I findsatisfactionin my jobI am passionateabout creating athriving and civilworkplaceI found value inthe symposiumand plan toattend nextyearI learnedsomethingabout buildinga researchprogramI Participatedin the Watershots gameI participatedin astretchingbreakDuring abreak, I foundsomethinghealthy to eatI used aphotoframeI took noteson topicspresentedduring thesymposiumI am motivatedto submit anabstract to nextyear'ssymposiumEngaged/postedin CommentsI haveattended thissymposiumin the pastI drank 1 cupor less ofcoffee beforethe lunchbreakI heard at leastone thing I aminterested inbringing back tomy workplaceI interactedwith at least3 posterpresentersI foundsomething incommonwith anotherparticipantI interacted witha participantfrom a differentorganizationthan mineI listenedto the EndNoteSpeakerI loggedonto WhovasuccessfullyI attendedthe entireconferenceI refilled mywater atleast onceby 1200I posted aboutexcellence in myorganization/workI Attended SpeedNetworking/Roundtable discussionI listenedto the KeyNoteSpeakerI left mycomputer orphone duringthe lunchbreakI findsatisfactionin my jobI am passionateabout creating athriving and civilworkplaceI found value inthe symposiumand plan toattend nextyearI learnedsomethingabout buildinga researchprogramI Participatedin the Watershots gameI participatedin astretchingbreakDuring abreak, I foundsomethinghealthy to eatI used aphotoframeI took noteson topicspresentedduring thesymposiumI am motivatedto submit anabstract to nextyear'ssymposiumEngaged/postedin CommentsI haveattended thissymposiumin the pastI drank 1 cupor less ofcoffee beforethe lunchbreakI heard at leastone thing I aminterested inbringing back tomy workplaceI interactedwith at least3 posterpresentersI foundsomething incommonwith anotherparticipantI interacted witha participantfrom a differentorganizationthan mineI listenedto the EndNoteSpeakerI loggedonto WhovasuccessfullyI attendedthe entireconferenceI refilled mywater atleast onceby 1200I posted aboutexcellence in myorganization/workI Attended SpeedNetworking/Roundtable discussionI listenedto the KeyNoteSpeakerI left mycomputer orphone duringthe lunchbreak

Striving Forward Symposium BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I find satisfaction in my job
  2. I am passionate about creating a thriving and civil workplace
  3. I found value in the symposium and plan to attend next year
  4. I learned something about building a research program
  5. I Participated in the Water shots game
  6. I participated in a stretching break
  7. During a break, I found something healthy to eat
  8. I used a photo frame
  9. I took notes on topics presented during the symposium
  10. I am motivated to submit an abstract to next year's symposium
  11. Engaged/posted in Comments
  12. I have attended this symposium in the past
  13. I drank 1 cup or less of coffee before the lunch break
  14. I heard at least one thing I am interested in bringing back to my workplace
  15. I interacted with at least 3 poster presenters
  16. I found something in common with another participant
  17. I interacted with a participant from a different organization than mine
  18. I listened to the End Note Speaker
  19. I logged onto Whova successfully
  20. I attended the entire conference
  21. I refilled my water at least once by 1200
  22. I posted about excellence in my organization/work
  23. I Attended Speed Networking/Round table discussion
  24. I listened to the Key Note Speaker
  25. I left my computer or phone during the lunch break