Papa Maurytreats Ben&/or Jon asa waiterWendy attemptsimpromptu Torahstudy. Bonus points ifEitan says: "maybeanother time." Take ashot if Wendy pulls itoff.Wendycomplainsthat Eitangrabbed thewrong dishesSomeone tells Jonto leave space inthe convo forMallory. Bonuspoints if it'ssomeone other thanEitanWendycomplainsabout Mallorytaking toomuch foodSomeonebrings uppolitics.Bonus pointsif it's Maury.Someonecomplainsabout lack ofa specificchallah flavorBubbespills stuffon thetableA Ginsburgasks Mallorya questionthat driversher to drink.Eitan starts aconvo, thenimmediatelywalks away tocheck the grillWe getintroduced tosomeone weabsolutely donot remember.Eitan makes abad joke/punduring aseriousconversationWendy askssomeone to loadthe dishwasherand rearranges itwhen they'refinishedBubbe and PapaMaury argue oversomething stupid.Bonus points if thisresults in a commentabout their previousmarriage.SomeoneinvalidatesJon'spoliticalopinion.Eitan has acoughing fit onlyto immediatelysay that hiscough is betterBubbe askswhat she can doto help whenthings are veryclearly alreadydone.Ben gets asked ifhe is dating andwhen the answer isno is set up withsomeone's distantgay relative.Bubbe snapsat Papa forsomethingout of hiscontrolEitan pullsthe wrongsizedtable clothPapa Maurymakes an offhandcomment abouthow things used tobe betterBubbe sayssome form of"mygrandchildrenhate me"Ben gets interruptedtrying to finish thelast 2 words of hissentence. Bonuspoints if this happens3 or more times.Eitan nothearingsomething butrefusing toadmit he can'thearPapa Maurytreats Ben&/or Jon asa waiterWendy attemptsimpromptu Torahstudy. Bonus points ifEitan says: "maybeanother time." Take ashot if Wendy pulls itoff.Wendycomplainsthat Eitangrabbed thewrong dishesSomeone tells Jonto leave space inthe convo forMallory. Bonuspoints if it'ssomeone other thanEitanWendycomplainsabout Mallorytaking toomuch foodSomeonebrings uppolitics.Bonus pointsif it's Maury.Someonecomplainsabout lack ofa specificchallah flavorBubbespills stuffon thetableA Ginsburgasks Mallorya questionthat driversher to drink.Eitan starts aconvo, thenimmediatelywalks away tocheck the grillWe getintroduced tosomeone weabsolutely donot remember.Eitan makes abad joke/punduring aseriousconversationWendy askssomeone to loadthe dishwasherand rearranges itwhen they'refinishedBubbe and PapaMaury argue oversomething stupid.Bonus points if thisresults in a commentabout their previousmarriage.SomeoneinvalidatesJon'spoliticalopinion.Eitan has acoughing fit onlyto immediatelysay that hiscough is betterBubbe askswhat she can doto help whenthings are veryclearly alreadydone.Ben gets asked ifhe is dating andwhen the answer isno is set up withsomeone's distantgay relative.Bubbe snapsat Papa forsomethingout of hiscontrolEitan pullsthe wrongsizedtable clothPapa Maurymakes an offhandcomment abouthow things used tobe betterBubbe sayssome form of"mygrandchildrenhate me"Ben gets interruptedtrying to finish thelast 2 words of hissentence. Bonuspoints if this happens3 or more times.Eitan nothearingsomething butrefusing toadmit he can'thear

Rosh Hashannah Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Papa Maury treats Ben &/or Jon as a waiter
  2. Wendy attempts impromptu Torah study. Bonus points if Eitan says: "maybe another time." Take a shot if Wendy pulls it off.
  3. Wendy complains that Eitan grabbed the wrong dishes
  4. Someone tells Jon to leave space in the convo for Mallory. Bonus points if it's someone other than Eitan
  5. Wendy complains about Mallory taking too much food
  6. Someone brings up politics. Bonus points if it's Maury.
  7. Someone complains about lack of a specific challah flavor
  8. Bubbe spills stuff on the table
  9. A Ginsburg asks Mallory a question that drivers her to drink.
  10. Eitan starts a convo, then immediately walks away to check the grill
  11. We get introduced to someone we absolutely do not remember.
  12. Eitan makes a bad joke/pun during a serious conversation
  13. Wendy asks someone to load the dishwasher and rearranges it when they're finished
  14. Bubbe and Papa Maury argue over something stupid. Bonus points if this results in a comment about their previous marriage.
  15. Someone invalidates Jon's political opinion.
  16. Eitan has a coughing fit only to immediately say that his cough is better
  17. Bubbe asks what she can do to help when things are very clearly already done.
  18. Ben gets asked if he is dating and when the answer is no is set up with someone's distant gay relative.
  19. Bubbe snaps at Papa for something out of his control
  20. Eitan pulls the wrong sized table cloth
  21. Papa Maury makes an offhand comment about how things used to be better
  22. Bubbe says some form of "my grandchildren hate me"
  23. Ben gets interrupted trying to finish the last 2 words of his sentence. Bonus points if this happens 3 or more times.
  24. Eitan not hearing something but refusing to admit he can't hear