Challenge 2negativeattributionsabout your ownperformanceAsk someoneabout a failurethey've hadand how theyhandled itFind ameaningfulvideo clipdiscussing IPand diversityAsk forconstructivefeedback toimprove askillTell a colleagueabout askill/quality youadmire in themAdd theword "yet" toyour skillassessmentsSay "yes" toa requestthat makesyou feelnervousIdentify agrowtharea foryour workSubmita blogDiscussaspects of youridentity thatimpact feelinglike an imposterSubmitanarticleFind aninspirationalquote to postfor yourselfEngage inself-compassionregarding afailureIdentify 3times/situationsyou felt like animposterIdentify 3values thatareimportant toyouWrite down 3professionalgoals youhave for yourfutureSpeak up inclinical/pedsmeetingTell our groupabout a time youtried a task even ifyou weren't sureyou would besuccessfulIdentify atime youshowedgritIdentify andshare a famousindividual whohas experiencedIPRight down 3skills you areconfidentwith/strengthsyou haveRead anarticle aboutimposterphenomenonand shareShare anexperienceworking withyourself orsomeone else inrelation to a fixedmindsetShare afailure youexperiencedChallenge 2negativeattributionsabout your ownperformanceAsk someoneabout a failurethey've hadand how theyhandled itFind ameaningfulvideo clipdiscussing IPand diversityAsk forconstructivefeedback toimprove askillTell a colleagueabout askill/quality youadmire in themAdd theword "yet" toyour skillassessmentsSay "yes" toa requestthat makesyou feelnervousIdentify agrowtharea foryour workSubmita blogDiscussaspects of youridentity thatimpact feelinglike an imposterSubmitanarticleFind aninspirationalquote to postfor yourselfEngage inself-compassionregarding afailureIdentify 3times/situationsyou felt like animposterIdentify 3values thatareimportant toyouWrite down 3professionalgoals youhave for yourfutureSpeak up inclinical/pedsmeetingTell our groupabout a time youtried a task even ifyou weren't sureyou would besuccessfulIdentify atime youshowedgritIdentify andshare a famousindividual whohas experiencedIPRight down 3skills you areconfidentwith/strengthsyou haveRead anarticle aboutimposterphenomenonand shareShare anexperienceworking withyourself orsomeone else inrelation to a fixedmindsetShare afailure youexperienced

Imposter Phenomenon Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Challenge 2 negative attributions about your own performance
  2. Ask someone about a failure they've had and how they handled it
  3. Find a meaningful video clip discussing IP and diversity
  4. Ask for constructive feedback to improve a skill
  5. Tell a colleague about a skill/quality you admire in them
  6. Add the word "yet" to your skill assessments
  7. Say "yes" to a request that makes you feel nervous
  8. Identify a growth area for your work
  9. Submit a blog
  10. Discuss aspects of your identity that impact feeling like an imposter
  11. Submit an article
  12. Find an inspirational quote to post for yourself
  13. Engage in self-compassion regarding a failure
  14. Identify 3 times/situations you felt like an imposter
  15. Identify 3 values that are important to you
  16. Write down 3 professional goals you have for your future
  17. Speak up in clinical/peds meeting
  18. Tell our group about a time you tried a task even if you weren't sure you would be successful
  19. Identify a time you showed grit
  20. Identify and share a famous individual who has experienced IP
  21. Right down 3 skills you are confident with/strengths you have
  22. Read an article about imposter phenomenon and share
  23. Share an experience working with yourself or someone else in relation to a fixed mindset
  24. Share a failure you experienced