person 18y.o. orolder who has adisability orcondition thatcauses the personto be at risk forharmact orbehavior thatmeets yourneeds, notthe person'sbrief act orbehavior ofbeing over-involvedw/the personan act or behavioror thought thatwarns of aboundary crossingor violationknowledgeof what isright conductand wrongconductknowing,intentional, ornegligent act bya careginver orother person toan older adultviolating a person'sright not to have hisor her name, photo,or private affairsexposed or madepublic without givingconsentunlawfulrestraint orrestriction of aperson'sfreedom ofmovementintentionallyattempting orthreatening totouch a personw/o person'sconsenta rule ofconductmade by agovernmentbodylaws concernedw/offensesagainst thepublic andsociety ingeneralsaying or doingsomething totrick, fool ordeceive apersoncaregiver orresponsible personfails to protect avulnerable personfrom harm or providebasic life needsa person'sbehaviors and wayof living thatthreaten theperson's ownhealth, safety, andwell-beingphysical violence,sexual violence,stalking, orpsychologicalaggression by acurrent or formerpartnerprocess which aperson receives &understands info.about a tx. orprocedure & is ableto decide to receiveor refuse the tx.injuring aperson's nameand reputationby making falsestatements to athird personskills, care, andjudgementsrequired by ahealth teammemver undersimilar conditionsspearateshelpful actions&behaviors fromthose that arenot helpfulAn act thatviolates acriminallawintentional harm ormistreatment of achild under 18involving neglect,physical or emotionalharm, sexual abuseor exploitationtouching aperson'sbody w/oconcentwillful infliction ofinjury,unreasonableconfinement,intimidation ormental anguishviolation ofprofessionalinteractions w/anact, behavior orcomment that issexual in natureidentifying info. &info. about theperson's healthcare that ismaintained or sentin any formnegligenceby aprofessionalpersonlawsconcernedw/relationshipsb/t peoplemaking falsestatements in print,writing, email, textsposted on-line onwebsites, video sites& social mediamaking falsestatementsthrough spokenword, sounds,sign language,or gesturesperson 18y.o. orolder who has adisability orcondition thatcauses the personto be at risk forharmact orbehavior thatmeets yourneeds, notthe person'sbrief act orbehavior ofbeing over-involvedw/the personan act or behavioror thought thatwarns of aboundary crossingor violationknowledgeof what isright conductand wrongconductknowing,intentional, ornegligent act bya careginver orother person toan older adultviolating a person'sright not to have hisor her name, photo,or private affairsexposed or madepublic without givingconsentunlawfulrestraint orrestriction of aperson'sfreedom ofmovementintentionallyattempting orthreatening totouch a personw/o person'sconsenta rule ofconductmade by agovernmentbodylaws concernedw/offensesagainst thepublic andsociety ingeneralsaying or doingsomething totrick, fool ordeceive apersoncaregiver orresponsible personfails to protect avulnerable personfrom harm or providebasic life needsa person'sbehaviors and wayof living thatthreaten theperson's ownhealth, safety, andwell-beingphysical violence,sexual violence,stalking, orpsychologicalaggression by acurrent or formerpartnerprocess which aperson receives &understands info.about a tx. orprocedure & is ableto decide to receiveor refuse the tx.injuring aperson's nameand reputationby making falsestatements to athird personskills, care, andjudgementsrequired by ahealth teammemver undersimilar conditionsspearateshelpful actions&behaviors fromthose that arenot helpfulAn act thatviolates acriminallawintentional harm ormistreatment of achild under 18involving neglect,physical or emotionalharm, sexual abuseor exploitationtouching aperson'sbody w/oconcentwillful infliction ofinjury,unreasonableconfinement,intimidation ormental anguishviolation ofprofessionalinteractions w/anact, behavior orcomment that issexual in natureidentifying info. &info. about theperson's healthcare that ismaintained or sentin any formnegligenceby aprofessionalpersonlawsconcernedw/relationshipsb/t peoplemaking falsestatements in print,writing, email, textsposted on-line onwebsites, video sites& social mediamaking falsestatementsthrough spokenword, sounds,sign language,or gestures

Ethics & Laws - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. person 18y.o. or older who has a disability or condition that causes the person to be at risk for harm
  2. act or behavior that meets your needs, not the person's
  3. brief act or behavior of being over-involved w/the person
  4. an act or behavior or thought that warns of a boundary crossing or violation
  5. knowledge of what is right conduct and wrong conduct
  6. knowing, intentional, or negligent act by a careginver or other person to an older adult
  7. violating a person's right not to have his or her name, photo, or private affairs exposed or made public without giving consent
  8. unlawful restraint or restriction of a person's freedom of movement
  9. intentionally attempting or threatening to touch a person w/o person's consent
  10. a rule of conduct made by a government body
  11. laws concerned w/offenses against the public and society in general
  12. saying or doing something to trick, fool or deceive a person
  13. caregiver or responsible person fails to protect a vulnerable person from harm or provide basic life needs
  14. a person's behaviors and way of living that threaten the person's own health, safety, and well-being
  15. physical violence, sexual violence, stalking, or psychological aggression by a current or former partner
  16. process which a person receives & understands info. about a tx. or procedure & is able to decide to receive or refuse the tx.
  17. injuring a person's name and reputation by making false statements to a third person
  18. skills, care, and judgements required by a health team memver under similar conditions
  19. spearates helpful actions& behaviors from those that are not helpful
  20. An act that violates a criminal law
  21. intentional harm or mistreatment of a child under 18 involving neglect, physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation
  22. touching a person's body w/o concent
  23. willful infliction of injury, unreasonable confinement, intimidation or mental anguish
  24. violation of professional interactions w/an act, behavior or comment that is sexual in nature
  25. identifying info. & info. about the person's health care that is maintained or sent in any form
  26. negligence by a professional person
  27. laws concerned w/relationships b/t people
  28. making false statements in print, writing, email, texts posted on-line on websites, video sites & social media
  29. making false statements through spoken word, sounds, sign language, or gestures