twofactions orseparation intoopposing parties.Moroccan Muslimscholar, the mostwidely traveledindividual of his time.He wrote a detailedaccount of his visits toIslamic lands fromChina to Spain and thewestern Sudan.the art ofbeautifulhandwritingFree!form ofecclesiasticalcensure by whicha person isexcluded from thecommunion ofbelievers,empire based inIndian subcontinent,established byMuslim Persianatedynasty extendingover large parts ofIndia andAfghanistan.was the founder ofIslam and theproclaimer of theQurʾān, Islam'ssacred scripture.

Unit 2 Vocabulary - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. king (used in Persia and Iran)
  2. the holiest of Muslim cities. Muhammad, the founder of Islam, was born in Mecca, and it is toward this religious center that Muslims turn five times daily in prayer
  3. the office or dominion of a caliph
  4. the head of the Eastern Orthodox Church, originally appointed by the Byzantine emperor
  5. a person who travels to a shrine or other holy place
  6. the doctrine that every natural thing in the universe has a soul
  7. is Stone Town, a historic trade center with Swahili and Islamic influences.
  8. ruler of the kingdom of Mali from 1312 C.E. to 1337 C.E. During his reign, Mali was one of the richest kingdoms of Africa
  9. a conventional religious image typically painted on a small wooden panel and venerated itself as sacred by Eastern Christians
  10. a Muslim group that accepts only the descendants of Muhammad’s son-in-law Ali as the true rulers of Islam
  11. successor of the prophet Muhammad
  12. a Venetian merchant traveler and trader. He wrote about his travels in a journal which helped Europeans learn significantly more about Central Asia and China.
  13. a web of commercial interactions between the Arab world (North Africa and the Persian Gulf) and sub-Saharan Africa. The main objects of this trade were gold and salt;
  14. doctrinal differences; a division into two factions or separation into opposing parties.
  15. Moroccan Muslim scholar, the most widely traveled individual of his time. He wrote a detailed account of his visits to Islamic lands from China to Spain and the western Sudan.
  16. the art of beautiful handwriting
  17. Free!
  18. form of ecclesiastical censure by which a person is excluded from the communion of believers,
  19. empire based in Indian subcontinent, established by Muslim Persianate dynasty extending over large parts of India and Afghanistan.
  20. was the founder of Islam and the proclaimer of the Qurʾān, Islam's sacred scripture.