relativeatomicmassaverage mass ofan atom of anelement relative to1/12th of the massof an atom ofcarbon-12saturatedsolutionsolution thatcontains as muchof the solute aspossible at a giventemperaturelonepairpair of electrons inthe outer shell of oneof the atoms in amolecule or ion whichis not involved inbondingelectronegativityability of anatom to attractthe bondingelectrons in acovalent bondorbitalregion of spacearound nucleus ofan atom in whichthere is a 95%chance of findingan electronionisationenergythe energy needed toremove one mole ofelectrons from onemole of gaseousatoms or ions of anelementdelocalisedelectronsbondingelectrons whichare not fixed ina bondbetween twoatomsenergylevelsenergiesofelectronsin atomssolubilitymeasure ofconcentration ofsaturated solutionof a solute atspecifiedtemperatureatomicnumbernumber ofprotons ofan atomsolutechemical whichdissolves in asolvent to makea solutionGiantstructureCrystal structure inwhich all atoms orions are linked bya network ofstrong bondingisotopesatoms of the sameelement whichhave the samenumber of protonsbut a differentnumber ofneutronsLondonforcesintermolecularforces thatexist betweenall moleculesbondangleangle betweentwo covalentbonds in amolecule orgiant covalentstructurecovalentbondStrong electrostaticattraction betweentwo nuclei and theshared pair ofelectrons betweenthempolarisabilityindication of theextent to which theelectron cloud in amolecule or ion canbe distorted bynearby electricchargebondenergyenergy required tobreak one mole ofthe bonds in asubstance in thegaseous statemassnumbernumber ofprotons plusneutrons ofan atom inits nucleusIntermolecularforcesweakattractiveforcesbetweenmoleculespolarcovalentbondshared electronsare drawn towardsthe atom with thestronger pull onthe electronshieldingeffect of innerelectrons whichreduces the pull ofthe nucleus on theelectrons in theouter shell of anatomSimplemolecularstructureGroups of atoms heldtogether by strongcovalent bondingwithin the moleculebut weak forces ofattraction betweenthe moleculesIntramolecularforcescovalentbonds linkingthe atoms ina moleculebondlengthdistancebetween thenuclei of twobonded atomsin a moleculeionicradiushalf the distancebetween twonuclei of twocovalently bondedatoms of the sametypepolarmoleculesmolecules thatcontain polarbonds which donot cancel eachothermetallicbondingstrong electrostaticattraction betweenmetal ions and'sea' of delocalisedelectronsisoelectronicexactly thesamenumber andarrangementof electronslatticeregular three-dimensionalarrangement ofatoms or ions ina crystalionicbondingstrongelectrostaticattractionbetweenoppositelycharged ionsrelativeatomicmassaverage mass ofan atom of anelement relative to1/12th of the massof an atom ofcarbon-12saturatedsolutionsolution thatcontains as muchof the solute aspossible at a giventemperaturelonepairpair of electrons inthe outer shell of oneof the atoms in amolecule or ion whichis not involved inbondingelectronegativityability of anatom to attractthe bondingelectrons in acovalent bondorbitalregion of spacearound nucleus ofan atom in whichthere is a 95%chance of findingan electronionisationenergythe energy needed toremove one mole ofelectrons from onemole of gaseousatoms or ions of anelementdelocalisedelectronsbondingelectrons whichare not fixed ina bondbetween twoatomsenergylevelsenergiesofelectronsin atomssolubilitymeasure ofconcentration ofsaturated solutionof a solute atspecifiedtemperatureatomicnumbernumber ofprotons ofan atomsolutechemical whichdissolves in asolvent to makea solutionGiantstructureCrystal structure inwhich all atoms orions are linked bya network ofstrong bondingisotopesatoms of the sameelement whichhave the samenumber of protonsbut a differentnumber ofneutronsLondonforcesintermolecularforces thatexist betweenall moleculesbondangleangle betweentwo covalentbonds in amolecule orgiant covalentstructurecovalentbondStrong electrostaticattraction betweentwo nuclei and theshared pair ofelectrons betweenthempolarisabilityindication of theextent to which theelectron cloud in amolecule or ion canbe distorted bynearby electricchargebondenergyenergy required tobreak one mole ofthe bonds in asubstance in thegaseous statemassnumbernumber ofprotons plusneutrons ofan atom inits nucleusIntermolecularforcesweakattractiveforcesbetweenmoleculespolarcovalentbondshared electronsare drawn towardsthe atom with thestronger pull onthe electronshieldingeffect of innerelectrons whichreduces the pull ofthe nucleus on theelectrons in theouter shell of anatomSimplemolecularstructureGroups of atoms heldtogether by strongcovalent bondingwithin the moleculebut weak forces ofattraction betweenthe moleculesIntramolecularforcescovalentbonds linkingthe atoms ina moleculebondlengthdistancebetween thenuclei of twobonded atomsin a moleculeionicradiushalf the distancebetween twonuclei of twocovalently bondedatoms of the sametypepolarmoleculesmolecules thatcontain polarbonds which donot cancel eachothermetallicbondingstrong electrostaticattraction betweenmetal ions and'sea' of delocalisedelectronsisoelectronicexactly thesamenumber andarrangementof electronslatticeregular three-dimensionalarrangement ofatoms or ions ina crystalionicbondingstrongelectrostaticattractionbetweenoppositelycharged ions

Bonding and structure - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. average mass of an atom of an element relative to 1/12th of the mass of an atom of carbon-12
    relative atomic mass
  2. solution that contains as much of the solute as possible at a given temperature
    saturated solution
  3. pair of electrons in the outer shell of one of the atoms in a molecule or ion which is not involved in bonding
    lone pair
  4. ability of an atom to attract the bonding electrons in a covalent bond
  5. region of space around nucleus of an atom in which there is a 95% chance of finding an electron
  6. the energy needed to remove one mole of electrons from one mole of gaseous atoms or ions of an element
    ionisation energy
  7. bonding electrons which are not fixed in a bond between two atoms
    delocalised electrons
  8. energies of electrons in atoms
    energy levels
  9. measure of concentration of saturated solution of a solute at specified temperature
  10. number of protons of an atom
    atomic number
  11. chemical which dissolves in a solvent to make a solution
  12. Crystal structure in which all atoms or ions are linked by a network of strong bonding
    Giant structure
  13. atoms of the same element which have the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons
  14. intermolecular forces that exist between all molecules
    London forces
  15. angle between two covalent bonds in a molecule or giant covalent structure
    bond angle
  16. Strong electrostatic attraction between two nuclei and the shared pair of electrons between them
    covalent bond
  17. indication of the extent to which the electron cloud in a molecule or ion can be distorted by nearby electric charge
  18. energy required to break one mole of the bonds in a substance in the gaseous state
    bond energy
  19. number of protons plus neutrons of an atom in its nucleus
    mass number
  20. weak attractive forces between molecules
    Intermolecular forces
  21. shared electrons are drawn towards the atom with the stronger pull on the electron
    polar covalent bond
  22. effect of inner electrons which reduces the pull of the nucleus on the electrons in the outer shell of an atom
  23. Groups of atoms held together by strong covalent bonding within the molecule but weak forces of attraction between the molecules
    Simple molecular structure
  24. covalent bonds linking the atoms in a molecule
    Intramolecular forces
  25. distance between the nuclei of two bonded atoms in a molecule
    bond length
  26. half the distance between two nuclei of two covalently bonded atoms of the same type
    ionic radius
  27. molecules that contain polar bonds which do not cancel each other
    polar molecules
  28. strong electrostatic attraction between metal ions and 'sea' of delocalised electrons
    metallic bonding
  29. exactly the same number and arrangement of electrons
  30. regular three-dimensional arrangement of atoms or ions in a crystal
  31. strong electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions
    ionic bonding