Every thoughtyou have iswritten onyour face,literally.You have served theempire with loyalty andpride, and your loyalty hasbeen rewarded with greatresponsibilities, and you'veled countless men intobattle, but now, years intoretirement, you feel, for thefirst time, doubt.Least favoriteword and why(or a charactersleast favoriteword)SongficYou had an eyelashstuck in your eye andthe end of the worldhappened. You're thelast sentient beingalive, now what?ThecolourpurpleLearningto livewith yourenemiesTurns out yourenemy is yourchildhood friend thathas been ignoringyour call for the pastweek *and* missedyour weekly movienight.[the character] doesn’twant to hurt their friend, butthey have no choice but totry and stop them whentheir friend is directlyresponsible forhurting/destroyingsomething dear to them.Write a story aboutsomeone whokeeps being cast asthe hero but isactually a villain(literally ormetaphorically).Unlike most fiction, thealiens arrival on earth didnot signal a new war, ortechnological upheaval,rather just a new wave ofimmigration. Despite theoutcry from certain people,everything has settled inquite well, at times one caneven forgeCrackAUBrainwashingDancingflowersWho let Stabbythe roomba loosein theschool/workplaceTrainsVideogameSwordsSchoolBeansWrite a scene betweentwo [of your]characters with nodialogue. Make it aquiet private momentwhere we see whattheyre like togetherwhen no one else isaround.The futility oftrying toresist theadoption bug[a character] neverthought their friendwould go this far,become this monster.Even as they look backon the past, they stillcan’t understand whatcould have driven themto this point.Character A sleepseverywhere.Character B thinksCharacter A isignoring them whenthey're actuallyasleep.Every thoughtyou have iswritten onyour face,literally.You have served theempire with loyalty andpride, and your loyalty hasbeen rewarded with greatresponsibilities, and you'veled countless men intobattle, but now, years intoretirement, you feel, for thefirst time, doubt.Least favoriteword and why(or a charactersleast favoriteword)SongficYou had an eyelashstuck in your eye andthe end of the worldhappened. You're thelast sentient beingalive, now what?ThecolourpurpleLearningto livewith yourenemiesTurns out yourenemy is yourchildhood friend thathas been ignoringyour call for the pastweek *and* missedyour weekly movienight.[the character] doesn’twant to hurt their friend, butthey have no choice but totry and stop them whentheir friend is directlyresponsible forhurting/destroyingsomething dear to them.Write a story aboutsomeone whokeeps being cast asthe hero but isactually a villain(literally ormetaphorically).Unlike most fiction, thealiens arrival on earth didnot signal a new war, ortechnological upheaval,rather just a new wave ofimmigration. Despite theoutcry from certain people,everything has settled inquite well, at times one caneven forgeCrackAUBrainwashingDancingflowersWho let Stabbythe roomba loosein theschool/workplaceTrainsVideogameSwordsSchoolBeansWrite a scene betweentwo [of your]characters with nodialogue. Make it aquiet private momentwhere we see whattheyre like togetherwhen no one else isaround.The futility oftrying toresist theadoption bug[a character] neverthought their friendwould go this far,become this monster.Even as they look backon the past, they stillcan’t understand whatcould have driven themto this point.Character A sleepseverywhere.Character B thinksCharacter A isignoring them whenthey're actuallyasleep.

SSSH Writing Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Every thought you have is written on your face, literally.
  2. You have served the empire with loyalty and pride, and your loyalty has been rewarded with great responsibilities, and you've led countless men into battle, but now, years into retirement, you feel, for the first time, doubt.
  3. Least favorite word and why (or a characters least favorite word)
  4. Songfic
  5. You had an eyelash stuck in your eye and the end of the world happened. You're the last sentient being alive, now what?
  6. The colour purple
  7. Learning to live with your enemies
  8. Turns out your enemy is your childhood friend that has been ignoring your call for the past week *and* missed your weekly movie night.
  9. [the character] doesn’t want to hurt their friend, but they have no choice but to try and stop them when their friend is directly responsible for hurting/destroying something dear to them.
  10. Write a story about someone who keeps being cast as the hero but is actually a villain (literally or metaphorically).
  11. Unlike most fiction, the aliens arrival on earth did not signal a new war, or technological upheaval, rather just a new wave of immigration. Despite the outcry from certain people, everything has settled in quite well, at times one can even forge
  12. Crack AU
  13. Brainwashing
  14. Dancing flowers
  15. Who let Stabby the roomba loose in the school/workplace
  16. Trains
  17. Video game
  18. Swords
  19. School
  20. Beans
  21. Write a scene between two [of your] characters with no dialogue. Make it a quiet private moment where we see what theyre like together when no one else is around.
  22. The futility of trying to resist the adoption bug
  23. [a character] never thought their friend would go this far, become this monster. Even as they look back on the past, they still can’t understand what could have driven them to this point.
  24. Character A sleeps everywhere. Character B thinks Character A is ignoring them when they're actually asleep.