What color isthe CarleHealth logo?RedTo be yourtrustedpartner in allhealthcaredecisionsCarleHealth'sMissionBy working closelywith our communitypartners, HB'sbuilds a culture ofhealth for familiesand childrenHow manybeds areat CarleBroMenn?200CarleCampus-UrbanaHow manyspecialtiespractice atCarle?80+How manyhospitalistsare in theCarle family?5How much doeseach physiciancontribute toeconomic impactin a community$2.2millionWhat is the #1factor inphysician jobsearchaccording toMH?LocationHow manyactive researchstudies doesCarle currentlyhave?433What are the3 keyelements ofthe strategicplan?Growth,Value, &ExcellenceHowmanybeds isCFH?453When is thebest time tostart lookingfor a perm.position?Anytime!Is inclusion apart of thestrategicplan?Yes!Excellence,Integrity,Inclusivity,Compassion,AccountabilityWhat areCarle'svalues?Who isthe CEOof CarleHealthJamesLeonard,MDHow manyphysiciansdoes Carleemploy1,156CI MEDstand forwhat?CarleIllinoisCollege ofMedicine How manyactive medicalresidentswere in theUS in 2020?139,848How manypatientsdoes Carle'sservice areaserve?Over 2millionCancerCenterHow manyPC outpatientlocations arein the Carlefamily?24What was the#2 mostrequestedsearch for MH(3/2020-3/2021)?FamilyMedicineHow manycommunitiesis Carle in?14What color isthe CarleHealth logo?RedTo be yourtrustedpartner in allhealthcaredecisionsCarleHealth'sMissionBy working closelywith our communitypartners, HB'sbuilds a culture ofhealth for familiesand childrenHow manybeds areat CarleBroMenn?200CarleCampus-UrbanaHow manyspecialtiespractice atCarle?80+How manyhospitalistsare in theCarle family?5How much doeseach physiciancontribute toeconomic impactin a community$2.2millionWhat is the #1factor inphysician jobsearchaccording toMH?LocationHow manyactive researchstudies doesCarle currentlyhave?433What are the3 keyelements ofthe strategicplan?Growth,Value, &ExcellenceHowmanybeds isCFH?453When is thebest time tostart lookingfor a perm.position?Anytime!Is inclusion apart of thestrategicplan?Yes!Excellence,Integrity,Inclusivity,Compassion,AccountabilityWhat areCarle'svalues?Who isthe CEOof CarleHealthJamesLeonard,MDHow manyphysiciansdoes Carleemploy1,156CI MEDstand forwhat?CarleIllinoisCollege ofMedicine How manyactive medicalresidentswere in theUS in 2020?139,848How manypatientsdoes Carle'sservice areaserve?Over 2millionCancerCenterHow manyPC outpatientlocations arein the Carlefamily?24What was the#2 mostrequestedsearch for MH(3/2020-3/2021)?FamilyMedicineHow manycommunitiesis Carle in?14

Family Medicine Residency - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Red
    What color is the Carle Health logo?
  2. Carle Health's Mission
    To be your trusted partner in all healthcare decisions

  3. By working closely with our community partners, HB's builds a culture of health for families and children
  4. 200
    How many beds are at Carle BroMenn?
  5. Carle Campus- Urbana
  6. 80+
    How many specialties practice at Carle?
  7. 5
    How many hospitalists are in the Carle family?
  8. $2.2 million
    How much does each physician contribute to economic impact in a community
  9. Location
    What is the #1 factor in physician job search according to MH?
  10. 433
    How many active research studies does Carle currently have?
  11. Growth, Value, & Excellence
    What are the 3 key elements of the strategic plan?
  12. 453
    How many beds is CFH?
  13. Anytime!
    When is the best time to start looking for a perm. position?
  14. Yes!
    Is inclusion a part of the strategic plan?
  15. What are Carle's values?
    Excellence, Integrity, Inclusivity, Compassion, Accountability
  16. James Leonard, MD
    Who is the CEO of Carle Health
  17. 1,156
    How many physicians does Carle employ
  18. Carle Illinois College of Medicine
    CI MED stand for what?
  19. 139,848
    How many active medical residents were in the US in 2020?
  20. Over 2 million
    How many patients does Carle's service area serve?
  21. Cancer Center
  22. 24
    How many PC outpatient locations are in the Carle family?
  23. Family Medicine
    What was the #2 most requested search for MH (3/2020-3/2021)?
  24. 14
    How many communities is Carle in?