Paramedichighestlevel ofEMTPedodonticsFocuses onthe dentaltreatment ofchildren andadolescentsPeriodonticstreatment andprevention ofdiseases of thegums, bone andstructures thatsupport the teethMedicalAssistantAn allied helathprofessional thatsupports the workof physicians,usually in a clinicsettingDoctor ofChiropracticeFocuses on ensuringproper alignment ofthe spine and optimaloperation of thenerves and muscularsystem to maintainhealthSocialworkeraid people who havea difficulty copingwith problems andassists by referringthem to communityresourcesVeterinarianmedical doctorthat works toprevent,diagnose, andtreat disease inanimalsOpthalmologistmedical doctorthat specializesin disease,disorders, andinjuries of theeyeFuneralDirectorProvides support tothe survivors,prepares the bodyfollowing legalrequirments, burialand cremationactivitiesDietictechnicianhelp plan meals,order food, testresipes. worksunder registereddieticianPsychiatrista medical doctorwho focuses onmental health-diagnosis, usetreatment andprevention formental disordersOpticianThey prepareand fit lenses foreyeglasses andother opticalinstrumentsEMTbasica health professionalthat providesemergency medcialservices such asbasic life support andnon invasiveproceduresEmbalmerprepares the bodyfor burial bywashing the body,replacing theblood andrestrucuring thebodyPsychologiststudy humanbehavior and usesthis knowledge tohelp individuals dealwith problems ofeveryday living.doctoral degree inpsychologyEndodonticsdentistconcernedwith softtissue insideof the toothDoctor ofPodiatricMedicineexamines,diagnoses,disease ofthe foot andankleOpthalmicTechnicianwork toprovide eyerelatedclinical tasksDental Labtechniciansmake and repaira variety ofdental devicessuch asdentures,crowns, bridgesMortuaryassistantworks under thesupervision of afuneral director,assist withpreparation of thebody, drives thehears assists with thefuneralOpthalmicLaboratoryTechnicianCut, grind,finish, polish,and mount thelenses used ineyeglasses,contact lensesHomeHealthAidetrained to work inthe patient's homeand may performadditional dutiessuch as meal prepand cleaningDieticianmanage foodservices systems,research nutritionneeds, enforcesanitation andsafety rulesMentalhealthtechnicianworks under thepsychiatrist/psychologisthelps patients and theirfamilies follow treatmentplansdentalhygienistworks under adentist, removesstains, appliescavitypreventativeagentsPhysician'sAssistantworks under aphysician. Doesmany of thesame dutitiesbut basic caresCNAProvides patientcare such asbaths, bedmaking,feeding, assist intransfers andambulationorthodonticsworks onalignment orstraighteningof the teethMedicaionAideAn aid trained topass medicationunder the directionof the registerednurseVetAssistantFeed, bath, andgroom animals,exercise animals,prepare animalsfor treatmentDieteticAssistantassists with foodprep andservice, helppatient's selectmeals, cleanwork areaRegisteredNurseprovides total care topatients May have anassociates orbachelor's degree.Works under thephysicianoptometristdoctor ofoptometry,examines eyes forvision problemsand prescribeslensesLPNProvides patientcare requiringtechnicalknowledge but notthe level of an RN-1 year ofeducationDoctor ofOsteopathicMedicineA physician thatemphasizes nerves,muscles, and theskeletal system andhow they impact thebody, mind, andemotions of thepatientOpthalmicAssistantWorks to obtainand updatemedical recordsworks under theopthamologistprosthodonticsreplacementof naturalteeth witharticficalteethVetTechnologistassists withhandling and careof animals, collectspecimens, performtests, administertreatmentsOphthalmicMedicalTechnologistwork withopthamologist toprovide care aboutmedications, tests,and proceduresParamedichighestlevel ofEMTPedodonticsFocuses onthe dentaltreatment ofchildren andadolescentsPeriodonticstreatment andprevention ofdiseases of thegums, bone andstructures thatsupport the teethMedicalAssistantAn allied helathprofessional thatsupports the workof physicians,usually in a clinicsettingDoctor ofChiropracticeFocuses on ensuringproper alignment ofthe spine and optimaloperation of thenerves and muscularsystem to maintainhealthSocialworkeraid people who havea difficulty copingwith problems andassists by referringthem to communityresourcesVeterinarianmedical doctorthat works toprevent,diagnose, andtreat disease inanimalsOpthalmologistmedical doctorthat specializesin disease,disorders, andinjuries of theeyeFuneralDirectorProvides support tothe survivors,prepares the bodyfollowing legalrequirments, burialand cremationactivitiesDietictechnicianhelp plan meals,order food, testresipes. worksunder registereddieticianPsychiatrista medical doctorwho focuses onmental health-diagnosis, usetreatment andprevention formental disordersOpticianThey prepareand fit lenses foreyeglasses andother opticalinstrumentsEMTbasica health professionalthat providesemergency medcialservices such asbasic life support andnon invasiveproceduresEmbalmerprepares the bodyfor burial bywashing the body,replacing theblood andrestrucuring thebodyPsychologiststudy humanbehavior and usesthis knowledge tohelp individuals dealwith problems ofeveryday living.doctoral degree inpsychologyEndodonticsdentistconcernedwith softtissue insideof the toothDoctor ofPodiatricMedicineexamines,diagnoses,disease ofthe foot andankleOpthalmicTechnicianwork toprovide eyerelatedclinical tasksDental Labtechniciansmake and repaira variety ofdental devicessuch asdentures,crowns, bridgesMortuaryassistantworks under thesupervision of afuneral director,assist withpreparation of thebody, drives thehears assists with thefuneralOpthalmicLaboratoryTechnicianCut, grind,finish, polish,and mount thelenses used ineyeglasses,contact lensesHomeHealthAidetrained to work inthe patient's homeand may performadditional dutiessuch as meal prepand cleaningDieticianmanage foodservices systems,research nutritionneeds, enforcesanitation andsafety rulesMentalhealthtechnicianworks under thepsychiatrist/psychologisthelps patients and theirfamilies follow treatmentplansdentalhygienistworks under adentist, removesstains, appliescavitypreventativeagentsPhysician'sAssistantworks under aphysician. Doesmany of thesame dutitiesbut basic caresCNAProvides patientcare such asbaths, bedmaking,feeding, assist intransfers andambulationorthodonticsworks onalignment orstraighteningof the teethMedicaionAideAn aid trained topass medicationunder the directionof the registerednurseVetAssistantFeed, bath, andgroom animals,exercise animals,prepare animalsfor treatmentDieteticAssistantassists with foodprep andservice, helppatient's selectmeals, cleanwork areaRegisteredNurseprovides total care topatients May have anassociates orbachelor's degree.Works under thephysicianoptometristdoctor ofoptometry,examines eyes forvision problemsand prescribeslensesLPNProvides patientcare requiringtechnicalknowledge but notthe level of an RN-1 year ofeducationDoctor ofOsteopathicMedicineA physician thatemphasizes nerves,muscles, and theskeletal system andhow they impact thebody, mind, andemotions of thepatientOpthalmicAssistantWorks to obtainand updatemedical recordsworks under theopthamologistprosthodonticsreplacementof naturalteeth witharticficalteethVetTechnologistassists withhandling and careof animals, collectspecimens, performtests, administertreatmentsOphthalmicMedicalTechnologistwork withopthamologist toprovide care aboutmedications, tests,and procedures

Chapter 3 part 1 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. highest level of EMT
  2. Focuses on the dental treatment of children and adolescents
  3. treatment and prevention of diseases of the gums, bone and structures that support the teeth
  4. An allied helath professional that supports the work of physicians, usually in a clinic setting
    Medical Assistant
  5. Focuses on ensuring proper alignment of the spine and optimal operation of the nerves and muscular system to maintain health
    Doctor of Chiropractice
  6. aid people who have a difficulty coping with problems and assists by referring them to community resources
    Social worker
  7. medical doctor that works to prevent, diagnose, and treat disease in animals
  8. medical doctor that specializes in disease, disorders, and injuries of the eye
  9. Provides support to the survivors, prepares the body following legal requirments, burial and cremation activities
    Funeral Director
  10. help plan meals, order food, test resipes. works under registered dietician
    Dietic technician
  11. a medical doctor who focuses on mental health- diagnosis, use treatment and prevention for mental disorders
  12. They prepare and fit lenses for eyeglasses and other optical instruments
  13. a health professional that provides emergency medcial services such as basic life support and non invasive procedures
    EMT basic
  14. prepares the body for burial by washing the body, replacing the blood and restrucuring the body
  15. study human behavior and uses this knowledge to help individuals deal with problems of everyday living. doctoral degree in psychology
  16. dentist concerned with soft tissue inside of the tooth
  17. examines, diagnoses, disease of the foot and ankle
    Doctor of Podiatric Medicine
  18. work to provide eye related clinical tasks
    Opthalmic Technician
  19. make and repair a variety of dental devices such as dentures, crowns, bridges
    Dental Lab technicians
  20. works under the supervision of a funeral director, assist with preparation of the body, drives the hears assists with the funeral
    Mortuary assistant
  21. Cut, grind, finish, polish, and mount the lenses used in eyeglasses, contact lenses
    Opthalmic Laboratory Technician
  22. trained to work in the patient's home and may perform additional duties such as meal prep and cleaning
    Home Health Aide
  23. manage food services systems, research nutrition needs, enforce sanitation and safety rules
  24. works under the psychiatrist/psychologist helps patients and their families follow treatment plans
    Mental health technician
  25. works under a dentist, removes stains, applies cavity preventative agents
    dental hygienist
  26. works under a physician. Does many of the same dutities but basic cares
    Physician's Assistant
  27. Provides patient care such as baths, bedmaking, feeding, assist in transfers and ambulation
  28. works on alignment or straightening of the teeth
  29. An aid trained to pass medication under the direction of the registered nurse
    Medicaion Aide
  30. Feed, bath, and groom animals, exercise animals, prepare animals for treatment
    Vet Assistant
  31. assists with food prep and service, help patient's select meals, clean work area
    Dietetic Assistant
  32. provides total care to patients May have an associates or bachelor's degree. Works under the physician
    Registered Nurse
  33. doctor of optometry, examines eyes for vision problems and prescribes lenses
  34. Provides patient care requiring technical knowledge but not the level of an RN- 1 year of education
  35. A physician that emphasizes nerves, muscles, and the skeletal system and how they impact the body, mind, and emotions of the patient
    Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine
  36. Works to obtain and update medical records works under the opthamologist
    Opthalmic Assistant
  37. replacement of natural teeth with articfical teeth
  38. assists with handling and care of animals, collect specimens, perform tests, administer treatments
    Vet Technologist
  39. work with opthamologist to provide care about medications, tests, and procedures
    Ophthalmic Medical Technologist