turns on camera in discord slayyyy spills the tea on her sister forgets to take her meds has ticks i got a new crystal yaas i got a new candle gets a texture ick doesn't know whats going on talks about wheaton drama "i made a playlist" has an autism moment pulls a dab pen out of nowhere blank stare talks about a new show talks about witchy stuff talks about colwynne complains about professors forgets to eat advertises her radio show "so true" talks about smoking does the alison laugh is high on discord invites us to visit sings in the highest octave mentions haunted stuff joins discord with colwynne in the background turns on camera in discord slayyyy spills the tea on her sister forgets to take her meds has ticks i got a new crystal yaas i got a new candle gets a texture ick doesn't know whats going on talks about wheaton drama "i made a playlist" has an autism moment pulls a dab pen out of nowhere blank stare talks about a new show talks about witchy stuff talks about colwynne complains about professors forgets to eat advertises her radio show "so true" talks about smoking does the alison laugh is high on discord invites us to visit sings in the highest octave mentions haunted stuff joins discord with colwynne in the background
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
turns on camera in discord
spills the tea on her sister
forgets to take her meds
has ticks
i got a new crystal
i got a new candle
gets a texture ick
doesn't know whats going on
talks about wheaton drama
"i made a playlist"
has an autism moment
pulls a dab pen out of nowhere
blank stare
talks about a new show
talks about witchy stuff
talks about colwynne
complains about professors
forgets to eat
advertises her radio show
"so true"
talks about smoking
does the alison laugh
is high on discord
invites us to visit
sings in the highest octave
mentions haunted stuff
joins discord with colwynne in the background