Read 1 bookrelated todevelopmentMeet with 1MDR Manageroutside of InstallOrg (that youdon’t knowalready)ElevatorPitch 1 newproduct inupcoming 1:1with managerGo intooffice 5times inthe monthSet 5customermeetingsin 1 weekTake a selfiewith amember ofseniorleadershipMeet 1 RVPof an SMBteam (that youdon't knowalready)Meet 1newperson inofficeCoffeechat witha RM orRM leaderPost twotimes onLinkedInMockInterviewwith aleaderPersonalSWOTanalysis (askLJ fortemplate)Average 25calls/day (2weekminimum)Create 1newcampaignGet to knowan MDR onour team thatyou don'tknow wellMeet 4 newpeople in arole you maywant topursueSend 20LinkedInVideosHost a happyhour withrepresentationfrom 2 otherteams outsideof FinsMeet with2 SMBAEs youdon’t knowHost a mockinterviewwith 3 ormore fellowMDRsScheduleMock Discowith a peerMDRCoffee chatwith a PDRor PDRleader1 hourcall/emailcoachingmeeting withpeer MDRBook 2customermeetingsfrom videosRead 1 bookrelated todevelopmentMeet with 1MDR Manageroutside of InstallOrg (that youdon’t knowalready)ElevatorPitch 1 newproduct inupcoming 1:1with managerGo intooffice 5times inthe monthSet 5customermeetingsin 1 weekTake a selfiewith amember ofseniorleadershipMeet 1 RVPof an SMBteam (that youdon't knowalready)Meet 1newperson inofficeCoffeechat witha RM orRM leaderPost twotimes onLinkedInMockInterviewwith aleaderPersonalSWOTanalysis (askLJ fortemplate)Average 25calls/day (2weekminimum)Create 1newcampaignGet to knowan MDR onour team thatyou don'tknow wellMeet 4 newpeople in arole you maywant topursueSend 20LinkedInVideosHost a happyhour withrepresentationfrom 2 otherteams outsideof FinsMeet with2 SMBAEs youdon’t knowHost a mockinterviewwith 3 ormore fellowMDRsScheduleMock Discowith a peerMDRCoffee chatwith a PDRor PDRleader1 hourcall/emailcoachingmeeting withpeer MDRBook 2customermeetingsfrom videos

Professional Development Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Read 1 book related to development
  2. Meet with 1 MDR Manager outside of Install Org (that you don’t know already)
  3. Elevator Pitch 1 new product in upcoming 1:1 with manager
  4. Go into office 5 times in the month
  5. Set 5 customer meetings in 1 week
  6. Take a selfie with a member of senior leadership
  7. Meet 1 RVP of an SMB team (that you don't know already)
  8. Meet 1 new person in office
  9. Coffee chat with a RM or RM leader
  10. Post two times on LinkedIn
  11. Mock Interview with a leader
  12. Personal SWOT analysis (ask LJ for template)
  13. Average 25 calls/day (2 week minimum)
  14. Create 1 new campaign
  15. Get to know an MDR on our team that you don't know well
  16. Meet 4 new people in a role you may want to pursue
  17. Send 20 LinkedIn Videos
  18. Host a happy hour with representation from 2 other teams outside of Fins
  19. Meet with 2 SMB AEs you don’t know
  20. Host a mock interview with 3 or more fellow MDRs
  21. Schedule Mock Disco with a peer MDR
  22. Coffee chat with a PDR or PDR leader
  23. 1 hour call/email coaching meeting with peer MDR
  24. Book 2 customer meetings from videos