EmbolusA foreign object, aquantity of air or gas,a bit of tissue, or apeice of thrombusthat circulates in thebloodstream until itbecomes lodged in avesselTachycardiaA rapid,regularrhythmoriginating inthe SA nodeAtherosclerosis acommon arterialdisorder characterizedby yellowish plaquesofcholesterol, lipids andcellular debris in theinner layers of thewass of large andmedium sized arteriesAnginapectorisSpasmodic,cramplike,choking feelingin the chest orbreast areaMyocardialinfarctionA heartattack, is thenecrosis ofheart muscleBradycardiaA slowcardiacrhythmoriginating inthe SA nodePolycythemiaAn abnormalincrease in thenumber of redblood cells inthe bloodRuborDiscolorationor erythemacaused byinflammationIntermittentclaudicationA weakness of thelegs accompanied bycramplike pains inthe calves caused bypoor circulation of thearterial blood in theleg musclesHypoxemiaAn abnormaldeficie3ofoxygen inthe arterialbloodMultigatedacquisitionscan(MUGA)Uses a radioactivetracer and a specialcameras that takespictures of the heartas it pumpsCoronaryocclusionRefersspecifically tothe obstructionor closing off ofa coronaryarteryPleuraleffusionAn abnormalaccumulation offluid in the thoraciccavity between thevisceral andparietal pleuraeAneurysm Occurs when thewall of the arteryweakens, resultingin bulging of theartery when filledwith bloodDefibrillationThe termination ofV fib by deliveringa direct electricalcountershock tothe patient'sprecordiumArteriosclerosisA common arterialdisordercharacterized bythickening, loss ofelasticity andcalcification ofarterial wallsDysthymiaAny cardiacrhythm thatdeviatesfrom normalsinus rhythmCoronaryarterydisease(CAD)A term used todescribe a variety ofconditions thatobstruct blood flowin the coronaryarteriesCardioversionRestoring the heart'sNSR by delivering asynchronized shockthrough two metalpaddles placed onthe patient's chestB-typenatriureticpeptide(BNP)A hormone excretedby the heart inresponse toventricularexpansion andpressure overloadPeripheralMeanspertaining tothose areasaway fromthe centerPulmonaryedemaThe accumulationof extravascularfluid in lung tissuesand alveoli, mostoften caused by HFOrthopneaAn abnormalcondition in whicha person must sitor stand to breathedeeply orcomfortablyHeartfailureWhen the heartcan't pumpenough blood tosustain the body'smetabolic needsIschemiaDecreased bloodsupply to a bodyorgan or part,often marked bypain and organdysfunction EmbolusA foreign object, aquantity of air or gas,a bit of tissue, or apeice of thrombusthat circulates in thebloodstream until itbecomes lodged in avesselTachycardiaA rapid,regularrhythmoriginating inthe SA nodeAtherosclerosis acommon arterialdisorder characterizedby yellowish plaquesofcholesterol, lipids andcellular debris in theinner layers of thewass of large andmedium sized arteriesAnginapectorisSpasmodic,cramplike,choking feelingin the chest orbreast areaMyocardialinfarctionA heartattack, is thenecrosis ofheart muscleBradycardiaA slowcardiacrhythmoriginating inthe SA nodePolycythemiaAn abnormalincrease in thenumber of redblood cells inthe bloodRuborDiscolorationor erythemacaused byinflammationIntermittentclaudicationA weakness of thelegs accompanied bycramplike pains inthe calves caused bypoor circulation of thearterial blood in theleg musclesHypoxemiaAn abnormaldeficie3ofoxygen inthe arterialbloodMultigatedacquisitionscan(MUGA)Uses a radioactivetracer and a specialcameras that takespictures of the heartas it pumpsCoronaryocclusionRefersspecifically tothe obstructionor closing off ofa coronaryarteryPleuraleffusionAn abnormalaccumulation offluid in the thoraciccavity between thevisceral andparietal pleuraeAneurysm Occurs when thewall of the arteryweakens, resultingin bulging of theartery when filledwith bloodDefibrillationThe termination ofV fib by deliveringa direct electricalcountershock tothe patient'sprecordiumArteriosclerosisA common arterialdisordercharacterized bythickening, loss ofelasticity andcalcification ofarterial wallsDysthymiaAny cardiacrhythm thatdeviatesfrom normalsinus rhythmCoronaryarterydisease(CAD)A term used todescribe a variety ofconditions thatobstruct blood flowin the coronaryarteriesCardioversionRestoring the heart'sNSR by delivering asynchronized shockthrough two metalpaddles placed onthe patient's chestB-typenatriureticpeptide(BNP)A hormone excretedby the heart inresponse toventricularexpansion andpressure overloadPeripheralMeanspertaining tothose areasaway fromthe centerPulmonaryedemaThe accumulationof extravascularfluid in lung tissuesand alveoli, mostoften caused by HFOrthopneaAn abnormalcondition in whicha person must sitor stand to breathedeeply orcomfortablyHeartfailureWhen the heartcan't pumpenough blood tosustain the body'smetabolic needsIschemiaDecreased bloodsupply to a bodyorgan or part,often marked bypain and organdysfunction

Cardiovascular - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. A foreign object, a quantity of air or gas, a bit of tissue, or a peice of thrombus that circulates in the bloodstream until it becomes lodged in a vessel
  2. A rapid, regular rhythm originating in the SA node
  3. Atherosclerosis a common arterial disorder characterized by yellowish plaquesof cholesterol, lipids and cellular debris in the inner layers of the wass of large and medium sized arteries
  4. Spasmodic, cramplike, choking feeling in the chest or breast area
    Angina pectoris
  5. A heart attack, is the necrosis of heart muscle
    Myocardial infarction
  6. A slow cardiac rhythm originating in the SA node
  7. An abnormal increase in the number of red blood cells in the blood
  8. Discoloration or erythema caused by inflammation
  9. A weakness of the legs accompanied by cramplike pains in the calves caused by poor circulation of the arterial blood in the leg muscles
    Intermittent claudication
  10. An abnormal deficie3of oxygen in the arterial blood
  11. Uses a radioactive tracer and a special cameras that takes pictures of the heart as it pumps
    Multigated acquisition scan (MUGA)
  12. Refers specifically to the obstruction or closing off of a coronary artery
    Coronary occlusion
  13. An abnormal accumulation of fluid in the thoracic cavity between the visceral and parietal pleurae
    Pleural effusion
  14. Occurs when the wall of the artery weakens, resulting in bulging of the artery when filled with blood
  15. The termination of V fib by delivering a direct electrical countershock to the patient's precordium
  16. A common arterial disorder characterized by thickening, loss of elasticity and calcification of arterial walls
  17. Any cardiac rhythm that deviates from normal sinus rhythm
  18. A term used to describe a variety of conditions that obstruct blood flow in the coronary arteries
    Coronary artery disease (CAD)
  19. Restoring the heart's NSR by delivering a synchronized shock through two metal paddles placed on the patient's chest
  20. A hormone excreted by the heart in response to ventricular expansion and pressure overload
    B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP)
  21. Means pertaining to those areas away from the center
  22. The accumulation of extravascular fluid in lung tissues and alveoli, most often caused by HF
    Pulmonary edema
  23. An abnormal condition in which a person must sit or stand to breathe deeply or comfortably
  24. When the heart can't pump enough blood to sustain the body's metabolic needs
    Heart failure
  25. Decreased blood supply to a body organ or part, often marked by pain and organ dysfunction