what are the 4macromolecules?lipids, proteins,carbohydrates,nucleic acidswhat areisotopes?forms of anelement withdifferent numberof neutrons andmass numberspolymersconsistof:Multiplemonomerswhat doradioisotopesdo?give off energyin the form ofalpha, beta,gamma,radiation fromthe nucleuswhat is anecosystem?communitiesworkingtogether withtheir abiotic(nonliving)environmentwhat isbiology?the studyof livingorganismswhat isamole?amount of asubstance ingrams thatequals itsmolecularweight what isthe octetrule?8 electronsin theoutermostshellwhat doproteinsconsistof?a chain of20 aminoacidsStarch isfoundin____andGlycogen isfound in____plants,animalswhat is achemicalbond?attractive forcethat links atomstogether to formmoleculeswhat isan aminoacid?carboxyl andamino groupsthat work asa base andacidwhat isDNA?consist ofrepeatingsubunitscallednucleotideswhat is agenome?Sum totalof all dnain a cellHow manysugars is in amonosaccharide?1simplesugarwhat doeshydrophobicmean?repels ordoes notmix withwater wellwhat arecovalentbonds?atoms thatshare one ormore pairs ofelectronsname the3 domainsof life:bacteriaprokaryotes,archaeaprokaryotes,eukaryaeukaryotesHow arepolymersformed?Condensationreactionswhat is acompound?a moleculemade up of 2 ormore elementsbondedtogetherwhat isevolution?change ingeneticmakeup ofpopulationsthru timewhat isthe massnumber?number ofprotons andneutrons inan atomwhat isatomicweight?average massnumbers ofisotopes intheir normalproportionswhat isphotosynthesis?transformationof sunlightenergy intobiologicalenergywhat are the 4macromolecules?lipids, proteins,carbohydrates,nucleic acidswhat areisotopes?forms of anelement withdifferent numberof neutrons andmass numberspolymersconsistof:Multiplemonomerswhat doradioisotopesdo?give off energyin the form ofalpha, beta,gamma,radiation fromthe nucleuswhat is anecosystem?communitiesworkingtogether withtheir abiotic(nonliving)environmentwhat isbiology?the studyof livingorganismswhat isamole?amount of asubstance ingrams thatequals itsmolecularweightwhat isthe octetrule?8 electronsin theoutermostshellwhat doproteinsconsistof?a chain of20 aminoacidsStarch isfoundin____andGlycogen isfound in____plants,animalswhat is achemicalbond?attractive forcethat links atomstogether to formmoleculeswhat isan aminoacid?carboxyl andamino groupsthat work asa base andacidwhat isDNA?consist ofrepeatingsubunitscallednucleotideswhat is agenome?Sum totalof all dnain a cellHow manysugars is in amonosaccharide?1simplesugarwhat doeshydrophobicmean?repels ordoes notmix withwater wellwhat arecovalentbonds?atoms thatshare one ormore pairs ofelectronsname the3 domainsof life:bacteriaprokaryotes,archaeaprokaryotes,eukaryaeukaryotesHow arepolymersformed?Condensationreactionswhat is acompound?a moleculemade up of 2 ormore elementsbondedtogetherwhat isevolution?change ingeneticmakeup ofpopulationsthru timewhat isthe massnumber?number ofprotons andneutrons inan atomwhat isatomicweight?average massnumbers ofisotopes intheir normalproportionswhat isphotosynthesis?transformationof sunlightenergy intobiologicalenergy

Biology Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, nucleic acids
    what are the 4 macromolecules?
  2. forms of an element with different number of neutrons and mass numbers
    what are isotopes?
  3. Multiple monomers
    polymers consist of:
  4. give off energy in the form of alpha, beta, gamma, radiation from the nucleus
    what do radioisotopes do?
  5. communities working together with their abiotic (nonliving) environment
    what is an ecosystem?
  6. the study of living organisms
    what is biology?
  7. amount of a substance in grams that equals its molecular weight
    what is a mole?
  8. 8 electrons in the outermost shell
    what is the octet rule?
  9. a chain of 20 amino acids
    what do proteins consist of?
  10. plants, animals
    Starch is found in____and Glycogen is found in____
  11. attractive force that links atoms together to form molecules
    what is a chemical bond?
  12. carboxyl and amino groups that work as a base and acid
    what is an amino acid?
  13. consist of repeating subunits called nucleotides
    what is DNA?
  14. Sum total of all dna in a cell
    what is a genome?
  15. 1 simple sugar
    How many sugars is in a monosaccharide ?
  16. repels or does not mix with water well
    what does hydrophobic mean?
  17. atoms that share one or more pairs of electrons
    what are covalent bonds?
  18. bacteria prokaryotes, archaea prokaryotes, eukarya eukaryotes
    name the 3 domains of life:
  19. Condensation reactions
    How are polymers formed?
  20. a molecule made up of 2 or more elements bonded together
    what is a compound?
  21. change in genetic makeup of populations thru time
    what is evolution?
  22. number of protons and neutrons in an atom
    what is the mass number?
  23. average mass numbers of isotopes in their normal proportions
    what is atomic weight?
  24. transformation of sunlight energy into biological energy
    what is photosynthesis?