Do I need todo anythingspecial withmy DE?How can Iunlock theOE windowfor an ee?Can IdeleteOE?I need helpbuilding outthe OE GIrules for VLplansWhat does"IncludeCobra"mean?When doesPassiveEnrollmentrun?How do Iknow whatdeductioncodes to putin?An ee'sscheduledclass change isnot reflecting inOECan youcheck tomake sure myOE is setupcorrectly?How do Isend OEreminders?Do I have todo anythingwith my 834file for OE?Why doesn'tthe OEChangesreport reflectall changes?When willthe carrier'sreceive OEelections?Why didn'tmy OEclose?I updated ENwith futuresalaries, butOE electionsare notreflecting thisWhy can'tmy NHs seeany newplans?My enrollerscan't accessOE electionsWhy are ee's whowere "In Process"showing as "NotStarted" on the OEreports?Why don't Isee theplans I needin 'EndingPlans?'Do I need toclose OE torun myreports?Why can'tI activatemy OE?Why is myNH seeingan OEwindow?What datedo I enter forthe SendDeductionsDate field?My planisn'tshowing inOE, why?Can I seewho madechanges tothe OE?ExistingColonialcoverage is notshowing in OEfor ee's. Why?What doesthe AdminEnds Datemean?How do Imanagedifferent planstart dates inone OE?Can Iimport OEelections?Do I need todo anythingspecial withmy DE?How can Iunlock theOE windowfor an ee?Can IdeleteOE?I need helpbuilding outthe OE GIrules for VLplansWhat does"IncludeCobra"mean?When doesPassiveEnrollmentrun?How do Iknow whatdeductioncodes to putin?An ee'sscheduledclass change isnot reflecting inOECan youcheck tomake sure myOE is setupcorrectly?How do Isend OEreminders?Do I have todo anythingwith my 834file for OE?Why doesn'tthe OEChangesreport reflectall changes?When willthe carrier'sreceive OEelections?Why didn'tmy OEclose?I updated ENwith futuresalaries, butOE electionsare notreflecting thisWhy can'tmy NHs seeany newplans?My enrollerscan't accessOE electionsWhy are ee's whowere "In Process"showing as "NotStarted" on the OEreports?Why don't Isee theplans I needin 'EndingPlans?'Do I need toclose OE torun myreports?Why can'tI activatemy OE?Why is myNH seeingan OEwindow?What datedo I enter forthe SendDeductionsDate field?My planisn'tshowing inOE, why?Can I seewho madechanges tothe OE?ExistingColonialcoverage is notshowing in OEfor ee's. Why?What doesthe AdminEnds Datemean?How do Imanagedifferent planstart dates inone OE?Can Iimport OEelections?

OE Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Do I need to do anything special with my DE?
  2. How can I unlock the OE window for an ee?
  3. Can I delete OE?
  4. I need help building out the OE GI rules for VL plans
  5. What does "Include Cobra" mean?
  6. When does Passive Enrollment run?
  7. How do I know what deduction codes to put in?
  8. An ee's scheduled class change is not reflecting in OE
  9. Can you check to make sure my OE is setup correctly?
  10. How do I send OE reminders?
  11. Do I have to do anything with my 834 file for OE?
  12. Why doesn't the OE Changes report reflect all changes?
  13. When will the carrier's receive OE elections?
  14. Why didn't my OE close?
  15. I updated EN with future salaries, but OE elections are not reflecting this
  16. Why can't my NHs see any new plans?
  17. My enrollers can't access OE elections
  18. Why are ee's who were "In Process" showing as "Not Started" on the OE reports?
  19. Why don't I see the plans I need in 'Ending Plans?'
  20. Do I need to close OE to run my reports?
  21. Why can't I activate my OE?
  22. Why is my NH seeing an OE window?
  23. What date do I enter for the Send Deductions Date field?
  24. My plan isn't showing in OE, why?
  25. Can I see who made changes to the OE?
  26. Existing Colonial coverage is not showing in OE for ee's. Why?
  27. What does the Admin Ends Date mean?
  28. How do I manage different plan start dates in one OE?
  29. Can I import OE elections?