Tells morethan onemission storya day.Ryan continuestalking politicseven after aguest is at thedesk, and theyhear all of it.Ryan expressesopen disgust at ahorror-themedcrossover of anostalgic piece ofhis childhood.Ryan makesan offensivecaricature ofHispanicpeople.Ryan is caughtwatching TuckerCarlson with hisheadphones in.Ryantakes mychair.Ryan turns anon-christianmovie into achristianmovie.It's allwomen'sfault.Ryan sheepishlyuses a curse, inthe middle of asentence he wassaying with his fullchest.Ryan tells astory fromhis ownchurch.Ryan doesn'tmove whenthe front deskneeds to getby him."If it'sred, it'sgood..."Ryan has to fillin everyone withevery detailabout the moviehe's justwatched.Isaac takesHalloween way toofar, Ryan beginsquestioning whetheror not he needs apriesthood blessing.Ryanleavesearly to goto a movie.Ryan feelsnostalgia that is sostrong he bursts ablood vessel andhas a cornealhemorrhage.Ryan makesIsaac watchBirdemic 3.Ryan advisesa coworker onmattersrelated to theirsalvation.Ryan uses a religiousadage with hisnonreligiouscoworkers, and itdoesn't really landhow he wanted it to.Ryan and Isaac getinto their inevitabledebate about thespecifics of economicpolicy. Ryan says theword "Venezuela" noless than 40 times.Ryan thinks thatwhite slaveryexcuses theatrocities ofAmerican slavery.Ryan saystheinsurrectionwasn't a bigdeal.Not-so-subtleracism.Ryan equates beingtrans to a mentaldisorder, offers nosupport one wouldexpect if he actuallythought that.Tells morethan onemission storya day.Ryan continuestalking politicseven after aguest is at thedesk, and theyhear all of it.Ryan expressesopen disgust at ahorror-themedcrossover of anostalgic piece ofhis childhood.Ryan makesan offensivecaricature ofHispanicpeople.Ryan is caughtwatching TuckerCarlson with hisheadphones in.Ryantakes mychair.Ryan turns anon-christianmovie into achristianmovie.It's allwomen'sfault.Ryan sheepishlyuses a curse, inthe middle of asentence he wassaying with his fullchest.Ryan tells astory fromhis ownchurch.Ryan doesn'tmove whenthe front deskneeds to getby him."If it'sred, it'sgood..."Ryan has to fillin everyone withevery detailabout the moviehe's justwatched.Isaac takesHalloween way toofar, Ryan beginsquestioning whetheror not he needs apriesthood blessing.Ryanleavesearly to goto a movie.Ryan feelsnostalgia that is sostrong he bursts ablood vessel andhas a cornealhemorrhage.Ryan makesIsaac watchBirdemic 3.Ryan advisesa coworker onmattersrelated to theirsalvation.Ryan uses a religiousadage with hisnonreligiouscoworkers, and itdoesn't really landhow he wanted it to.Ryan and Isaac getinto their inevitabledebate about thespecifics of economicpolicy. Ryan says theword "Venezuela" noless than 40 times.Ryan thinks thatwhite slaveryexcuses theatrocities ofAmerican slavery.Ryan saystheinsurrectionwasn't a bigdeal.Not-so-subtleracism.Ryan equates beingtrans to a mentaldisorder, offers nosupport one wouldexpect if he actuallythought that.

Ryan Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Tells more than one mission story a day.
  2. Ryan continues talking politics even after a guest is at the desk, and they hear all of it.
  3. Ryan expresses open disgust at a horror-themed crossover of a nostalgic piece of his childhood.
  4. Ryan makes an offensive caricature of Hispanic people.
  5. Ryan is caught watching Tucker Carlson with his headphones in.
  6. Ryan takes my chair.
  7. Ryan turns a non-christian movie into a christian movie.
  8. It's all women's fault.
  9. Ryan sheepishly uses a curse, in the middle of a sentence he was saying with his full chest.
  10. Ryan tells a story from his own church.
  11. Ryan doesn't move when the front desk needs to get by him.
  12. "If it's red, it's good..."
  13. Ryan has to fill in everyone with every detail about the movie he's just watched.
  14. Isaac takes Halloween way too far, Ryan begins questioning whether or not he needs a priesthood blessing.
  15. Ryan leaves early to go to a movie.
  16. Ryan feels nostalgia that is so strong he bursts a blood vessel and has a corneal hemorrhage.
  17. Ryan makes Isaac watch Birdemic 3.
  18. Ryan advises a coworker on matters related to their salvation.
  19. Ryan uses a religious adage with his nonreligious coworkers, and it doesn't really land how he wanted it to.
  20. Ryan and Isaac get into their inevitable debate about the specifics of economic policy. Ryan says the word "Venezuela" no less than 40 times.
  21. Ryan thinks that white slavery excuses the atrocities of American slavery.
  22. Ryan says the insurrection wasn't a big deal.
  23. Not-so-subtle racism.
  24. Ryan equates being trans to a mental disorder, offers no support one would expect if he actually thought that.