Example: “Allconsumed bythe crimson”________________________When a poetrepeatsconsonants,especially at thebeginning ofwords.____________Humancharacteristicsare given tonon-humanthings.____________ Whena poet uses a similehe or she picturesone thing as beingsimilar to another,using the words ‘like’,as’ or ‘than’____________When a poetrepeatsidentical vowelsounds.Example: “GiveBack the Human,give back myfather, give backmy mother”________________________When a poetuses repetition,he or sherepeats words orideas.Example: “Gleamlike a prisoner’schain. She goes upthe mound. Tall andslim like a sugarcane”____________Example: “Patakiand mustardflowers, like blueand yellow eyes”____________Example: “Andmother and childwere devoured byswift flames ofvermillion”____________Example: “Ithisses as itruns andspreads itshood”________________________ Thisis when a word hasthe same end soundas another word.Sometimes, theydon’t need to be speltthe same to soundthe same.Example:“Drink deep ofthe hush of thehyacinthheavens”________________________Name given tosound words –words that echo theactual sound madeby people, animalsor things.____________ Itis a comparisonthat asks you toimagine one thingas being another.Example: “Heeats the sweettreats”____________Example: “Allconsumed bythe crimson”________________________When a poetrepeatsconsonants,especially at thebeginning ofwords.____________Humancharacteristicsare given tonon-humanthings.____________ Whena poet uses a similehe or she picturesone thing as beingsimilar to another,using the words ‘like’,as’ or ‘than’____________When a poetrepeatsidentical vowelsounds.Example: “GiveBack the Human,give back myfather, give backmy mother”________________________When a poetuses repetition,he or sherepeats words orideas.Example: “Gleamlike a prisoner’schain. She goes upthe mound. Tall andslim like a sugarcane”____________Example: “Patakiand mustardflowers, like blueand yellow eyes”____________Example: “Andmother and childwere devoured byswift flames ofvermillion”____________Example: “Ithisses as itruns andspreads itshood”________________________ Thisis when a word hasthe same end soundas another word.Sometimes, theydon’t need to be speltthe same to soundthe same.Example:“Drink deep ofthe hush of thehyacinthheavens”________________________Name given tosound words –words that echo theactual sound madeby people, animalsor things.____________ Itis a comparisonthat asks you toimagine one thingas being another.Example: “Heeats the sweettreats”____________

Poetic Techniques - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Example: “All consumed by the crimson” ____________
  2. ____________ When a poet repeats consonants, especially at the beginning of words.
  3. ____________ Human characteristics are given to non-human things.
  4. ____________ When a poet uses a simile he or she pictures one thing as being similar to another, using the words ‘like’, as’ or ‘than’
  5. ____________ When a poet repeats identical vowel sounds.
  6. Example: “Give Back the Human, give back my father, give back my mother” ____________
  7. ____________ When a poet uses repetition, he or she repeats words or ideas.
  8. Example: “Gleam like a prisoner’s chain. She goes up the mound. Tall and slim like a sugar cane” ____________
  9. Example: “Pataki and mustard flowers, like blue and yellow eyes” ____________
  10. Example: “And mother and child were devoured by swift flames of vermillion” ____________
  11. Example: “It hisses as it runs and spreads its hood” ____________
  12. ____________ This is when a word has the same end sound as another word. Sometimes, they don’t need to be spelt the same to sound the same.
  13. Example: “Drink deep of the hush of the hyacinth heavens” ____________
  14. ____________ Name given to sound words – words that echo the actual sound made by people, animals or things.
  15. ____________ It is a comparison that asks you to imagine one thing as being another.
  16. Example: “He eats the sweet treats” ____________