Scenario #15: Afamily displays aNativity scene onthe front lawnduring Christmas.Scenario #1: Thedeath penalty isonly legal in certainstates and can onlybe used in cases ofhomicide.Scenario #19Seth was chargedwith a crime andwants his trial tobe decided by ajury of his peers. Scenario # 23 Susanwas convicted ofstealing $50.00 worthof makeup from astore. Her punishmentwas to pay the storeand completecommunity servicehours.Scenario #13: Astudent chooses tosit silently in hisseat during thePledge ofAllegiance. Scenarios #17 Samhas secured theproper paperwork toobtain a firearm in hisstate.  Scenario #21 Toddsued his brother Timfor damages relatingto a car wreck. Toddopted to have thecase heard by a jury.Scenario #3: Aregistered voterreceives asummons toreport for juryduty. Scenario #11: Aperson accused ofmurder cannot affordto hire a lawyer andis assigned a publicdefender.  Scenario #18 The roadin your town is beingwidened from a 2 laneto a 4 lane. Thegovernment hasoffered to buy a portionof your land to expandthe road way. Scenario #10: Duringelection season, alocal newspaperpublishes an editorialendorsing onecandidate overanother.   Scenario #12: In 2000,members of the KuKlux Klan organized arally outside of acourthouse in Skokie,Illinois, a historicallyJewish town.  Scenario #22 Duringthe COVID-19Pandemic stateshave used theirpowers to implementindividual emergencypublic health andeducation policies. Scenario #9: Ateenager goesduck huntingwith her fatherin October.Scenario 20 Jim wasacquitted of allcharges for a crimehe was accused ofcommitting. He cannever be chargedwith this crime again. Scenario #8: InPennsylvania, a personhas to be at least 16 yearsold to apply for a learner’spermit for driving; in Alaskayou can apply at age 14.  Scenario #6: Whenbeing interrogated bypolice, a personrefuses to answercertain questions andchooses to remainsilent. Scenario #7: When apassenger sues acity transportationauthority becauseshe sustained neckinjuries, the case isdecided by a jury, notby a judge. Scenario #2:Before enteringa suspect’shome, a policeofficer shows asearch warrant. Scenario #14: BryanCounty is forcing itsresidents to housemembers of theNational Guard in theirhomes duringpeacetime.  Scenario #5: A groupof people assembleon the National Mallin Washington, D.C.,to demand thewithdrawal of U.S.troops fromAfghanistan.Scenario #16: Apolice officeradministers aBreathalyzer testbecause she hasprobable cause thatthe driver may beunder the influence. Scenario #24Ryan went tothe Florida oversummer break.   Scenario #4: In 1965,the Supreme Courtfound that coupleshave a right to “maritalprivacy,” which is notspecifically mentionedin the Constitution.  Scenario #15: Afamily displays aNativity scene onthe front lawnduring Christmas.Scenario #1: Thedeath penalty isonly legal in certainstates and can onlybe used in cases ofhomicide.Scenario #19Seth was chargedwith a crime andwants his trial tobe decided by ajury of his peers. Scenario # 23 Susanwas convicted ofstealing $50.00 worthof makeup from astore. Her punishmentwas to pay the storeand completecommunity servicehours.Scenario #13: Astudent chooses tosit silently in hisseat during thePledge ofAllegiance. Scenarios #17 Samhas secured theproper paperwork toobtain a firearm in hisstate.  Scenario #21 Toddsued his brother Timfor damages relatingto a car wreck. Toddopted to have thecase heard by a jury.Scenario #3: Aregistered voterreceives asummons toreport for juryduty. Scenario #11: Aperson accused ofmurder cannot affordto hire a lawyer andis assigned a publicdefender.  Scenario #18 The roadin your town is beingwidened from a 2 laneto a 4 lane. Thegovernment hasoffered to buy a portionof your land to expandthe road way. Scenario #10: Duringelection season, alocal newspaperpublishes an editorialendorsing onecandidate overanother.   Scenario #12: In 2000,members of the KuKlux Klan organized arally outside of acourthouse in Skokie,Illinois, a historicallyJewish town.  Scenario #22 Duringthe COVID-19Pandemic stateshave used theirpowers to implementindividual emergencypublic health andeducation policies. Scenario #9: Ateenager goesduck huntingwith her fatherin October.Scenario 20 Jim wasacquitted of allcharges for a crimehe was accused ofcommitting. He cannever be chargedwith this crime again. Scenario #8: InPennsylvania, a personhas to be at least 16 yearsold to apply for a learner’spermit for driving; in Alaskayou can apply at age 14.  Scenario #6: Whenbeing interrogated bypolice, a personrefuses to answercertain questions andchooses to remainsilent. Scenario #7: When apassenger sues acity transportationauthority becauseshe sustained neckinjuries, the case isdecided by a jury, notby a judge. Scenario #2:Before enteringa suspect’shome, a policeofficer shows asearch warrant. Scenario #14: BryanCounty is forcing itsresidents to housemembers of theNational Guard in theirhomes duringpeacetime.  Scenario #5: A groupof people assembleon the National Mallin Washington, D.C.,to demand thewithdrawal of U.S.troops fromAfghanistan.Scenario #16: Apolice officeradministers aBreathalyzer testbecause she hasprobable cause thatthe driver may beunder the influence. Scenario #24Ryan went tothe Florida oversummer break.   Scenario #4: In 1965,the Supreme Courtfound that coupleshave a right to “maritalprivacy,” which is notspecifically mentionedin the Constitution.  

Bill of Rights BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Scenario #15: A family displays a Nativity scene on the front lawn during Christmas.
  2. Scenario #1: The death penalty is only legal in certain states and can only be used in cases of homicide.
  3. Scenario #19 Seth was charged with a crime and wants his trial to be decided by a jury of his peers.
  4. Scenario # 23 Susan was convicted of stealing $50.00 worth of makeup from a store. Her punishment was to pay the store and complete community service hours.
  5. Scenario #13: A student chooses to sit silently in his seat during the Pledge of Allegiance.
  6. Scenarios #17 Sam has secured the proper paperwork to obtain a firearm in his state.
  7. Scenario #21 Todd sued his brother Tim for damages relating to a car wreck. Todd opted to have the case heard by a jury.
  8. Scenario #3: A registered voter receives a summons to report for jury duty.
  9. Scenario #11: A person accused of murder cannot afford to hire a lawyer and is assigned a public defender.
  10. Scenario #18 The road in your town is being widened from a 2 lane to a 4 lane. The government has offered to buy a portion of your land to expand the road way.
  11. Scenario #10: During election season, a local newspaper publishes an editorial endorsing one candidate over another.
  12. Scenario #12: In 2000, members of the Ku Klux Klan organized a rally outside of a courthouse in Skokie, Illinois, a historically Jewish town.
  13. Scenario #22 During the COVID-19 Pandemic states have used their powers to implement individual emergency public health and education policies.
  14. Scenario #9: A teenager goes duck hunting with her father in October.
  15. Scenario 20 Jim was acquitted of all charges for a crime he was accused of committing. He can never be charged with this crime again.
  16. Scenario #8: In Pennsylvania, a person has to be at least 16 years old to apply for a learner’s permit for driving; in Alaska you can apply at age 14.
  17. Scenario #6: When being interrogated by police, a person refuses to answer certain questions and chooses to remain silent.
  18. Scenario #7: When a passenger sues a city transportation authority because she sustained neck injuries, the case is decided by a jury, not by a judge.
  19. Scenario #2: Before entering a suspect’s home, a police officer shows a search warrant.
  20. Scenario #14: Bryan County is forcing its residents to house members of the National Guard in their homes during peacetime.
  21. Scenario #5: A group of people assemble on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., to demand the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan.
  22. Scenario #16: A police officer administers a Breathalyzer test because she has probable cause that the driver may be under the influence.
  23. Scenario #24 Ryan went to the Florida over summer break.
  24. Scenario #4: In 1965, the Supreme Court found that couples have a right to “marital privacy,” which is not specifically mentioned in the Constitution.