Ask someone totell you abouttheir favouriteholiday they'veever takenAsk someonefor a stress-relieving tip,and commit totrying itsometimeSing the chorus ofa song you love tosomeone, andhave them do thesame to you.Hold eye contactwith someonefor 30 secondswithout talking(timed!)Cats ordogs? Findsomeonethat agreeswith you.Sweet orsavoury? Findsomeone thatdisagrees withyou.Find someoneyou've neverspoken to 1-on-1 before, andintroduceyourselfGivesomeone acomplimentDrawsomeone'sportrait on theback of thiscard and showthemTell someone arandom interestingfact (either off thetop of your head,or find one ongoogle)Ask someoneto tell you aboutsomething theydid well thisweekPlay rock paperscissors withsomeone (bestout of threewins)Ask someoneto share onething they likeabout workingfor HMLRIs a hot dogtechnically asandwich? Asksomeone fortheir opinion onthe matter.Ask someonewhat theirdream job waswhen they werea childTellsomeonea silly jokeFist-bumpsomeone(virtual fist-bumps alsocount)Ask someoneto share onething they'relookingforward toShare 3things you'regrateful forwithsomeoneAsk someone whospeaks anotherlanguage to teachyou a word in thatlanguageFind someonewho plays thesame instrumentas you, or one thatyou wish you knewhow to playAsk someonefor a bookrecommendationAsk someone ifthey'd ratherhave two extralegs, or twoextra arms.Asksomeonewhat theirplans are forthis weekendAsk someone totell you abouttheir favouriteholiday they'veever takenAsk someonefor a stress-relieving tip,and commit totrying itsometimeSing the chorus ofa song you love tosomeone, andhave them do thesame to you.Hold eye contactwith someonefor 30 secondswithout talking(timed!)Cats ordogs? Findsomeonethat agreeswith you.Sweet orsavoury? Findsomeone thatdisagrees withyou.Find someoneyou've neverspoken to 1-on-1 before, andintroduceyourselfGivesomeone acomplimentDrawsomeone'sportrait on theback of thiscard and showthemTell someone arandom interestingfact (either off thetop of your head,or find one ongoogle)Ask someoneto tell you aboutsomething theydid well thisweekPlay rock paperscissors withsomeone (bestout of threewins)Ask someoneto share onething they likeabout workingfor HMLRIs a hot dogtechnically asandwich? Asksomeone fortheir opinion onthe matter.Ask someonewhat theirdream job waswhen they werea childTellsomeonea silly jokeFist-bumpsomeone(virtual fist-bumps alsocount)Ask someoneto share onething they'relookingforward toShare 3things you'regrateful forwithsomeoneAsk someone whospeaks anotherlanguage to teachyou a word in thatlanguageFind someonewho plays thesame instrumentas you, or one thatyou wish you knewhow to playAsk someonefor a bookrecommendationAsk someone ifthey'd ratherhave two extralegs, or twoextra arms.Asksomeonewhat theirplans are forthis weekend


(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Ask someone to tell you about their favourite holiday they've ever taken
  2. Ask someone for a stress-relieving tip, and commit to trying it sometime
  3. Sing the chorus of a song you love to someone, and have them do the same to you.
  4. Hold eye contact with someone for 30 seconds without talking (timed!)
  5. Cats or dogs? Find someone that agrees with you.
  6. Sweet or savoury? Find someone that disagrees with you.
  7. Find someone you've never spoken to 1-on-1 before, and introduce yourself
  8. Give someone a compliment
  9. Draw someone's portrait on the back of this card and show them
  10. Tell someone a random interesting fact (either off the top of your head, or find one on google)
  11. Ask someone to tell you about something they did well this week
  12. Play rock paper scissors with someone (best out of three wins)
  13. Ask someone to share one thing they like about working for HMLR
  14. Is a hot dog technically a sandwich? Ask someone for their opinion on the matter.
  15. Ask someone what their dream job was when they were a child
  16. Tell someone a silly joke
  17. Fist-bump someone (virtual fist-bumps also count)
  18. Ask someone to share one thing they're looking forward to
  19. Share 3 things you're grateful for with someone
  20. Ask someone who speaks another language to teach you a word in that language
  21. Find someone who plays the same instrument as you, or one that you wish you knew how to play
  22. Ask someone for a book recommendation
  23. Ask someone if they'd rather have two extra legs, or two extra arms.
  24. Ask someone what their plans are for this weekend