Birth Controlcan be usedto managediscomfortsAll females mustgo through this inorder begin andend theirreproductivecyclesHot flashes,body hair,vaginalchanges andbreast growthThe time whenour menstrualcycle becomesirregular andthen stopsSmoking cancause this tocome earlierthanexpectedThis processcan start atdifferent agesfor differentfemalesHormoneReplacementTherapy can beused tomanagediscomfortsStage whenyour bodychangesfrom a childto an adultBirth Controlcan be usedto managediscomfortsAll females mustgo through this inorder begin andend theirreproductivecyclesHot flashes,body hair,vaginalchanges andbreast growthThe time whenour menstrualcycle becomesirregular andthen stopsSmoking cancause this tocome earlierthanexpectedThis processcan start atdifferent agesfor differentfemalesHormoneReplacementTherapy can beused tomanagediscomfortsStage whenyour bodychangesfrom a childto an adult

Puberty Versus Menopause Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Birth Control can be used to manage discomforts
  2. All females must go through this in order begin and end their reproductive cycles
  3. Hot flashes, body hair, vaginal changes and breast growth
  4. The time when our menstrual cycle becomes irregular and then stops
  5. Smoking can cause this to come earlier than expected
  6. This process can start at different ages for different females
  7. Hormone Replacement Therapy can be used to manage discomforts
  8. Stage when your body changes from a child to an adult