Homology isn'treal, it's just acommon design(God is uncreativeand copy pastedeverything)"The evidence isall the same, it'sjust yourworldview thatinfluences howyou interpret itdifferently"Studied a fieldcompletelyunrelated to whatthey're speakingabout (e.g. anengineer talkingabout genetics)Uses the fact thatscientists haven'tbeen able toentirely replicateabiogenesis tosomehow say itdidn't happen"Mix ofhumanand apebones"Calls evolutionarytheory a religion(bonus if they citeDarwin as aprophet!!)Claims the Biblemade predictionswhen in realityscience madepredictions and theyhad to change theirwork to fit themOff by severalorders ofmagnitude/can'tdo highschoolmath (eitherapplies)Uses theargument that ifyou don't take thewhole Bibleliterally you can'ttake any of itliterallyVestigial organsaren't vestigialif they servesome kind ofnew purposeSecond law ofthermodynamicssomehowdisprovesabiogenesisUses probability tocalculate thelikelihood of us as aspecies existingwithout taking intoaccount that wealready existConfusesevolutionandabiogenesisCan'tpronouncenames ofthingsMischaracterisationofsomeone/somethingthat clearly does notsupport themSoft tissue inTyrannosaurusfemurFalsedichotomy,"Either you're acreationist oryou're anatheist"Gets confusedwhen science isn'tthe same as whatthey learned whenthey were inprimary schoolCiting Bibleverses asevidencerather thanas claims"You thinkwe camefrom arock"Geological featuresthat weren'tdeposited by a floodused as evidencefor Noah's flood(e.g. GrandCanyon)"Kids arebeingindoctrinated"Explains how you'dneed billions of yearsfor a mutation tosubstitute then tellsyou that 1600 kindsgave rise to allspecies within a fewhundred yearsKindsHomology isn'treal, it's just acommon design(God is uncreativeand copy pastedeverything)"The evidence isall the same, it'sjust yourworldview thatinfluences howyou interpret itdifferently"Studied a fieldcompletelyunrelated to whatthey're speakingabout (e.g. anengineer talkingabout genetics)Uses the fact thatscientists haven'tbeen able toentirely replicateabiogenesis tosomehow say itdidn't happen"Mix ofhumanand apebones"Calls evolutionarytheory a religion(bonus if they citeDarwin as aprophet!!)Claims the Biblemade predictionswhen in realityscience madepredictions and theyhad to change theirwork to fit themOff by severalorders ofmagnitude/can'tdo highschoolmath (eitherapplies)Uses theargument that ifyou don't take thewhole Bibleliterally you can'ttake any of itliterallyVestigial organsaren't vestigialif they servesome kind ofnew purposeSecond law ofthermodynamicssomehowdisprovesabiogenesisUses probability tocalculate thelikelihood of us as aspecies existingwithout taking intoaccount that wealready existConfusesevolutionandabiogenesisCan'tpronouncenames ofthingsMischaracterisationofsomeone/somethingthat clearly does notsupport themSoft tissue inTyrannosaurusfemurFalsedichotomy,"Either you're acreationist oryou're anatheist"Gets confusedwhen science isn'tthe same as whatthey learned whenthey were inprimary schoolCiting Bibleverses asevidencerather thanas claims"You thinkwe camefrom arock"Geological featuresthat weren'tdeposited by a floodused as evidencefor Noah's flood(e.g. GrandCanyon)"Kids arebeingindoctrinated"Explains how you'dneed billions of yearsfor a mutation tosubstitute then tellsyou that 1600 kindsgave rise to allspecies within a fewhundred yearsKinds

Creationist Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Homology isn't real, it's just a common design (God is uncreative and copy pasted everything)
  2. "The evidence is all the same, it's just your worldview that influences how you interpret it differently"
  3. Studied a field completely unrelated to what they're speaking about (e.g. an engineer talking about genetics)
  4. Uses the fact that scientists haven't been able to entirely replicate abiogenesis to somehow say it didn't happen
  5. "Mix of human and ape bones"
  6. Calls evolutionary theory a religion (bonus if they cite Darwin as a prophet!!)
  7. Claims the Bible made predictions when in reality science made predictions and they had to change their work to fit them
  8. Off by several orders of magnitude/can't do highschool math (either applies)
  9. Uses the argument that if you don't take the whole Bible literally you can't take any of it literally
  10. Vestigial organs aren't vestigial if they serve some kind of new purpose
  11. Second law of thermodynamics somehow disproves abiogenesis
  12. Uses probability to calculate the likelihood of us as a species existing without taking into account that we already exist
  13. Confuses evolution and abiogenesis
  14. Can't pronounce names of things
  15. Mischaracterisation of someone/something that clearly does not support them
  16. Soft tissue in Tyrannosaurus femur
  17. False dichotomy, "Either you're a creationist or you're an atheist"
  18. Gets confused when science isn't the same as what they learned when they were in primary school
  19. Citing Bible verses as evidence rather than as claims
  20. "You think we came from a rock"
  21. Geological features that weren't deposited by a flood used as evidence for Noah's flood (e.g. Grand Canyon)
  22. "Kids are being indoctrinated"
  23. Explains how you'd need billions of years for a mutation to substitute then tells you that 1600 kinds gave rise to all species within a few hundred years
  24. Kinds