ActionPotential:Electricalevents thatcarry a signalalong an axonHindbrain:Important forhomeostasisand bodyfunctionsMidbrain: Bigrole in visualand auditorysignalsPNS: Sendsstimuli toCNS throughnervesMembranePotential:Pump 3sodium outand 2 Ka inAction Potential:Open and closeprotein channels tocreate an impulsewhich propagatesdown axon terminalFree!Glia:Preformsupport andmaintenancefunctionsNeurons:Receive andtransmitsignalsCNS: Interpretsstimuli todetermineappropriateresponsePNS: Consist ofthe somatic andautonomicnervous systemForeBrain:Three parts arethe thalamus,hypothalamus,and epithalamusForebrain:Controls motor,sensory, andcognitivefunctionsCNS: Receivesinformation fromthe PNS about theinternal andexternalenvironmentCNS: Protectedby scalp, skin,skull, vertebralcolumn, andmeningesAction Potential:Myelin increasesthe speed of theaction potentialActionPotential:Electricalevents thatcarry a signalalong an axonHindbrain:Important forhomeostasisand bodyfunctionsMidbrain: Bigrole in visualand auditorysignalsPNS: Sendsstimuli toCNS throughnervesMembranePotential:Pump 3sodium outand 2 Ka inAction Potential:Open and closeprotein channels tocreate an impulsewhich propagatesdown axon terminalFree!Glia:Preformsupport andmaintenancefunctionsNeurons:Receive andtransmitsignalsCNS: Interpretsstimuli todetermineappropriateresponsePNS: Consist ofthe somatic andautonomicnervous systemForeBrain:Three parts arethe thalamus,hypothalamus,and epithalamusForebrain:Controls motor,sensory, andcognitivefunctionsCNS: Receivesinformation fromthe PNS about theinternal andexternalenvironmentCNS: Protectedby scalp, skin,skull, vertebralcolumn, andmeningesAction Potential:Myelin increasesthe speed of theaction potential

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Action Potential: Electrical events that carry a signal along an axon
  2. Hindbrain: Important for homeostasis and body functions
  3. Midbrain: Big role in visual and auditory signals
  4. PNS: Sends stimuli to CNS through nerves
  5. Membrane Potential: Pump 3 sodium out and 2 Ka in
  6. Action Potential: Open and close protein channels to create an impulse which propagates down axon terminal
  7. Free!
  8. Glia: Preform support and maintenance functions
  9. Neurons: Receive and transmit signals
  10. CNS: Interprets stimuli to determine appropriate response
  11. PNS: Consist of the somatic and autonomic nervous system
  12. ForeBrain: Three parts are the thalamus, hypothalamus, and epithalamus
  13. Forebrain: Controls motor, sensory, and cognitive functions
  14. CNS: Receives information from the PNS about the internal and external environment
  15. CNS: Protected by scalp, skin, skull, vertebral column, and meninges
  16. Action Potential: Myelin increases the speed of the action potential