Alkalosiscondition in whichthere is an excessiveproportion of alkali(base) in the blood,causing anabnormally highblood pH value;opposite of acidosisTriglyceridelipid that issynthesized fromlididty acids andglycerol or fromexcess glucose oramino acids; storedmainly in adiposetissue cellsOrganiccompoundcompound whoselarge moleculescontain carbon andinclude carbon-carbon bonds and/orcarbon-hydrogenbondsFattyacidproduct oflipid digestion;building blockof lipidmoleculespeptidebondcovalent bondlinking aminoacids within aproteinmoleculeDissociateto breakapart, as whrna compoundbreaks apartin a solutionMonosaccharidesimple sugar, suchas glucose orfructose; buildingblock ofcarbohydratesHydrogenelement1Uracilone of thenitrogenous bases ofthe nucleotides inRNA and relatedmolecules;abbreviated u or UStructuralproteinany of a category ofproteins with theprimary function offorming structures ofthe cell or tissue;contrast withfunctional proteinCholesterolsteroid lipid foundin all body cellmembranes and inanimal lipidpresent in foodPhospholipidphosphate containinglipid molecule foundin cell membranes;one end of themolecule is watersoluble and the otherend is lipid solubleDoubleHelixshape ofDNAmolecules, adouble spiralCytosinegenous bases ofthe nucleotides inRNA, DNA andrelated molecules;abbreviated c or CThymineone of thenitrogenous basesof the nucleotides inDNA and relatedmolecules;abbreviated t or TRadioactiveisotopeunstable isotopethat spontaneouslyemits subatomicparticles andelectromagneticradiationNitrogenelement7deoxyribonucleicacid (DNA)genetic materialof the cell thatcarries thechemicalblueprint pf thebodyInorganiccompoundcompound whosemolecules do notcontain carbon-carbon or carbon-hydrogen bondsCarbohydrateorganic compoundscontaining carbon,hydrogen and oxygenin certain specificproportions; forexample, sugars,starches andcelluloseAcidosiscondition in whichthere is anexcessiveproportion of acidin the blood;oposite ofalkalosisRibonucleicacid (RNA)a nucleic acidfound in thecytoplasm thatis crucial toproteinsynthesisNucleotidechemical subunitmade up of 3 types ofchemical groups(sugar, phosphate,nitrogen base) thatcan act alone ormake up a largermoleculeGlycogenpolysaccharidemade up of achain ofglucosemoleculesAlkalosiscondition in whichthere is an excessiveproportion of alkali(base) in the blood,causing anabnormally highblood pH value;opposite of acidosisTriglyceridelipid that issynthesized fromlididty acids andglycerol or fromexcess glucose oramino acids; storedmainly in adiposetissue cellsOrganiccompoundcompound whoselarge moleculescontain carbon andinclude carbon-carbon bonds and/orcarbon-hydrogenbondsFattyacidproduct oflipid digestion;building blockof lipidmoleculespeptidebondcovalent bondlinking aminoacids within aproteinmoleculeDissociateto breakapart, as whrna compoundbreaks apartin a solutionMonosaccharidesimple sugar, suchas glucose orfructose; buildingblock ofcarbohydratesHydrogenelement1Uracilone of thenitrogenous bases ofthe nucleotides inRNA and relatedmolecules;abbreviated u or UStructuralproteinany of a category ofproteins with theprimary function offorming structures ofthe cell or tissue;contrast withfunctional proteinCholesterolsteroid lipid foundin all body cellmembranes and inanimal lipidpresent in foodPhospholipidphosphate containinglipid molecule foundin cell membranes;one end of themolecule is watersoluble and the otherend is lipid solubleDoubleHelixshape ofDNAmolecules, adouble spiralCytosinegenous bases ofthe nucleotides inRNA, DNA andrelated molecules;abbreviated c or CThymineone of thenitrogenous basesof the nucleotides inDNA and relatedmolecules;abbreviated t or TRadioactiveisotopeunstable isotopethat spontaneouslyemits subatomicparticles andelectromagneticradiationNitrogenelement7deoxyribonucleicacid (DNA)genetic materialof the cell thatcarries thechemicalblueprint pf thebodyInorganiccompoundcompound whosemolecules do notcontain carbon-carbon or carbon-hydrogen bondsCarbohydrateorganic compoundscontaining carbon,hydrogen and oxygenin certain specificproportions; forexample, sugars,starches andcelluloseAcidosiscondition in whichthere is anexcessiveproportion of acidin the blood;oposite ofalkalosisRibonucleicacid (RNA)a nucleic acidfound in thecytoplasm thatis crucial toproteinsynthesisNucleotidechemical subunitmade up of 3 types ofchemical groups(sugar, phosphate,nitrogen base) thatcan act alone ormake up a largermoleculeGlycogenpolysaccharidemade up of achain ofglucosemolecules

Chemistry of Life 2 of 3 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. condition in which there is an excessive proportion of alkali (base) in the blood, causing an abnormally high blood pH value; opposite of acidosis
  2. lipid that is synthesized from lididty acids and glycerol or from excess glucose or amino acids; stored mainly in adipose tissue cells
  3. compound whose large molecules contain carbon and include carbon-carbon bonds and/or carbon-hydrogen bonds
    Organic compound
  4. product of lipid digestion; building block of lipid molecules
    Fatty acid
  5. covalent bond linking amino acids within a protein molecule
    peptide bond
  6. to break apart, as whrn a compound breaks apart in a solution
  7. simple sugar, such as glucose or fructose; building block of carbohydrates
  8. element 1
  9. one of the nitrogenous bases of the nucleotides in RNA and related molecules; abbreviated u or U
  10. any of a category of proteins with the primary function of forming structures of the cell or tissue; contrast with functional protein
    Structural protein
  11. steroid lipid found in all body cell membranes and in animal lipid present in food
  12. phosphate containing lipid molecule found in cell membranes; one end of the molecule is water soluble and the other end is lipid soluble
  13. shape of DNA molecules, a double spiral
    Double Helix
  14. genous bases of the nucleotides in RNA, DNA and related molecules; abbreviated c or C
  15. one of the nitrogenous bases of the nucleotides in DNA and related molecules; abbreviated t or T
  16. unstable isotope that spontaneously emits subatomic particles and electromagnetic radiation
    Radioactive isotope
  17. element 7
  18. genetic material of the cell that carries the chemical blueprint pf the body
    deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
  19. compound whose molecules do not contain carbon-carbon or carbon-hydrogen bonds
    Inorganic compound
  20. organic compounds containing carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in certain specific proportions; for example, sugars, starches and cellulose
  21. condition in which there is an excessive proportion of acid in the blood; oposite of alkalosis
  22. a nucleic acid found in the cytoplasm that is crucial to protein synthesis
    Ribonucleic acid (RNA)
  23. chemical subunit made up of 3 types of chemical groups (sugar, phosphate, nitrogen base) that can act alone or make up a larger molecule
  24. polysaccharide made up of a chain of glucose molecules